Secret Nazi hideout believed found in remote Argentine jungle

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I know what he said and I've never said he said he was proud of of it. I'm just telling you MY OPINION that he should be proud of ending WW2. get it?

Some people see the glass as half-empty..... some sees it as half-full....

we will not do it again? that's not up to us. that's up to enemy. we WILL retaliate without hesitation if a nuclear weapon is launched against us. that's why we have Seawolf-class submarines roaming around the sea, waiting to strike at any nation stupid enough to use nuke. oh btw - that submarines have enough nukes to annihilate the entire world.

USA #1. World Peace! :cool2:

This is outragous. Well ****, if u dont have a plm with using nukes on innocent pople, mine as well use poison gas too, add some bio weapons why not...
Kill them all!!
You find no issue with one sub having the ability to destroy this entire woRld?
this is simply nuts...
I wonder what would have happened if ussr had not turned around in cuba crisis
And the plm is, more nations will get these lovely americn toys. Because they see how well nukes worled for america. They see america only fights and faces nations with no nukes...
Its really only a matter of time.
of course it a case of when not if.Many of these nukes are Russian left over from conflicts..I agree on many levels with you and I think average American and brit do but listening to average joe don't hack it..they got idiot for president we had Blair another one not a clue,but what you suggest IS came about because of West DO you think we should let them get on with or blow themselves to buggery take rest of us with them or watch.We started this mess AND got stop in what ever way people who prepared to nuke world to bits and not stop them with nukes.
lessons have not been learnt korea Vietnam etc I don't want piss people with my views
What would have happened if Germany or Japan had developed nuclear weapons technology before America did?

What would have happened if America didn't have the nuclear capability to deter the former Soviet Union with its weapons?
That is my point. the very monsters you claim to oppose would of just as easily done what america did.
If yoir going to do the same deads as monsters, yoir deeds a monster will make.
The is this is not just aboit ww2. it was easy when you were the only bully with the biggest club. Other bullies.hwve yiur weaoons, and more will soon get them. Csnt u seebthe terror in bio weapons? Or poson gas? Or nuclear halucaust?
You ask what ifs to justify war crimes.
Fact is the nazis where defeted without nukes. The jaos could of been too. There was a movment within jap rsnks to surrender, they where not as stupid as some think. Not all of them wsnted to fsce the americans.
But thats history, and the weapons your so proud of sre bieng developed by nstions like iran, who wont give a **** to unleash allah when it suits there mullahs will.
But the americans didnt take pandora into account did you?
Hubris to think your fancy toys that obliterate entire.cities in a flash, would alwwys only be yours. we got lucky with the russians. Madd worked
I doubt the fear.of mutual assured dedrruction whifh is mad, essentiallly the entire world is held hostsge due to nations with nukes. I doubr mad will work with those wanting 79 virgins with allah in paradice.
Im not going to mock as jiro did those who where vanquished by nukes for smerican glory. Was japan A threat to americas existance? You really believe the jaow were going to conquer nyc, and msrch thebrising sun.from the pacific all the way to.d.c.
No of course not.
They didnr even.want to.
The japs could of been handled without the need of nukes. And years before.noteven.long before your nstions both were working together to put downthe chinese..
So spare me.the evil japanese empire nonsense. If they where so evil, why the hell did america even work with them to begin with?
And now we have a world.becoming unhinged, we hwve nufkewr armed states like pakistan north korea, soon iran, and others
Only a matter od time reba,before yiur pandora comes home to roost
That is my point. the very monsters you claim to oppose would of just as easily done what america did.
If yoir going to do the same deads as monsters, yoir deeds a monster will make.
No. Same technology, not same deeds.

The is this is not just aboit ww2. it was easy when you were the only bully with the biggest club. Other bullies.hwve yiur weaoons, and more will soon get them. Csnt u seebthe terror in bio weapons? Or poson gas? Or nuclear halucaust?
We've had the technology to do those things but we haven't. We've twice used nuclear weapons for specific tactical reasons. We've never launched a nuclear holocaust.

