Russia proposes change in the Constitution.

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Nothing presumptuous about it at all. No where have you seen me tell you that the only decisions you should make in your life are the ones I say you should.

I'm still waiting for a solution to medical experimentation on animals from you. I'm anxious to know whether you think we should experiment on humans instead, or just let people die from curable illnesses?

No, we shouldnt test on humans. There are many more scientific methods other then animal testing or human testing. Such as computer modeling, adult stem cells, studying already sick patients etc etc... In fact animal testing is holding things back. May drugs that are aproved to be safe on animals have been shown to be dangerous on people.

As for dying of curable diseases. This already happens. My mum died of cancer when she could have had a hysterectomy if she hadn't been put on a lethally long waiting list.
No, we shouldnt test on humans. There are many more scientific methods other then animal testing or human testing. Such as computer modeling, adult stem cells, studying already sick patients etc etc... In fact animal testing is holding things back. May drugs that are aproved to be safe on animals have been shown to be dangerous on people.

As for dying of curable diseases. This already happens. My mum died of cancer when she could have had a hysterectomy if she hadn't been put on a lethally long waiting list.

Computer modeling does not exist without the human subject. That has been explained to you time and again.

There is no such thing as an "adult stem cell". Stem cell, are by nature, embryonic.

Studying already sick patients? What is that but human experimentation? Duh.

Sorry about your mother's death, but long waiting lists have absolutely nothing to do with medical research.

Well let me take this one.

Dreama, I respect your speaking but the way you speak is not making any sense. Jillo speaks and it made sense.

Back to topic.

umm, huhhh, arrhhh grrr. Never mind.
No, we shouldnt test on humans.

Why not?

I am fine with testing on humans as long as they consent to it. That is what research and clinical trials are for. If we didn't test on humans we wouldn't have gotten medically advanced as we are now. Only way we can learn how to treat and cure people is to test on humans. Trial and error.
Really! I wouldn't do that in Britain. A guy once started rummaging in my pockets. I think he wanted something from me and didn't know how to talk to a deafblind person. Luckily I just walked away and he didn't persue me.


If that were me, my right fist would meet his face. I do not like my personal space being invaded!
Sarah Palin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

McCain-Palin 2008

The otherone is on his own website. It doesn't sound like he was dissatisfied to me. Since he's not removed it it can be taken that he's still ok about her.

I guess you can't see right through McCain's facade. He was snowballing just to make himself look respectable by saying what he said. If he had said negative things about Sarah Palin, he would not look good.
Why not?

I am fine with testing on humans as long as they consent to it. That is what research and clinical trials are for. If we didn't test on humans we wouldn't have gotten medically advanced as we are now. Only way we can learn how to treat and cure people is to test on humans. Trial and error.

Exactly. Animal trials test for initial safety, human trials test for effectiveness and to allow for dosage refinement.
IMO - the President is obviously a powerful position. He has every tool at his disposal to ensure that he can stay in power for as long as he wants. he may continue to fool the public that he's a good President while secretly doing something insidious... for profit.

He may be too powerful for any opponents to run against him. IMO - that's a lot of possible corruptions being involved in this power play. That's why America has 2 terms limit. This pave a way to give chance for any American citizen to run for it.

I agree.

Bush is such an example. He is a very lousy president who has driven this country into the ground. If there were unlimited terms and he keeps winning every time, we would be in DEEP SHIT. Term limits are there for a reason - if the president turns out to be lousy, we only have to put up with him or her for no more than 8 years.
Actually, we limit the US Prez to two terms only in order to prevent him being too powerful as a short reason why it ruled to that after the FKR era. FKR ran the office for 12 years but he died 10 yrs in office (2 yrs shorted). The government at the time felt that he became too powerful.

That's right. We wouldn't want a dictatorship.
NOW we can have a nice wonderful intellectual discussion. Excellent point you made there. Yes we have become a Police State during Bush Administration.... all thanks to Patriot Acts. Fear not, my friend, the next Administration will dismantle it down and restore back our civil rights... and I pray that the new US Attorney General will launch investigation on this serious matter and find people accountable for this heinous matter.

