Russia proposes change in the Constitution.

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There's reason because you aren't live in America for any long time, if you did then you would experience about different political system, background and cultural, there's no police state in our country, even our constitutional says so. Our country is more conservative when compare to many countries in EU and we don't need follow EU policies.

I have agree with Jiro so far.

I aware that there're different background and culture around the world when I did not live there. Nobody label us as an anti-American, anti-German or whatever when we exchanged our POV over our different system when we want to agree to disagree....

I do not see anything that I said that you should follow EU polities but exhange the POV over different background and culture why I agree or disagree, that's all.

It means that you ignore many different background and culture around the world and exhange the POV if you agrees with Jiro. It call itself as an anti-foreigner.
if you want to know a very very good description/definition of Police State aka "Big Brother" - read George Orwell's books: Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984) and Animal Farms.

That's what I've been tryin' to tell behind my words, but no body will believe me. They say it is paranoid or that I don't have any back up to it to prove my case. There's one guy who used to be a member of this AD told me that he don't like what he was readin' when I gave him a link a year or 2 ago.

I already knew about " Big Brother " and " Police State " more than 10 years ago. It's very pity to see that some of ADers still call me an " ignorant " about EVERYTHIN'. I feel so sorry for them because, they are really blind and refused to research it themselves to learn about the truth.

Our Constitution is dead - don't know if some of it still alive... only maybe, small parts left. It is still displayed only once per year in Washington, D.C. -- when it is done displayed for all people to see, it will lower down to the bottom where the vault is and close it until next time. I am wonderin' if, there's a NEW Constitution since everythin' change so much lately ? Perhaps like United Nation's Constitution ?
That's what I've been tryin' to tell behind my words, but no body will believe me. They say it is paranoid or that I don't have any back up to it to prove my case. There's one guy who used to be a member of this AD told me that he don't like what he was readin' when I gave him a link a year or 2 ago.

I already knew about " Big Brother " and " Police State " more than 10 years ago. It's very pity to see that some of ADers still call me an " ignorant " about EVERYTHIN'. I feel so sorry for them because, they are really blind and refused to research it themselves to learn about the truth.

Our Constitution is dead - don't know if some of it still alive... only maybe, small parts left. It is still displayed only once per year in Washington, D.C. -- when it is done displayed for all people to see, it will lower down to the bottom where the vault is and close it until next time. I am wonderin' if, there's a NEW Constitution since everythin' change so much lately ? Perhaps like United Nation's Constitution ?

You seem to have some obsession over United Nations. What's up with that? Been watching too much Star Trek - some United Federation of Planets or something? :hmm:
You seem to have some obsession over United Nations. What's up with that? Been watching too much Star Trek - some United Federation of Planets or something? :hmm:

She's probably dream too much, just sit on beauty, comfortable bed.
I really can't understand why you think the UK is a police state, if it's the cameras we have everywhere, the majority of the public are behind them, if they weren't, being a democratic country we'd have them removed, I know you will find some examples of people who hate them, i could also find examples of people who back them.

they have been installed in troublesome areas town centres etc, where fights are common place, they police can now protect the innocent public much quicker.

A women being abducted by a rapist has been saved due to the attack being spotted on cameras, the poilce got there 3 minutes after the abduction, the guy got away but was indetified by the public who recognised him from the footage, a five year old girl was adbucted in a village not far from me, a member of the public spotted it and alerted the police, who missed the guy, but the cameras located the van, police rushed to the scene and found the little girl bound and stuffed inside a sack, luckily they got there before he sexually abused her, and would have killed her, the man had raped and murdered another 7 young girls through the years, if we had had cameras back then we'd probally caught him then and saved lives.
Robbers, murders and even would be terrorists bombers have been caught before they could do anything.

they only people losing any privacy is criminals, terrorists and murderers, so I fail to see whats wrong with that, after all it's for our protection they are being used.

unless of course, there's another reason you think the UK is a police state? can't for the life of me work it out though, our police are very helpful, and as someone said don't carry guns, but there are armed response units on the move 24/7 in the uk and ready to respond to any incident. but as guns are not so readily available here, most incidents pass without the need for the response teams
You seem to have some obsession over United Nations. What's up with that? Been watching too much Star Trek - some United Federation of Planets or something? :hmm:

Read this --> United Nations - Future

And, I think it's time for you to quit thinkin' that I have some obsession over United Nations.
Read this --> United Nations - Future

And, I think it's time for you to quit thinkin' that I have some obsession over United Nations.

but it's time for you to start realizing UN is holding together by a thread because while it is wonderful conceptually.... realistically it's a disaster.
and also the fact we idea we don't have freedom of speech is just ridiculous and laughable, if that was the case then we'd have our own Guantánamo Bay, here the police can't arrest someone for freedom of speech, the only way we can if they incite violence.
the police have found themself not being able to arrest some of the muslim extremists spouting their drivel to the masses as it's an abuse of their human rights, now the vast majority of the Uk want them to be arrested for spouting hatred of the wetern world(and sent back home), but the police can't act until they incite violence, I wouldn't believe all the drivel you read online.
now if they could be arrested, locked up without a trial, now then that I would call a police state, but no, our laws are run by the justice system and the police have to abide by their laws.
I really can't understand why you think the UK is a police state, if it's the cameras we have everywhere, the majority of the public are behind them, if they weren't, being a democratic country we'd have them removed, I know you will find some examples of people who hate them, i could also find examples of people who back them.

they have been installed in troublesome areas town centres etc, where fights are common place, they police can now protect the innocent public much quicker.

