Cheri said:
How can you teach them? If it's legal to drink at the age of 16 or 18? They are going to tell you, Mom I can drink anyway I want, It's legal for me to drink. What are you gotta say? Oh shit!? LOL!
Well, good food and good wine are a natural part of Europe culture, that's how the children grow up with wine or beer as a normal part of life. (not heavy spirits). It is not uncommon to see young children being given a sip of wine to introduce them to the flavor, and learn how to enjoy the taste.
Europeans know how to enjoy themselves without causing trouble when they drink alcohol and more civilized because they learn at early age.
That's why teenagers learn how to respect when it comes to alcohol, or similar substances. In Europe, most parents can sit down with their child and have a beer or glass of wine during meal. It’s about respect and open and broad-minded, that's how they learn to act maturely.
I prefer to educate children to open mind and respect anything than hide something from them. Its teach moderation and responsible drinking at a very early age is the best.
How can we expect children to be responsible about this sort of thing when adults aren’t? Teenagers have the chance to experiment at this age and up to a point I think they should be allowed to.
The study shows that the strict parents were with alcohol in the home, would more likely the children suffer from alcoholism later as the strict laws would cause people later abuse. We know that forbid young people to drinking does not work. All what they do is learn to handle their responsible how to limit and respect alcohol.
If you treat young adults like children, they will act like children.
I agree that British teenagers are the mainly worst country to use alcohol and drugs than all of Europe countries because they never being taught how to respect alcohol. I know because my parents never let me try alcohol and never educated us about alcohol but just say "No, you can't because you are too young" or "you are allow to drink when you are adult". I was like huh and go to friends's house to try alcohol to hide from my parents. I thought alcohol is for the fun and also make me feel adult until I married and live in Germany. There in Germany, I learn awful alot which total different as England. I look at children's maturity because their is better than me when I was their age.

Yes, I look at British children which total different as German children. British teenagers act immature, disrespect and careless than other cultures, we visited to.