America isn't a bully. Size and strength doesn't make one a bully. How that size and strength is controlled and used is the difference.

You ask what ifs to justify war crimes.
Nope. But that's the way you see things. That's your world view.

. . . So spare me.the evil japanese empire nonsense. If they where so evil, why the hell did america even work with them to begin with?
I never used that term.

And now we have a world.becoming unhinged, we hwve nufkewr armed states like pakistan north korea, soon iran, and others
Only a matter od time reba,before yiur pandora comes home to roost
Is that what you want? To what end?

Do you really believe that no other nations would have acquired nuclear weapons if the US hadn't done so first?
You are the only country ever to use nukes to attack another country. hitler didnt do thst, stalin didnt do that, the japs didnt do that, saddam didnt do that, these guys of course would have no issues at all with using nukes and the mass murder of innocent peoplE. Mmmm nice company yoir in jiro.
America is the only country ever to use nukes to attack another. That is a fact, feel free to, and you claim she will never do it? Or do it again?
so we should just take your word for it..
Lets see america pick on someon. Their own size, oh wsit...masybe that was grenada, mmmm, no, how about panama, tsk tsk, no mmmmmm how about iraq, no,,,,
With nukes too and you have used them...

Only because US developed it first. Both sides were trying to make one.
No. Same technology, not same deeds.

We've had the technology to do those things but we haven't. We've twice used nuclear weapons for specific tactical reasons. We've never launched a nuclear holocaust.

No you just used them on innocents, nice

America isn't a bully. Size and strength doesn't make one a bully. How that size and strength is controlled and used is the difference.
Tell me, how americas size, and strength was used against the natives, how was americans strength controlled? Are claiming americs wasnt a bully in the conquest of her manifest destiny against natives? Really? The nazi sure where proud of the american accomplishment..keep patting yourself on the back for a genocide well done..

Is that what you want? To what end?

I want my children children to be able to live in a wolrd where its destruction isnt dictated by the whimes one sub or one nation. Who the hell do you think you Are
Nope. But that's the way you see things. That's your world view.
Yes rebs,i realy and truly believe the targeting and murder of innocent civvilans with weapons of mas. Destruction is a war crime.
clearly you dont,neither did hitler, stalin, nor saddam
Good keep

Do you really believe that no other nations would have acquired nuclear weapons if the US hadn't done so first?
Do you truly believe no other nations will aquire them and use them against you?
Suggest read history of Rhineland... Have fun!

If your not sure of time frame, its at its earliest years of Hitler rising their power. And research Treaty of Versailles and see its relationship to Rhineland.
. . . Who the hell do you think you Are
Someone who is willing to discuss topics without personal insults. However, I'm not going to continue to feed a troll who can't do the same.
Germany and Soviet have tried to figure out how to build A bomb long before America dropped couple of them, but American just lucky to have right guys figuring out for them.

So here is question, will other country figure out how to make A bomb if America never develop one?

In reality, ending WWII have not solve many of issues, plus increasing fear factor because the rest of countries found out about A bomb, they said whoa! Better wait until we have what they have before starting another war.

We won't have peace until every damn countries lay down weapons of any kind and start minding their own business.

What would have happened if Germany or Japan had developed nuclear weapons technology before America did?

