SEE is a language... It's English...

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Wirelessly posted

jillio said:
Keep banging your head against that brick wall Jillio. Maybe you'll knock some sense into yourself. Or most likely not.
I absolutely, at no point ever on this forum or anywhere in my life have claimed that I, or what I do is superior. I said it worked for me and my child.

You don't have to state it dear. You exude it.:cool2:

than what on earth are you excuding!!! Can you even see the rest of us from your high-horse?
My stance on this:

Mode/code: Speech, sign, text, etc.
Language: ASL, English, Esperanto, etc.

English was "designed" to be an auditory language. It will always work better auditorily. You CAN put it in text or sign, and it CAN work, but IMO it works best auditorily.

ASL was "designed" to be a visual language. It will always work best visually. You COULD put it in text or speech, and it COULD work, but IMO it works best visually.

Same deal for ANY language.
Wirelessly posted

than what on earth are you excuding!!! Can you even see the rest of us from your high-horse?

You mistake someone with compassion and information and education trying to provide information to those who don't normally have access to it.

It bothers me that people seemingly dismiss, or attack, a poster who has provided *SO* much information to the Deaf community that we would not normally have. It *really* bothers me.

I like what Jillio has to say. She so effortlessly bridges the gap for me between the Deaf and hearing world. A true translator.
My stance on this:

Mode/code: Speech, sign, text, etc.
Language: ASL, English, Esperanto, etc.

English was "designed" to be an auditory language. It will always work better auditorily. You CAN put it in text or sign, and it CAN work, but IMO it works best auditorily.

ASL was "designed" to be a visual language. It will always work best visually. You COULD put it in text or speech, and it COULD work, but IMO it works best visually.

Same deal for ANY language.

^^^^^^ Yeah that!
You mistake someone with compassion and information and education trying to provide information to those who don't normally have access to it.

It bothers me that people seemingly dismiss, or attack, a poster who has provided *SO* much information to the Deaf community that we would not normally have. It *really* bothers me.

I like what Jillio has to say. She so effortlessly bridges the gap for me between the Deaf and hearing world. A true translator.

I second that rebeccalj :h5: (FJ, we are not the only ones who appreciate'll would probably need its own thread.)
I have not been here long but it was easy to, how do you say, key? into a hearie who *gets* it and can explain my own frustrations in articulating what I think and feel or want to speak. I have *never* known anyone like that. She has my fiercest loyalty because I know she *knows* what she is talking about even if I can't articulate it myself to say that I know that she knows. Now, if we are talking numbers I think she is lost to me. :laugh2:

Does this mean I have a *woman crush on our Jillio?* :giggle:
Wirelessly posted

actually, there are deaf people saying the exact same thing. They say she is dismissive to anyone who doesn't do things her way, as well as judgemental and mean. She tells them that they are wrong for their choices and that they are in denial and limited. Why? Because they are choosing to be deaf in a way that she doesn't like.

it is the exact same with the mother in this thread. The mother did something different than the "jillio way" so she must be called ignorant, uninformed, an audist and so on. Jillio's goal is clearly not to have a discussion but instead to drive away all those who have a different opinion, hearing or deaf.
you mistake someone with compassion and information and education trying to provide information to those who don't normally have access to it.

It bothers me that people seemingly dismiss, or attack, a poster who has provided *so* much information to the deaf community that we would not normally have. It *really* bothers me.

i like what jillio has to say. She so effortlessly bridges the gap for me between the deaf and hearing world. A true translator.

My stance on this:

Mode/code: Speech, sign, text, etc.
Language: ASL, English, Esperanto, etc.

English was "designed" to be an auditory language. It will always work better auditorily. You CAN put it in text or sign, and it CAN work, but IMO it works best auditorily.

ASL was "designed" to be a visual language. It will always work best visually. You COULD put it in text or speech, and it COULD work, but IMO it works best visually.

Same deal for ANY language.

