Some thoughts?

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I think they should be defending themselves instead of relying on you to do it.

And that is exactly why you have problems interacting with the deaf community. They have already given me permission. Who are you to tell them what they should do when their wishes have already been expressed?
I was under the impression that your son was an adult. If he is 20, that means he was 2 in 1989. The implant was still in FDA trials at the time. How old is he?

Yes, my son is an adult. And no, he was not 2 in 1989. Yes, it was still in trials. What is your point, exactly?
First attempt at electrical stimulation of the cochlea was 1790 by Volta.

He stuck two metal rods in his ears and connected them to current.
And that is exactly why you have problems interacting with the deaf community. They have already given me permission. Who are you to tell them what they should do when their wishes have already been expressed?

I have never had a problem in the real Deaf community, just some close minded people here.

I thought the whole point of Deaf community activism was FOR the Deaf BY the Deaf. I thought they wanted an end to hearing people doing everything for (to) them.
Yes, my son is an adult. And no, he was not 2 in 1989. Yes, it was still in trials. What is your point, exactly?

I agreed that if I was in your position I would have done the same thing. Our situations are very different. Different children, different technology, different choices.
I have never had a problem in the real Deaf community, just some close minded people here.

I thought the whole point of Deaf community activism was FOR the Deaf BY the Deaf. I thought they wanted an end to hearing people doing everything for (to) them.

Hmmm...:hmm: I seem to remember a thread a while back about the problems you had with the Deaf community.

I am doing nothing for anyone. They are relating their experience, which you continually discount and ignore, and I am supporting their experience with empirical research. It is a mutually supportive relationship, not a paternalistic one that comes out with things like "I think the deaf community should..."
I have never had a problem in the real Deaf community, just some close minded people here.

I thought the whole point of Deaf community activism was FOR the Deaf BY the Deaf. I thought they wanted an end to hearing people doing everything for (to) them.

But yet you keep coming back, and getting upset, when this can really have no impact on your life or future.:hmm:
I agreed that if I was in your position I would have done the same thing. Our situations are very different. Different children, different technology, different choices.

Not at all. And you have no idea what you would have done in my shoes, as you have never been in my shoes.
Hmmm...:hmm: I seem to remember a thread a while back about the problems you had with the Deaf community.

I am doing nothing for anyone. They are relating their experience, which you continually discount and ignore, and I am supporting their experience with empirical research. It is a mutually supportive relationship, not a paternalistic one that comes out with things like "I think the deaf community should..."

Absolutly not. No Deaf person has ever had an unkind word to say to me or my real life.
But yet you keep coming back, and getting upset, when this can really have no impact on your life or future.:hmm:

Because I like drama. I see close minded people and I don't like it, so I refuse to let it go. Personality flaw.
Ok, basically there's another misconception going on.

faire_jour, basically it's like this, toned down to the layman of layman's terms.

jillio's been around for about a little past 2 years. From the start, she had to build her novice's reputation among alldeaf and fast foward two years later, much of the community here has accepted her standpoint on issues or share the same sentiments as her. Depending on what variation of an argument we are talking about, she usually seems to have a good understanding and perception of the issue.

If jillio wasn't able to make much of her ideas and opinions about things known, she'd still be bashed upon on posts today by _our_ own members.. but you don't see that going around very often except during bullfights.

Also.. one short note. If you were intent on hoping for good, quick replies from the deaf community outside of jillio -- it will take you quite, quite some time. Not much of them like to post, much yet like to say anything about specific things. It's just like the hearing world. Read something, don't share, move on. Would you have rathered that instead..? You should be a little on the positive that she can reply and post to topics quickly instead of waiting hours or a day for someone to stand up to say something.
Because I like drama. I see close minded people and I don't like it, so I refuse to let it go. Personality flaw.

It's ok with me. House implanted three people in the 1960's.
Absolutly not. No Deaf person has ever had an unkind word to say to me or my real life.

Okay, faire_jour. Whatever you say. It isn't worth my time to dig up your old posts.
I have never had a problem in the real Deaf community, just some close minded people here.

I thought the whole point of Deaf community activism was FOR the Deaf BY the Deaf. I thought they wanted an end to hearing people doing everything for (to) them.

As a rule we do a lot of community activism for the Deaf By the Deaf. Shel has been of the most active ones on this board. On the other hand, we hate having hearing people who ignore what we tell them about our needs 'help' us. jillio isn't one to ignore what we tell her.

There's a reason why I"m against oralism only. Although I didn't suffer the laungage delays unlike my many of my classmates, it was quite stressful trying to understand everyone around me with out any visusal ads. Athough I can do things with this implant that I couldn't do with my hearing aid, I still need terps in some classes due to poor auitory memory and I do better when I can see every thing.

Ok, basically there's another misconception going on.

faire_jour, basically it's like this, toned down to the layman of layman's terms.

jillio's been around for about a little past 2 years. From the start, she had to build her novice's reputation among alldeaf and fast foward two years later, much of the community here has accepted her standpoint on issues or share the same sentiments as her. Depending on what variation of an argument we are talking about, she usually seems to have a good understanding and perception of the issue.

If jillio wasn't able to make much of her ideas and opinions about things known, she'd still be bashed upon on posts today by _our_ own members.. but you don't see that going around very often except during bullfights.

Also.. one short note. If you were intent on hoping for good, quick replies from the deaf community outside of jillio -- it will take you quite, quite some time. Not much of them like to post, much yet like to say anything about specific things. It's just like the hearing world. Read something, don't share, move on. Would you have rathered that instead..? You should be a little on the positive that she can reply and post to topics quickly instead of waiting hours or a day for someone to stand up to say something.

I would much rather the Deaf community speak for themselves, yes. Why should I assume that the majority agree with a lone hearing poster. I would like to see the information they have, and where they draw their conclusions from, not her's.
Closed minded? :rofl:

So if someone doesn't agree with your views they are automatically closed minded?

What makes you think that you are not the one that is being closed minded.
Duchenne of Boulogne who, in 1855, stimulated the ear with an alternating current that he produced by inserting a vibrator into a circuit containing a condenser and induction coil. What resulted was a sound that resembled, ‘the beating of a fly’s wings between a pane of glass and a curtain’. (Clark) This was better, but still not satisfactory.

History of Cochlear Implants
In 1868, Brenner published a more extensive investigation of these effects that studied the effects of altering the polarity, rate and intensity of the stimulus, and placement of the electrodes, on the hearing sensation produced (cited by Simmons 1966). He found that hearing was better with an electrical stimulus that created a negative polarity in the ear, and that correct placement of the electrodes could reduce the unpleasant side effects. Brenner used bipolar stimulation, meaning that one electrode was placed in saline in the external auditory meatus, and the other was placed on a more distant part of the body. This electrode is now referred to as the Brenner electrode

History of Cochlear Implants
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