Liebling:-))) said:$19.99 to $29.99? :jaw: Is it including fix (work labor) and tax? That´s terrible cheap!!! I just told my hubby about your post... and also other posts about window prices, too...
My hubby explained that alot of Germans prefer to have special tank-glass on their cars to protect to damage people´s face if accidents comes... That´s why tank-glass for car is expensive... If you want cheap window screen for your car... it could be risk... if you drive.. .little stones jump on car window screen... it could crack and splash on your face... Tank-glass won´t do that but just crack... not splash... I hope you understand what I mean... I know I´m not very good describe about tank-glass window screen... I understand now after got explanation from my hubby.
It´s same with double-glazing window at houses... not single glazing window at houses... because it´s safety...
ButterflyGirl said:We do have tempered glass (tank-glass as you call it) here in USA for our vehicles.
I am curious about your price $600.00. Is that in German or US dollars?
what should she do with damage car while she spend accident money for a trip to England... Still driving damage car or what? wow
FreeWoman77 said:I understand u pretty well,
I releived...
I think in USA there is tank-glass too, I got car accident man's who hit my car, rear bumper, car totaled airbag deployed but glass fine no cracked
my new toyota 4runner got cracked glass recently but didnt collapsed to my face just hold where it has been on windowscreen til I called my insurance to take care of paying i paid only 100 dollars deductable i watched man pulled out that glass along with black soft tape? and put new glass with black..soft tape? (dont know what to spell its covered the end of glass u know) crack might be caused by frozen in winter it was chipped on road arrived home late night auto glass is closed.. in the next morning it got worse cracked![]()
It´s exactly what my hubby explained me yesterday... It also protect frozen from winter time... That´s why we have tank-glass (tempered glass - thanks Butterflygirl for teach me American language)...
a rent car I mistaken declined cuz I thought only a night, so thought i will have to pay out of my pocket and called to find out how much, 19.99 to 29.99 I think not tax included but laborthat what I was :jaw: not bad than I thought but crack glass
I was also :jaw: over window price... It could be not tempered glass?
I dont know how much for, danny throwed snowball to young man's car u said no crack but scratch it would be like 19.99 to 29.99 but 600![]()
Tamara said:495.50 EUR = 797.195 AUD
I am having a heart attack seeing this price oh sheeeezz!!
Liebling:-))) said:Yep, young man pick expensive and quality window screen because he know my insurance is agree to replace a new window screen for him... :roll:
Here in Germany tempered-glass cost between €250 and €600 (depend how kind of car types).
^Angel^ said:I still think 6 hundred dollars is alot, but glad to hear that your insurance will pay for it ..![]()
Cheri said:Wait a minute Liebling before going ahead and pay this guy, This guy need to get 3 cost estimates on the window, and you choose which is the lowest price for you to pay, That is only fair because that's exactly what I did, when my son hit a baseball and it hit someone else's house window and broke a window, I took full responsible for the action my son did, but I told the neighbor that I want three estimates on how much it is going to cost to replace that window and I found someone who would do it for 100.00, He had no choice because it's a brand new window replacement, He cannot just choose any price he feels like it.
600.00 is way too much and a rip off in my opinion. Don't let him take advantage of you, Be tough, and tell him you want three estimates, He has no choice.
Cheri said:That is wrong thing to do! Never take advantage of people who paying to repair your window or vehicle. When someone damaged your property, they are paying for the damage not giving you pocket money to spend on something else. It shows that you are greedy and dishonest. If you have money left over after repairing the right thing to do is give back the left over balance.![]()
diehardbiker65 said:Hey Liebling, I remember you said about alot positives and safety in your hometowm... WTF? is it really ok for anyone to kidnap any kids for 59 minutes, and cop won't do anything? Not here!!! Here EVEN if one second, will have FULL blown investigation!!! Im glad I live here where anyone dare to touch my son for EVEN one second to deal with full blown investigation!
There is ABSOLUTELY NO excuse for anyone to take my kids, not even for one second without my authorization, P E R I O D! Thank god for America!
PurrMeow said:OH bummer~ My bf's mother had gotten damaged by hails that cracked when hails hit last Friday. Unbelievable that they didn't charge her for replace the window . It was free. Darn I am so jealous of her heh
jazzy said:I am sorry u had to deal with it. we replaced our car window many times and $600 is way too much money. It costs us average $175 depend on the size of window. soon I have to replace my car window but don't want to cuz it will crack again and again and again.
Umm so this man is a child of cop? I don't trust them, they are worst kind of people. After dealing with my neice who used to date this boy whose father is a cop. I wanted to kick his a#$ for put my neice in jail after tried to take his key away when he was drunk. His daddys' friend cops threw my neice in jail for stratch his face when she tried to take his key away cuz she does not want him to drive around drunk. Then cops let this boy go and he drove home drunk. That anger me more when I think of this but thank God judge were on my neice's case and he dismissed it.