That is it in a nutshell.:wave:
Wirelessly posted

than what on earth are you excuding!!! Can you even see the rest of us from your high-horse?

You must really get some perverse pleasure out of being somewhere where you are so disliked.

Just how effective do you think you can be in your self proclaimed "advocating" when you alienated everyone months ago with your attitude> No one likes you, no one listens to you, they do not want or need your "advocacy" here. Go somewhere where people will at least tolerate you.
:ty: rebeccaj, Beclak, and Shel90.

Not to sound arrogant, but I realize from the number of times that members of this board have contacted me on a private basis to ask for help with issues regarding their deafness or educational advocacy for their deaf children that I am appreciated and the vast majority understand my motivation and the premise from which I operate. That is why, despite the vocal and vicious few that have seemed to develop some sort of a personal grudge against me have not been successful in keeping me quiet on this board. Nor will they ever be successful.

They have issues they need to deal with. If they don't want my input, fine. It doesn't matter to me one way or the other. But I will not sit idly by while they come in here and verbally abuse the other members of this board. I will not allow them to force their audist perspective down our proverbial throats. It is far past time for that behavior to be put to rest. The Deaf/deaf have suffered enough from that attitude. I will always be here to speak out against it, just as I will always be here to advocate for the most beneficial educational environment for the kids.:wave:
Wirelessly posted

"nobody likes you, go away"....if those aren't the words of a bully i have no idea what is...
Wirelessly posted

didn't you verbally abuse two deaf people until the thread was shut less than two days ago? Haven't you called every single person who disagrees with you names and successfully shut down any discussion that you don't agree with?

who has disrespected deaf people, deaf culture or ASL here? No one! Who has told a parent that they were ignorant and uninformed and implied that they were
:ty: rebeccaj, Beclak, and Shel90.

Not to sound arrogant, but I realize from the number of times that members of this board have contacted me on a private basis to ask for help with issues regarding their deafness or educational advocacy for their deaf children that I am appreciated and the vast majority understand my motivation and the premise from which I operate. That is why, despite the vocal and vicious few that have seemed to develop some sort of a personal grudge against me have not been successful in keeping me quiet on this board. Nor will they ever be successful.

They have issues they need to deal with. If they don't want my input, fine. It doesn't matter to me one way or the other. But I will not sit idly by while they come in here and verbally abuse the other members of this board. I will not allow them to force their audist perspective down our proverbial throats. It is far past time for that behavior to be put to rest. The Deaf/deaf have suffered enough from that attitude. I will always be here to speak out against it, just as I will always be here to advocate for the most beneficial educational environment for the kids.:wave:

:applaud: Jillio! We need more people like you. :ty: Thank you to OceanBreeze for your efforts as well. I personally don't know any others. I apologise, please don't hestitate to let yourself be known.
Wirelessly posted

"nobody likes you, go away"....if those aren't the words of a bully i have no idea what is...

They are the words of someone who is tired of putting up with your self centered nonsense. Your desire to play the victim is annoying. No one is concerned enough with you to victimize you.
Wirelessly posted

didn't you verbally abuse two deaf people until the thread was shut less than two days ago? Haven't you called every single person who disagrees with you names and successfully shut down any discussion that you don't agree with?

who has disrespected deaf people, deaf culture or ASL here? No one! Who has told a parent that they were ignorant and uninformed and implied that they were

1) Nope.

2) Nope.

3) Start with yourself.

4) You. As well as telling the deaf/Deaf members here the same thing.

:wave: Bye, bye now.
Wirelessly posted

didn't you verbally abuse two deaf people until the thread was shut less than two days ago? Haven't you called every single person who disagrees with you names and successfully shut down any discussion that you don't agree with?

who has disrespected deaf people, deaf culture or ASL here? No one! Who has told a parent that they were ignorant and uninformed and implied that they were

Did you not disrespect a deaf person here by laughing (giggling) at their pronunciation? Something that many deaf people have a hard time with? It doesn't matter that you felt attacked for spelling. Two wrongs don't make a right.
:ty: rebeccaj, Beclak, and Shel90.

