Russia proposes change in the Constitution.

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What makes you think British have no problem with our government? My dad votes British independant party to try and get out of europe.

Me, I don't think Britian is a police state in the way china is a police state. But I HAVE read about peaceful animal rights protesters being in prisoned. Also on another topic they were going to make it illigal to educate people. Fortunately it didn't get in.

Since I don't agree with the government and I have not been imprisoned yet I'm not sure it's really a police state as such and I've nowhere else to really compaire it with since I've never been in USA. Some british people are ok with the government. Some don't like the fact that they are losing freedom freedoms and so many camera's about.

I do have problem with our National Health service because my mum died of a curable cancer due to long waiting lists. I once went to hospital in france at it was much better. The hospital room was like a hotel room and mum could stay with me wheras in British hospital she was only limited to visiting hours.

It won't happen because majority of British are satisfied with under EU.

You are struck with police state and EU for all of your life.
No, not everyone likes the camera's. Some people hate them. My dad does anyway.

Like in USA not very many people vote as we don't have anyone to vote for. I wish we had a Sarah Palin in England to vote for.

You are welcome to ours. I'm sure McCain would love to put her in a box and ship her to you!:giggle:
lol, you really miss it.

Sarah Palin is pro-hunter since you are pro-animal rights, that's not make sense.

Sarah Palin is an Omnivore. She lives in Alaska were most people hunt for their food. To me this is no worse then getting meat from your local supermarket. In fact it's probably less cruel because most supermarket meat is factory farmed so they spend the whole of their lives imprisoned wheras the critters Sarah Palin eats have at least enjoyed freedom before being killed.

While it would be nice if she was vegan at least she does speak up for those that cannot speak up for themselves. She practices what she preaches. Animal rights is not the only topic I feel strongly about. I like her because of her views on 2 other topics I also feel strongly about.

Besides, do YOU know any vegan politions I could support instead?
They can do that in Britain too. You don't need a gun to kill someone. You can do that with a sharp knife.

I haven't noticed any drop in crime rate. In fact I feel a good deal LESS safe walking out at night then I did 10 years ago.

Talking about police involvement I have been stopped a few times by the police. They feel the need to escort me home as I am deafblind and my guide dog was playing up. Somehow I find it rather humiliating. Yes I've tried to tell them I can manage thankyou very much but I've learnt through experience that there is no point in arguing with the police it just wastes time. So I just let them take me home.

Since we don't live in USA we don't really know what it's like. So it's really hard to compaire.

less safe walking out at night than 10 years ago? wow... even with all these 10000000000000 cameras installed. NYC is the safest city in USA than 10 years ago. its once-infamous "Harlem" is so safe that you can walk around the block while holding a big wad of cash... and it's not done by installing cameras.
Sarah Palin is an Omnivore. She lives in Alaska were most people hunt for their food. worse then getting meat from your supermarket. In fact it's probably less cruel because most supermarket meat is factory farmed so they spend the whole of their lives imprisoned wheras the critters Sarah Palin eats have at least enjoyed freedom before being killed.

While it would be nice if she was vegan at least she does speak up for those that cannot speak up for themselves. She practices what she preaches. Animal rights is not the only topic I feel strongly about. I like her because of her views on 2 other topics I also feel strongly about.

Besides, do YOU know any vegan politions I could support instead?

that's a...... VVVEEERRRYYYY odd justification coming from a hardcore Vegan and animal activist... Well I buy meat from organic grocery so... at least I know the animal I'm devouring aren't imprisoned, prodded, tortured...
Sarah Palin is an Omnivore. She lives in Alaska were most people hunt for their food. To me this is no worse then getting meat from your local supermarket. In fact it's probably less cruel because most supermarket meat is factory farmed so they spend the whole of their lives imprisoned wheras the critters Sarah Palin eats have at least enjoyed freedom before being killed.

While it would be nice if she was vegan at least she does speak up for those that cannot speak up for themselves. She practices what she preaches. Animal rights is not the only topic I feel strongly about. I like her because of her views on 2 other topics I also feel strongly about.