A women being abducted by a rapist has been saved due to the attack being spotted on cameras, the poilce got there 3 minutes after the abduction, the guy got away but was indetified by the public who recognised him from the footage, a five year old girl was adbucted in a village not far from me, a member of the public spotted it and alerted the police, who missed the guy, but the cameras located the van, police rushed to the scene and found the little girl bound and stuffed inside a sack, luckily they got there before he sexually abused her, and would have killed her, the man had raped and murdered another 7 young girls through the years, if we had had cameras back then we'd probally caught him then and saved lives.
Robbers, murders and even would be terrorists bombers have been caught before they could do anything.

they only people losing any privacy is criminals, terrorists and murderers, so I fail to see whats wrong with that, after all it's for our protection they are being used.

unless of course, there's another reason you think the UK is a police state? can't for the life of me work it out though, our police are very helpful, and as someone said don't carry guns, but there are armed response units on the move 24/7 in the uk and ready to respond to any incident. but as guns are not so readily available here, most incidents pass without the need for the response teams

"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security" - Benjamin Franklin

btw - are you really Macian? Your post doesn't sound like you, Macian. I'm surprised that you used "you" instead of "yer" :hmm:
and also the fact we idea we don't have freedom of speech is just ridiculous and laughable, if that was the case then we'd have our own Guantánamo Bay, here the police can't arrest someone for freedom of speech, the only way we can if they incite violence.
the police have found themself not being able to arrest some of the muslim extremists spouting their drivel to the masses as it's an abuse of their human rights, now the vast majority of the Uk want them to be arrested for spouting hatred of the wetern world(and sent back home), but the police can't act until they incite violence, I wouldn't believe all the drivel you read online.
now if they could be arrested, locked up without a trial, now then that I would call a police state, but no, our laws are run by the justice system and the police have to abide by their laws.

NOW we can have a nice wonderful intellectual discussion. Excellent point you made there. Yes we have become a Police State during Bush Administration.... all thanks to Patriot Acts. Fear not, my friend, the next Administration will dismantle it down and restore back our civil rights... and I pray that the new US Attorney General will launch investigation on this serious matter and find people accountable for this heinous matter.

Shut down Gitmo Camp
End illegal wiretapping program especially for domestic use
Restore civil rights to ALL Americans especially those targeted like Muslim-Americans
Restrict the use of private army especially for something that our military cannot do such as illegal torture
list goes on forever
aye it's me awright lol

and for once we agree, the UN is a waste of space and should be disbanded, it's full of corruption, red tape, and by the time they agree on any actions, the people the are meant to be saving have been decimated. it's high time it was scrapped a new body elected.
aye it's me awright lol

and for once we agree, the UN is a waste of space and should be disbanded, it's full of corruption, red tape, and by the time they agree on actions the people have been decimated. it's high time it was scrapped a new body elected.

I think the fellow ADers would never thought they'd see the day of us actually agreeing on something. The drink's on me, ya scalawag!

I think the fellow ADers would never thought they'd see the day of us actually agreeing on something. The drink's on me, ya scalawag!


lol I would imagine there will be a few choking on their popcorn lol
and also the fact we idea we don't have freedom of speech is just ridiculous and laughable, if that was the case then we'd have our own Guantánamo Bay, here the police can't arrest someone for freedom of speech, the only way we can if they incite violence....
Sorry, I'm not getting the Gitmo reference in relation to freedom of speech. :confused:
Sorry, I'm not getting the Gitmo reference in relation to freedom of speech. :confused:

people have been jailed there for opinions reba, not actions, they are not all terrorists(though some are), they have been locked up without trial for their views/speech etc

...Our Constitution is dead - don't know if some of it still alive... only maybe, small parts left. It is still displayed only once per year in Washington, D.C. -- when it is done displayed for all people to see, it will lower down to the bottom where the vault is and close it until next time. I am wonderin' if, there's a NEW Constitution since everythin' change so much lately ? Perhaps like United Nation's Constitution ?
I hope that our US Constitution is not dead. I would hate to see it relegated to just a historic relic that's brought into view once per year.

I definitely don't want the USA adopting the tenets of the UN Constitution. I also don't like our troops wearing the light blue helmets, or letting the UN make rules for Americans to follow. The USA is a sovereign state, and I want to keep it that way.
people have been jailed there for opinions reba, not actions, they are not all terrorists(though some are), they have been locked up without trial for their views/speech etc
Are you sure that they are locked up there for their "opinions" only? Can you please link me to some documentation of that?
I hope that our US Constitution is not dead. I would hate to see it relegated to just a historic relic that's brought into view once per year.

I definitely don't want the USA adopting the tenets of the UN Constitution. I also don't like our troops wearing the light blue helmets, or letting the UN make rules for Americans to follow. The USA is a sovereign state, and I want to keep it that way.

I second! We don't even need ourselves involving with the U.N. at all... other than the health organization or such.
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