Not to sound arrogant, but I realize from the number of times that members of this board have contacted me on a private basis to ask for help with issues regarding their deafness or educational advocacy for their deaf children that I am appreciated and the vast majority understand my motivation and the premise from which I operate. That is why, despite the vocal and vicious few that have seemed to develop some sort of a personal grudge against me have not been successful in keeping me quiet on this board. Nor will they ever be successful.

They have issues they need to deal with. If they don't want my input, fine. It doesn't matter to me one way or the other. But I will not sit idly by while they come in here and verbally abuse the other members of this board. I will not allow them to force their audist perspective down our proverbial throats. It is far past time for that behavior to be put to rest. The Deaf/deaf have suffered enough from that attitude. I will always be here to speak out against it, just as I will always be here to advocate for the most beneficial educational environment for the kids.:wave:

I am glad that some people are reaching out and getting help in getting the resources they need. :)
Impossible. I was looking forward to following and learning more about the OPs experiences using SEE. It's unreasonable that this person's perspective and the account of a deaf child's experience is being shut down, the discussion turned into a battle over theory and hearsay and a hearing poster's self-affirmation which will likely be closed by mods because of the COMPLETELY OFF-TOPIC vicious and personal nature of the attacks underway,as usual. This thread is not about how much J wants everyone to know that people love her and hate FJ. It's not about what FJ thinks of J's arrogance.

I wanted to read about this 7 year old child's experience with SEE, and any other direct experiences with SEE. I have all the hard data and research. The wonder of a thread like this is that you can find the learning tool used in real-life. And I realized that SEE is a mode of the English language, just as are written English and spoken English -- hadn't thought of it that way before. I'd think that J, who has not seen a SEE user before might be curious to know more about what's going on with this child's experience. I sure am.

Doesn't mean we have to all go out and switch methods. But I value the current experience being shared here by this poster. And I'd value examples from others who might have used SEE, either successfully or not so. We don't have to have this account of the method in use expunged from our forum after the usual battle to save our delicate minds from bearing witness to something some people don't like. We're big girls and boys and can use our own judgment.
Impossible. I was looking forward to following and learning more about the OPs experiences using SEE. It's unreasonable that this person's perspective and the account of a deaf child's experience is being shut down, the discussion turned into a battle over theory and hearsay and a hearing poster's self-affirmation which will likely be closed by mods because of the COMPLETELY OFF-TOPIC vicious and personal nature of the attacks underway,as usual. This thread is not about how much J wants everyone to know that people love her and hate FJ. It's not about what FJ thinks of J's arrogance.

I wanted to read about this 7 year old child's experience with SEE, and any other direct experiences with SEE. I have all the hard data and research. The wonder of a thread like this is that you can find the learning tool used in real-life. And I realized that SEE is a mode of the English language, just as are written English and spoken English -- hadn't thought of it that way before. I'd think that J, who has not seen a SEE user before might be curious to know more about what's going on with this child's experience. I sure am.

Doesn't mean we have to all go out and switch methods. But I value the current experience being shared here by this poster. And I'd value examples from others who might have used SEE, either successfully or not so. We don't have to have this account of the method in use expunged from our forum after the usual battle to save our delicate minds from bearing witness to something some people don't like. We're big girls and boys and can use our own judgment.

Then contact the OP and get her to post again. **shrug** I doubt much new progress has been seen in the last couple of days.

What a shame that you have such a problem with the Deaf posters in this thread. Again with the take over of the forum. First attempts to take over the CI threads, and now the language threads. It really seems to bother you when things are going smoothly and no one is arguing about anything. Just have to jump in and try to stir the pot, don't you? Oh, well, some people need to create drama. **shrug**
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