What would have happened if America didn't have the nuclear capability to deter the former Soviet Union with its weapons?
I have not insulted you once.
Im pointing Out the rather glaring hypocracy in your posts.
and.its for all to see. The question you qouted is vaLid. Because these weapona can destroy this entire world. Its absolutely nuts, to have these things. long after u and i are dead.future generations willstill be dealing with nuke waste and these weapons. its extrememly short sighted, yes who the hell do you think you are?
by any definition.nukes are weapons of mass destruction. if you deny this then.simply demonstrate that they are not.
Your nation is the only nation ever to use them against another, yet has invaded and.conquered another nation, iraq, on the proven lies tha. Sada. still had them, it should noted that sadam used the very weapons of mass desteuction, your nation suplied him,
You rail against nazi evil, yet ignore your nation has done the very nazi dream. Genocide.
You have justified the use of mass murder by weapons of destruction by Simplu arguin. it wasnt america getting them first, some one else would.
Thats rather lke
"If you didnt kill her, some one else would"
Its unbecoming a.christian. And i say this as a non christian.
im sorry if my words have offended you,
its always a plessure to see and speak to you.
Right perl harbor, and that justifies the use of nukes with you?
Only a matter time i figure until an american city eventualy gets a taste of their own medicine...
I can see the outrage now, considering how much 911 shook you guys, and that was a couple.of planes..
Once u actually fight big boys who caN defend themselves besides granada (cough), , panama, (cough), iraq (cough), and afghanistan ohh scary....maybe once you Face the total destruction of your cities, the burning to ash of your innocent.people,maybe then, you will get it..., the last 40 years, you invaded mutiple nations with your badass military, too bad not one had the means to actually defend themselves against your conquests And onslaught. yeah tough guys...i can see the outrage now,and i doubt any justification by who ever does to you, as in nukes your cities for what ever their reason will be accepted. Because contrary to what you hold. The mass murder of innocent civikians has no justisication.
How many died in.pearl harbour?
How many with the nukes?
The fire bombings?
Easy for the victors to gloat woe to the vanquished, same victors who pissed themselves scared ****less by what two plane. Rammed into A couple of buldings did on 911.
Tough guys
karma, it comes.round..
Tick tick tick,

So, you applaud japan for their sneaky and deceptive surprise attack?

Yup, karma was a real bitch - it got Hiroshima and Nagasaki completely destroyed.

Maybe Japan shouldn't have attacked?
You are the only country ever to use nukes to attack another country. hitler didnt do thst, stalin didnt do that, the japs didnt do that, saddam didnt do that, these guys of course would have no issues at all with using nukes and the mass murder of innocent peoplE. Mmmm nice company yoir in jiro.
America is the only country ever to use nukes to attack another. That is a fact, feel free to, and you claim she will never do it? Or do it again?
so we should just take your word for it..
Lets see america pick on someon. Their own size, oh wsit...masybe that was grenada, mmmm, no, how about panama, tsk tsk, no mmmmmm how about iraq, no,,,,
With nukes too and you have used them...



Come on admit it - we are numero uno and you are having a bout of ***** envy.
You are for now, but the future isnt so bright
The future can be a heck of a lot brighter with nuke explosions though ... just saying.

Oh, I almost forgot. The U.S. is the only country to have mini nuke warheads that can be fired from a recoilless rifle too.
So, you applaud japan for their sneaky and deceptive surprise attack?

Yup, karma was a real bitch - it got Hiroshima and Nagasaki completely destroyed.

Maybe Japan shouldn't have attacked?

No. Im pointing out the level of force.
If your going to claim a nation yours, can nuke another for attacking it with conventional weapons, japan attacked you, you nuked them.
rather like thay guy who gets sucker punched, then kills the attacker
good luck with your "he suprised sucker punched me defence"
The level of to the attack. Kill kill kill kill them all, doesnt cut it...yawn...
further. if your alright with the mass murder of innocent people for a suprise attack, then its hard to wag a finger at the next guys, and thyre will be who will be attacking your nation...
It comes around.
The future can be a heck of a lot brighter with nuke explosions though ... just saying.

Oh, I almost forgot. The U.S. is the only country to have mini nuke warheads that can be fired from a recoilless rifle too.

Right,and the nazis had some badass poison gas too.
Whats your point?
Americas dick is bigger, or your weapons of mass destruction are more destructive.
Nice to be proud of that.
Next american city hit with terrorism guess we can cop it to that what goes around, comes around. Type of thing. Its a lesson most kids used to learn in life,
A lesson there for you, if you cared to look. A wise man once chimed something like "do unto others......."
You can google the. Rest
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