jazzy said:Umm so this man is a child of cop? I don't trust them, they are worst kind of people. After dealing with my neice who used to date this boy whose father is a cop. I wanted to kick his a#$ for put my neice in jail after tried to take his key away when he was drunk. His daddys' friend cops threw my neice in jail for stratch his face when she tried to take his key away cuz she does not want him to drive around drunk. Then cops let this boy go and he drove home drunk. That anger me more when I think of this but thank God judge were on my neice's case and he dismissed it.
You mean these COPS are letting this boy drive home drunk? Those people had to be the dumbest keystone cops here for risking a life. *shaking head*
Liebling, I am sorry to hear what you and your family are going through....I hope it works out for you.