Random Vents.....

She same me, 20. She believe what she say, so she angry me too. Not fair! Do nothing wrong, sudden everyone so upset :(

I understand your feeling upset I know your angry! pretty she not respect angry!

not fair!
Before saying more to your "friend" consider what happened in the recent past,
Sometimes "silence is golden".

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
zipper ur lipper, Sunny..sooner or later, ur sis is gonna get mad when you don't share any more "secrets".
I have a whole 72 cents to my name. Stupid bills! I would have been fine if I didn't have to replace my radiator two weeks ago. Those things don't come cheap, sadly.
A linguistics student in my ASL class kissfists for everything. I know this is trivial but it gets on my nerves.

Many of my friends and I do it often. I guess you will have to get used to it. :)

I guess so. She's a hearing student learning ASL and seems to have developed a particular liking for the kissfist sign for she used it very often in class.
Is the "kissfist" sign better to use than say "you are a yoyo/idiot" sign?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
"Love" for hobby, pets, specific food. Person must be very enthusiastic and emotional! :lol:

Is the "kissfist" sign better to use than say "you are a yoyo/idiot" sign?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

Wow ... So one who has a love for hobbies, pets and food and is enthusiastic and emotional must be a YoYo or Idiot? Nice, drPhil.
Dear Phone Company,

Why you not open until 9? Open 8:30 so people work 9 can go before work.

Girl sitting out front since 8:30 who will be late work
Wirelessly posted (sent from a smartphone. )

Not looking into working with rental cars out there at below zero temperatures. Brrr, wish winter can skip to spring.
oh pretty I am very surpised on crap on pain on my numberous on burn acid!
Wirelessly posted (droid)

That sounds bad. I'm nursing a big burn on my arm. It's better today but it's going to take a while to heal.
Wirelessly posted (droid)

Oops. Duplicate post.
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I am pretty serious headache whole crap on my mind! I wish be rest :lol: