Cheri said:

How is it my fault? I did not offer them a sip of alcohol, Someone else did, that person broke the law not me. Children do not get alcohol by going to the store and pursharse because there a law, if you sell alchol to a minor you'll be jailed and fined.
Look Cheri, I wasn't pointing finger you.. I'm speaking general.. cuz I'm only say "If you're willing sip your child while special ossicain events likely eg: christmas, New Year, July 4th or wha..ever depends special holidays" Isn't harm.. No...
IF you can handle and know how do that... That's fine.. as long you're good handle.. of course.. as long your choice.. ain't mine business.. I do respect everyones likely european cultures.. I've seen my friend who european and allow them sip their child and have together family celebrating for special ossicain. I cannot say anything more about them..
If you're already warn your child or my child... about isn't proprite booze for you.. Your or my child will say.. *nodding* yeah.. but still will come behind your back.. doesn't know what happending next.. Unexpect your or my child already passed out and empty beer or whisky wha..ever ? Depend that really seriouis situation crititail so..
Im not here *pointing finger at you.. Ohh Cheri is bad.. " No I never say that.. Just Im telling anyone whoever.. just let them know.. which I've been there already seen my older son had it! So I thought I carried it to you "let u know" in case if your child/teenager may future turns into rebel you or more any kinds.
That's all
Sorry you was thought am I saying to you.. no no no..
Hey Cheri, Give me a hug!

You're doing great MOTHER.. and wonderful young children fine! *wink*~
If someone sell booze to your child.. Yes you may rights press charge to that person who trying to sell.. Unless your child can tell police of your story..
Means not your fault.. no..
If someone sell boose to your child... and already drank the bottle.. means cannot blame to someone.. Press charge will come both! Diffculites sides story..
That scary for me.. Yes.. I'm truth.. big time.. yes!