I don't typically vent, but things've been so bad.....Dad's dead, and I need a job 'cause we need the extra income, but out of all of the applications I've put in over the last year, NONE have resulted in anything. NONE! And it's like "We're sorry, you don't have the experience we need" and I'm like "How the heck am I supposed to get experience with no flippin' job?!" Also, school is hello hard, I'm carrying four academic classes, and I need to keep at least a 3.0 gpa to keep my car insurance down.
On top of this, I'm feeling horribly stressed. I just wish I could get a job that'll work with my classes, and have everything calm down so I'm not the only one doing anything around here. Is it really that hard to do the flippin dishes every night? What about putting family before a phone call? I'm running myself ragged every day trying to make sure the house is running well, and no one else does anything unless they're specifically asked to. It's like WTF?
So that's my vent....thanks for listening.