Besides, do YOU know any vegan politions I could support instead?

So you are saying its okay because she eats the wolves she kills?

She tried to speak up for the American public. They silenced her very quickly, lol.
less safe walking out at night than 10 years ago? wow... even with all these 10000000000000 cameras installed. NYC is the safest city in USA than 10 years ago. its once-infamous "Harlem" is so safe that you can walk around the block while holding a big wad of cash... and it's not done by installing cameras.

Really! I wouldn't do that in Britain. A guy once started rummaging in my pockets. I think he wanted something from me and didn't know how to talk to a deafblind person. Luckily I just walked away and he didn't persue me.

Mind you, to put things in perspective the most dangerous situations I've ever been in were in doors done by certain people that I used to live with. After I left them I feel more afraid then I used to in the past. But then again I tell people I walk along the canal in broad day light and I'm told not to as it's not safe? I used to do that when I had more sight but the last time I tried I was stopped by the police. Just incase I fell in.
Really! I wouldn't do that in Britain. A guy once started rummaging in my pockets. I think he wanted something from me and didn't know how to talk to a deafblind person. Luckily I just walked away and he didn't persue me.

Mind you, to put things in perspective the most dangerous situations I've ever been in were in doors done by certain people that I used to live with. After I left them I feel more afraid then I used to in the past. But then again I tell people I walk along the canal in broad day light and I'm told not to as it's not safe? I used to do that when I had more sight but the last time I tried I was stopped by the police. Just incase I fell in.

ok well I'm over-exaggerating but NYC is very very safe. As long as you exercise with caution and common sense... it's perfectly safe enough for you to walk out anytime you want. :cool2:

I surely would like some canals in NYC! It's pretty to have. The only water we have is Central Park lake in the center of city and Hudson River on all sides.
So you are saying its okay because she eats the wolves she kills?

She tried to speak up for the American public. They silenced her very quickly, lol.

Do you know of a country that does not kill it's wildlife population when they get in the way? I'm against this but I don't think she's any worse than any other government on that score. I think people who go foaming at the mouth about her killing animals then tuck into their factory farmed meat are being a little hypocritical.

In britain we kill wild goats, foxes, Ruddy ducks, badgers, etc etc. We don't have wolves so we their wouldn't be any for her to kill.

Besides Macain is happy with Sarah Palin. It's just someone from an unknown source that was spreading lies about her.
Do you know of a country that does not kill it's wildlife population when they get in the way? I'm against this but I don't think she's any worse than any other government on that score. I think people who go foaming at the mouth about her killing animals then tuck into their factory farmed meat are being a little hypocritical.

In britain we kill wild goats, foxes, Ruddy ducks, badgers, etc etc. We don't have wolves so we their wouldn't be any for her to kill.

Besides Macain is happy with Sarah Palin. It's just someone from an unknown source that was spreading lies about her.

Then your claim to "pro-life" status has just been shot completely full of holes.

And you might want to check with McCain on that one. It is not an unknown source. It comes straight from his high level campaign managers.

"McCain now views Palin as a negative influence on his campaign."

Get over her, dreama. She is yesterday's news.
Do you know of a country that does not kill it's wildlife population when they get in the way? I'm against this but I don't think she's any worse than any other government on that score. I think people who go foaming at the mouth about her killing animals then tuck into their factory farmed meat are being a little hypocritical.

In britain we kill wild goats, foxes, Ruddy ducks, badgers, etc etc. We don't have wolves so we their wouldn't be any for her to kill.

Besides Macain is happy with Sarah Palin. It's just someone from an unknown source that was spreading lies about her.

Well if Sarah Palin moves to Britain... she will be hunting these goats, foxes, ruddy ducks, badgers, etc. etc. :laugh2: and no McCain was not happy about Palin at all. Btw - it's McCain... not Macian.
Then your claim to "pro-life" status has just been shot completely full of holes.

Nothing of the sort. Are you a vegan?

I don't like hunting or culling of wild animals. I'm actually against it. However On the scale of animal cruelty I rank Vivisection (including medicial research), fur farms and factory farming as the worst forms of animal cruelty. As the animals suffer their whole lives. I certainly wouldn't engage in hunting myself and don't like it but that doesn't stop me from considering it a lesser evil.

