Snubbing the Deaf community?

Why does everyone that is deaf have to fit into a nice little hole that you all can plug? What if this person is just happy with the way their life is? Is it just possible that OMG they really don't need to fit into any group? Just because they are deaf? Maybe they have learned to accept their way of life and are happy with it. Perhaps the real upset here is the The Deaf community is being rejected and holy crap that just cannot be!! Not by one of your own!! You all have the mentality that you MUST intervene because OMG they are deaf and they must be enlightened, their lives would be so much better if they were. Well what if they just happen to love their life the way it is, gasp, without the deaf culture and community? You all analyze so much and determine so much. According to most of you, there is just no way a deaf person can be happy without deaf culture. You use terms like Deaf, and deaf, and hearies and you want to put everyone in this nice neat little category and if some one doesn't fit, you make them fit with assumptions and a new category. God forbid any one deaf person should ever live a happy fulfilled life as a deaf person that does not fit into your nice neat little acronyms. I am willing to bet 85% of the hearing world doesn't even know there is a deaf culture and I am sure there is a percentage of deaf that don't either. I am willing to bet that at least 75% of them don't even give it merit. All they want is to cure it. Finding a cure for other disabilities is NORMAL! They would rather cure it than continue to listen to all of the "deafies" bitch about the great lengths man kind has gone through to make the hearing world more accessible to you. It is never enough, and holy crap when we do come up with something close such as an implant you all scream leave us DEAF! Is it so hard to believe that maybe a few of your own have actually become disgusted with you that they now don't want anything to do with you? Your deaf culture is a bottomless pit in a world that has much more pressing matters at hand, and perhaps, just perhaps this deaf person is not snubbing the deaf culture but rising above it. Blast away.

actually everyone is born into a group if you think about it.... so really.. you fit into a group from birth...not wanting to belong to the group that they were born into is what's.."not normal" its like not accepting who you are... Even though you say they're happy... do you really think a deaf person ( in this case) is that happy in a hearing world? its like a black person in city full of whites or if a white person went to china.. they'd feel out of place somehow..
My friend who is culturally Deaf is also oral. That was how she and that girl were able to communicate with each other. When that girl complained to her about her issues of not fitting in with the hearing world, my friend suggested the Deaf community and ASL and that was when she made those comments
Well there seems to be a myth if you've got oral abilty, you'll be shunned by deafies. As long as you're openminded abt learning Sign and don't lord your oral abilty or "better education" generally you'll be accepted overall!
My point is that we are all people..let's say that all hearing people say that they arent interested in the Deaf community and dont want to meet us so that would mean several of us would be rejected as a group instead of as individuals. We arent of one personality, u know? It just got me thinking because I have heard of that phrase several times but never thought much into it until now. Then, I was like, "Wait a min...why reject all of us as a whole group?" If someone has a bad experience with the Deaf community because of a few people, reject THOSE people, not the rest of us because I for one, have no responsibility for those people who caused problems. Like people who refuse to befriend black people simply because of their color not because of personality clashes. It just makes me really sad because I work with Deaf children so these children are basically being rejected by society by no fault of their own. A big shame.

Oh yeah, I totally know what you mean. But I was thinking more along the lines that she might not be interested in Deaf culture as a topic or she might not be interested in the common thread that makes Deaf culture. But if she's shunning individuals just because they're Deaf that's another story.
Slightly :topic: but just noticing there are a lot of posts on this thread with huge chunks of text. I was wondering if people can try to break it up and create more paragraphs to make it easier for screen reader users to read. :ty:
Not sure what this has to do with this thread, but I feel it may be directly linked.

I met an HOH girl who primarily uses ASL and when in the presence of hearies simcoms. She told me hearing people are often mean to her, but not as mean as Deaf people.

This must be an awful experience and it is easy to understand why she, or someone like her, might reject overtures from the Deaf community, no matter how well meant.
Well there seems to be a myth if you've got oral abilty, you'll be shunned by deafies. As long as you're openminded abt learning Sign and don't lord your oral abilty or "better education" generally you'll be accepted overall!

Do you always read Martian translations?

There is a truth that if you don't use sign you will be shunned by the deaf community.

It has nothing to do with oral skills, unless you insist that is how people must communicate.

I unserstand where deafdyke is coming from.

THere used to be a deaf community in a small town I went to that if you were didn't go to the provincial school for the deaf, you weren't "Deaf." Mind you, most of these individuals are 60 and over.
Do you always read Martian translations?

There is a truth that if you don't use sign you will be shunned by the deaf community.

It has nothing to do with oral skills, unless you insist that is how people must communicate.

It is about respecting cultural norms, one of which is the use of ASL.

I unserstand where deafdyke is coming from.

THere used to be a deaf community in a small town I went to that if you were didn't go to the provincial school for the deaf, you weren't "Deaf." Mind you, most of these individuals are 60 and over.

I think it is something you see in older deaf, moreso than the younger generation. But given the history, I'd say that is very understandable.

I unserstand where deafdyke is coming from.

THere used to be a deaf community in a small town I went to that if you were didn't go to the provincial school for the deaf, you weren't "Deaf." Mind you, most of these individuals are 60 and over.

That has absolutely nothing to do with what I just said.

But on the subject, I have Grandparents who did the state school and I am mainstream and everyone considered me just as deaf.
I was referring to this part:

"Well there seems to be a myth if you've got oral abilty, you'll be shunned by deafies.'
Yes, you did. With different words.:giggle: I was rephrasing. It is a professional hazard.:giggle:

You are my favorite psych person. I thought you were trying to contradict me.

Sorry. I am in one of the moods where I will rip out the throats of people who dare naysay me.

I think it is something you see in older deaf, moreso than the younger generation. But given the history, I'd say that is very understandable.

Unfortunately, in smaller communities--- the older Deaf are the ones that make up the majority, if not all, of that population. And for the most part, people who grew up up orally, their only exposure to the Deaf community are among those.

I used to think ti was a rare thing, but according to the interpreters, it's pretty common among oral deaf that has felt shunned by other deaf people-- those oral deaf usually come from small towns.

That was a lonely town. Out of 20 individuals there, only 3 were under 50.... me, and two other deaf guys. I was the only "culturally" Deaf person out of that young trio.
Oh yeah, I totally know what you mean. But I was thinking more along the lines that she might not be interested in Deaf culture as a topic or she might not be interested in the common thread that makes Deaf culture. But if she's shunning individuals just because they're Deaf that's another story.

That was what my friend told me. That she doesnt want to meet any individuals from the Deaf community. When she found out that my friend is a part of the Deaf community, she asked her if she used that thing with her hands also. My friend was speechless but tried not to be rude back to her as she figured that this lady probably was close-minded about the Deaf community. She did bring up a good point..why completely reject a community as a whole rather than individuals? If someone from the Deaf community was mean to that lady, reject THAT person, not the rest of us. I am not responsible for any else's bad experiences with people from the Deaf community..only just my own actions.
You are my favorite psych person. I thought you were trying to contradict me.

Sorry. I am in one of the moods where I will rip out the throats of people who dare naysay me.


Hope everything is ok. :hug: