I posted: "None of them were drafted."
You responded: "Really?"
That sure seems like you doubted the truth of my statement about the draft.
No, it has nothing do with doubt. All what I share what I know from the rumors and some news from the TV... I has the feeling from those situation that it's not really voluntarily.
See this example:
US Army forces 50,000 soldiers into extended duty
Want To Go To War? | US Army forces 50,000 soldiers into extended duty
Do you really expect anyone to believe that a person enlisting in the U.S. military during the years since the war began didn't realize that they might need to go to that war?
Soldier's duty: Say no to illegal war
Soldier's duty: Say no to illegal war
US Troops Told They Can't Leave Army
'Stop-loss orders' keep soldiers in service if their units are set to be deployed to Afghanistan or Iraq. Officials call move 'finger in the dike.'
'Finger in the Dike': US Troops Told They Can't Leave Army
5500 US deserters : We won’t fight in Iraq
5500 US deserters : We won't fight in Iraq
Thousands of troops say they won't fight
Voters For Peace: The power to end the war and prevent future wars of aggression
Soldiers Against Iraq War Refuse To Fight
informationliberation - Soldiers Against Iraq War Refuse To Fight
Three U.S. Soldiers Refusing to Fight Speak Out Against the Iraq War
CARL WEBB: Well, I joined. I signed a contract for three years, which would have ended in August of 2004. So, by July, I was very, very happy. I was saying good-bye to everyone in my unit. On several occasions throughout the three years, I had been approached about reenlisting and I always had turned them down. So, in July, I was really happy, until I got a phone call from my sergeant.
CARL WEBB: Yes. I had one more drill to complete. And my sergeant called and said she had bad news. And she said that you're going to Iraq. And immediately I was confused. I said, well, did the unit get activated all of a sudden? She said no. The unit hasn't been activated, we're staying, but you are not going to be allowed to finish your contract. You're being extended and loaned to a different unit, which is going to Iraq.....
and further read in those link... (worth to read them and listen their side).
Democracy Now! | Three U.S. Soldiers Refusing to Fight Speak Out Against the Iraq War
Withdrawal? - Occupation and Rule in Iraq - Global Policy Forum - UN Security Council
Poll Shows 2/3 of Americans Want Withdrawal of US Troops from Iraq
By Code Pink 3.16.07
Poll Shows 2/3 of Americans Want Withdrawal of US Troops from Iraq
Iraq Veterans Against The War
Google-Ergebnis für http://www.williambowles.info/gispecial/2006/0306/290306/image001.jpg
Are you deny those links and defend for Government and facts?
Your co-worker is a lawyer, or what? What is your co-worker's definition of a "general" war? The Iraqi war is "illegal" to whom, and under what statutes?
wow, very interesting... it come from you....
Come on... Everyone knows it...
I am asking you few questions.
What is the reason why Bush sent soliders to Iraq for? Is it because Bush thought Saddam and his people are responsible for attack your country (9/11)? Few years later after that, they found out that 9/11 is not Saddam and his people's responsiblity. It's Bush's big mistake for sent soliders there to death and also kill Iraqi people as well... Is it legal war or what?
It's war crime, he did. He should be arrest for war crime after Saddam's arrest but he doesn't... I really don't understand why they didn't arrest Bush...
Ohhh wait a minute... It's not 9/11 reason why Bush sent soliders to there but what? OIL. Bush lied to soliders... later they learn that it's not 9/11 reasons... Everyone knows it.
I guess you don't understand the American legal system.
I guess you don't understand what human right is about. You are only interesting in fact and law... I support soliders's interest and their rights to fight against government. Sadly the court didn't give them right.
They had the right to contest their contracts. They went thru the legal process, and the case was decided against them.
People have the right to present their cases. There is no "right" to always win the case.
Really? see links... I support the soliders for fight their rights against government. Sadly they lost their cases against Government.