Very true, Vampy.
I remember what my hubby told me that’s time we first met in England where he and group from deaf club travel to London from Germany in 1983 with bus. They drank German beers where the driver have in their bus since they knows that British beer is too bad and diluted with water. Anyway, the driver spot the “police stop” at freeway so they stop... They thought the British police check with them for drinking or ID… but they don’t… Guess what…Police are not interesting to check their ID but German beers…

The driver was like

and asked passengers for the permission either he can sell beers to police (they know Germans need German beer, not British beer)… They don’t mind to let police to buy German beers… They can live with British beer for few days before went back to Germany…

I laughed when Germans told us at Deaf Club… Germans were like

when they saw British drink real faster than them…because Germans drink slowly…
Other subject:
We began to notice that British drink faster when we were in England for our vacation.
My hubby went to pub with British men to leave me with my friends… They drank faster – it’s their 3rd pint where my hubby drank only half pint of beer… My hubby told them to slow down and take time to make social… but all what they drinking and talk and keep on drinking… They began to drunk bit but my hubby because my hubby said that British beer is diluted with water which it’s nothing too him. He needs strong beer… My Dad warned him that it’s too strong beer… For my hubby, is normal and drink moderately. My Dad and brother drink fast than my hubby… It doesn’t mean that my Dad, brother or my friends become alcoholic but “binge-drinking” – I would call it. My hubby said that it’s total different as Germany… I have to agree with him since I began notice since I live in Germany how the people behave with social when they drink different than British.
Did you know that German beer is the best quality in the world? A lot of people from other countries including Americans love German beers.