I can support someone who isn't vegan and still be prolife. The two are entirely seperate subjects. If I considered your 'pro choice' views on matters outside abortion I'd say you were less 'pro choice' then I am.
In his concession speech McCain thanked Palin, calling her "one of the best campaigners I've ever seen, and

an impressive new voice in our party for reform and the principles that have always been our greatest strength."[

Sarah Palin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am also, of course, very thankful to Governor Sarah Palin, one of the best campaigners I have ever seen and an impressive new voice in our party for reform and the principles that have always been our greatest strength. Her husband Todd and their five beautiful children with their tireless dedication to our cause, and the courage and grace they showed in the rough-and-tumble of a presidential campaign. We can all look forward with great interest to her future service to Alaska, the Republican Party and our country.

To all my campaign comrades, from Rick Davis

McCain-Palin 2008

The otherone is on his own website. It doesn't sound like he was dissatisfied to me. Since he's not removed it it can be taken that he's still ok about her.
Nothing of the sort. Are you a vegan?

Just because you don't eat meat doesn't mean that you have the courage of your convictions. You contradict your so called ethics constantly.
Nothing of the sort. I don't like hunting or culling of wild animals. I'm actually against it. However On the scale of animal cruelty I rank Vivisection (including medicial research), fur farms and factory farming as the worst forms of animal cruelty. As the animals suffer their whole lives. I certainly wouldn't engage in hunting myself and don't like it but that doesn't stop me from being pro life.

Oh, I see. Well, tell me please. Would you prefer that we test drugs on people? How pro-life and humane is that? Or would you prefer that we give them untested medications that we have no clue what will happen? Or how about not researching medications at all and just letting them die of curable disease?

In fact my claims for being pro life are a good deal fermer then yours are for being Pro choice as you would interfere with a woman's right to breast feed an older child, and also against women who suffer from BIID and want to remove leg. So the only way you are 'pro choice' is when it comes down to killing babies.

What does allowing a woman to molest an 8 year old have to do with pro-choice? Absolutely nothing. And there is no diagnosable illness known as BIID. Removal of a limb, when there is no medically sound reason for doing so is illegal. A doctor doing so could be sued for malpractice. Mental illness is not a justifiable reason for amputating a limb. You certainly can't compare any of those situations to pro-choice.

The only choice you appear to support is the choice that you yourself believe that you would make ifyou find yourself in that position. So the only choice you would support for anyone is the choice you tell them they should make. Very presumptuous of you.
What does allowing a woman to molest an 8 year old have to do with pro-choice? Absolutely nothing. And there is no diagnosable illness known as BIID. Removal of a limb, when there is no medically sound reason for doing so is illegal. A doctor doing so could be sued for malpractice. Mental illness is not a justifiable reason for amputating a limb. You certainly can't compare any of those situations to pro-choice.

The only choice you appear to support is the choice that you yourself believe that you would make ifyou find yourself in that position. So the only choice you would support for anyone is the choice you tell them they should make. Very presumptuous of you.

She says presumptiously. (rolls eyes)

And your wrong. I'm for all personal freedoms EXCEPT those that harm or kill other people. Which is more then I can say for you.
She says presumptiously. (rolls eyes)

Nothing presumptuous about it at all. No where have you seen me tell you that the only decisions you should make in your life are the ones I say you should.

I'm still waiting for a solution to medical experimentation on animals from you. I'm anxious to know whether you think we should experiment on humans instead, or just let people die from curable illnesses?
UH.......what does this have to do with the topic, "Russia has propose changes to the Constitution?" :)
Sarah Palin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

McCain-Palin 2008

The otherone is on his own website. It doesn't sound like he was dissatisfied to me. Since he's not removed it it can be taken that he's still ok about her.

What did you expect him to say in his concession speech, dreama? " I'm gonna kill this crazy broad that made me look like an utter fool and got me beat by a humiliating margin."

McCain himself is not responsible for his website.
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