Shut down Gitmo Camp
End illegal wiretapping program especially for domestic use
Restore civil rights to ALL Americans especially those targeted like Muslim-Americans
Restrict the use of private army especially for something that our military cannot do such as illegal torture
list goes on forever

I agree. I am looking forward to January 20th, 2009 and the new Obama adminstration. :)
I do have problem with our National Health service because my mum died of a curable cancer due to long waiting lists. I once went to hospital in france at it was much better. The hospital room was like a hotel room and mum could stay with me wheras in British hospital she was only limited to visiting hours.

I'm sorry about your mother. How long was the waiting list? And was that just for chemo? Radiation? Surgery?
Sarah Palin is an Omnivore. She lives in Alaska were most people hunt for their food. To me this is no worse then getting meat from your local supermarket. In fact it's probably less cruel because most supermarket meat is factory farmed so they spend the whole of their lives imprisoned wheras the critters Sarah Palin eats have at least enjoyed freedom before being killed.

While it would be nice if she was vegan at least she does speak up for those that cannot speak up for themselves. She practices what she preaches. Animal rights is not the only topic I feel strongly about. I like her because of her views on 2 other topics I also feel strongly about.

Besides, do YOU know any vegan politions I could support instead?

Sarah Palin is hardcore hunter, also she does eat alot of meat from grocery store as well. Hardcore means she love to hunt alot, really alot, you need google up for more info.

Nothing, vegan politicians are unpopular in my country, very rare.

You need to understand about traditional that we need eat meat with balanced meal, I can't live without meat or my stomach would become so cramp and feel so ill, also vegan or vegetarian aren't for everyone.
because we want our privacy and our rights.

Scenario 1
Picture this - it's 2am and you were feeling stressed out... unable to sleep. So you decide to go out for a drive. The town is very quiet and peaceful but you're out there in middle of night, driving past a certain street that was known for drug sales. You were just simply driving by and all of sudden, the cop pulled you over, detained you, accused you of buying drug. The cop interrogated you - it's very late. what are you doing here? Who are you? where do you live? Do you own gun? Who is your husband? etc. etc. etc.

Scenario 2
You went to public library to borrow some books and most of these books were about Klu Klux Klan because you were curious about their history and stuff. But in a few hours or next day, you got a door knock from police because the computer said you checked out several books about it. The police took you to police station to interrogate you, thinking you're a Domestic Dissent.

Scenario 3
The government have cameras all over. The government said they will take care of you as long as you listen to them and follow the laws. One day - you came out of store that sells cigarette and some smoking device - you just wanted to buy a pack of cigarette (I know you don't smoke but just pretend you do). You got approached by cops, thinking that you bought some drug paraphernalia (such as smoking pipe for weed) because they saw you thru camera. The police checked your bag, asked you lot of questions, and collected your information.

Your over-exaggerating post sound that there're happened like that in USA? :shock: It doesn't happen here in Germany and Europe countries like that. :giggle:

Response your Scenario 1.

No, it doesn't happen unless we REPORT Police... Police knows that we are adult, not their children. :) It could be happen like that in USA? Police's job to stop drivers for control alochol and check driving liescne, no accusation like what you described... and check teenagers at most cities after 1 am... Police don't like to see teenagers walk around after 1 am... They bring teenagers home for their safety after check their ID, that's all. Police only come if they get alarm by someone or camera for burglaries, etc...

Reponse your Scenario 2

Is it happen like that in USA? Here in Germany and Europe countries doesn't. Police don't care which books we want to borrow from libarary. For them, we only read out of curious... :) Thank God, that EU Police Officers are not paraniod.

Reponse your Scenario 3

Is it happen like that in USA? It doesn't happen here in Germany and Europe countries doesn't unless we report Police. Police put druggies to physatric clinic instead of treat them crime except drug dealer.

WTF is that? That's the definition of Police State. Americans do not want to entrust their lives on government for security. Americans pride themselves with rights and freedom to protect themselves, not by government. If you want government to take care of you - that's fine. It's your choice.

:lol: you pick the definition of Police State to make an over-exaggerating post. I tell you the truth that we Europeans have safety due rights and freedom including children's welfare than America after saw a lot of threads and and other US Forums.
ps lieblling, it was weeks before they identified james buglers killers thanks to the footage, and not as you say the following day.

Yes, :ty: to CCTV camera to trace them easily. :ty: for correction... it's few weeks, not next day...
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