skip breakfast will make you FAT.
I eat breakfast everyday. Without I would feel like tired.
That's your opinion, anyway.
why I learn from my class in High School 2 years
Keep your mouth zip before you attack on me for wrong info.
skip breakfast would make you fat? - Google Search
That's your opinion, anyway.
Actually, it is a fact that people are more than likely to gain weight if they skip breakfast on a daily basis.
Breakfast = "Breaking the Fast"
That's why they call it breakfast. You need to break your fast once you get up in the morning. If not, your metabolism will be not working properly.
I don't agree about it's fact but it's health specialist that make opinion.
I have some of my friends that has been skipped breakfast for long time or many years and they don't get fats or weight gains.
I have some of my friends that has been skipped breakfast for long time or many years and they don't get fats or weight gains.
I have cheesecake for my breakfast today and it's good but who cares if it's not part of breakfast.
But can you claim that they are fit and healthy? No bad habits like smoking and such?
Don't forget that some people has chemicals inside their bodies, like within the saliva that causes the body to metabolize at an abnormal rate.
It maybe happens to certain people.
Some people can't eat breakfast due health reason like few ADers did mention.
What health reasons? I don't see any in this thread.
not a health reason
did you see the food the eat over there?
Is that why I get tired at work every morning because I didn't eat breakfast?
not a health reason
did you see the food the eat over there?
stuff like black pudding would make anyone sick![]()