President Obama reverses abortion-funds policy

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If, it is for the LAST straw, wouldn't it be a good idea to raise them as our American troopers ? It would be better instead of molesters takin' an advantage. How about that ? What's your opinion on this ?

I do not understand your point here...
No, that's not true. The baby is a seperate person. The baby becomes a seperate person as soon as they develop a form.

No it doesn't.

The fetus doesn't become a "person" until it detaches itself from the host and is ejected from the host.

Then it's a person.

In the meantime--it's just a parasite enjoying the host/parasite relationship. :)
Sterilizing abusers does not stop abuse. They can use objects or other things to abuse.
Sterilizing abusers does not stop abuse. They can use objects or other things to abuse.

You completely missed the point.

Here I'll try again.

Abuser has baby. Abuses baby. Baby gets taken into care. Abuser moves to another area. has another baby that gets taken into care. Then they move to another area. Etc Etc Etc...

Now just suppose that when the abuser's child was taken into care he/she was also steralized. That would mean he or she wouldn't be able to abuse any more of his own kids. Hopefully records would be on police file too.

Of course their are plenty of undetected abusers out there but at least it would be way more affective then permitting abortion because I'm not sure the abuser would take it up for themselves or girlfriend. Only for their daughter so she they can carry on abusing her.

So allowing abortion probably INCREASED abuse.
You completely missed the point.

Here I'll try again.

Abuser has baby. Abuses baby. Baby gets taken into care. Abuser moves to another area. has another baby that gets taken into care. Then they move to another area. Etc Etc Etc...

Now just suppose that when the abuser's child was taken into care he/she was also steralized. That would mean he or she wouldn't be able to abuse any more of his own kids. Hopefully records would be on police file too.

Of course their are plenty of undetected abusers out there but at least it would be way more affective then permitting abortion because I'm not sure the abuser would take it up for themselves or girlfriend. Only for their daughter so she they can carry on abusing her.

So allowing abortion probably INCREASED abuse.

How does that stop abuse and how does abortion increase abuse? I see no correlation at all. And are you saying you are for sterilizing BABIES?
You completely missed the point.

Here I'll try again.

Abuser has baby. Abuses baby. Baby gets taken into care. Abuser moves to another area. has another baby that gets taken into care. Then they move to another area. Etc Etc Etc...

Now just suppose that when the abuser's child was taken into care he/she was also steralized. That would mean he or she wouldn't be able to abuse any more of his own kids. Hopefully records would be on police file too.

Of course their are plenty of undetected abusers out there but at least it would be way more affective then permitting abortion because I'm not sure the abuser would take it up for themselves or girlfriend. Only for their daughter so she they can carry on abusing her.

So allowing abortion probably INCREASED abuse.

Too often children are abused by people who dont create no difference if abortion was banned or not..
I can't believe that you would even suggest such a thing. It is just so dehumanizing on so many counts.

You are contradictin' yourself. Look at our American troopers and they could be our sons, husbands, brothers, lovers.... and they are in war in foreign countries like Afghan and Iraq. And, yet you call it " dehumanizin' on so many counts ". Gee, don't tell me that it is just sooo dehumanizin'. Of course, you didn't say anythin' about them, our American troopers who are in Afghan right now.
You are contradictin' yourself. Look at our American troopers and they could be our sons, husbands, brothers, lovers.... and they are in war in foreign countries like Afghan and Iraq. And, yet you call it " dehumanizin' on so many counts ". Gee, don't tell me that it is just sooo dehumanizin'. Of course, you didn't say anythin' about them, our American troopers who are in Afghan right now.

wow.... I have ABSOLUTELY no idea WTF you just said!!! :ugh:
And, if one's desire is to have a child, it should not be an issue whether that child is an infant or an older child. The simple fact of the matter is, there are children who need homes that are already on this earth. Take care of them first.

Tell that to Obama since you are on his side for everythin' you believe he will change.
Tell that to Obama since you are on his side for everythin' you believe he will change.

he just did. by overturning GWB's ban. :applause:
You are contradictin' yourself. Look at our American troopers and they could be our sons, husbands, brothers, lovers.... and they are in war in foreign countries like Afghan and Iraq. And, yet you call it " dehumanizin' on so many counts ". Gee, don't tell me that it is just sooo dehumanizin'. Of course, you didn't say anythin' about them, our American troopers who are in Afghan right now.

I'm not contradicting myself at all. I simply don't believe in breeding people for the sole purpose of serving in the military. You, obviously, however do, which completely removes an individual's autonomy and right to choose their own lifestyle. You are the one contradicting yourself.

I don't approve of our presence in the current war. Why would I recommend breeding more innocent people to end up going over there and getting killed? You really need to think before you type.
Tell that to Obama since you are on his side for everythin' you believe he will change.

That is exactly what his social programs are intended to do, in particular, his health care program. If you knew anything about Obama and his plans, you would already know this. Unfortunately, you focus only on his color and the religious affiliation of his father.
Tell that to Obama since you are on his side for everythin' you believe he will change.

...and you are constantly on the side of those who are suspicious of obama.

obama has made alot of good changes since taking office. i have no idea why you are in denial about that, but given your attitude about obama in the first place, i can't say i'm surprised.
How does that stop abuse and how does abortion increase abuse? I see no correlation at all. And are you saying you are for sterilizing BABIES?

good questions, shawn. i'm wondering the same thing.
A fetus does not react to pain until such time that their CNS has developed to the degree that the stimulus can be processed. Certainly not with the first couple of weeks after conception.

cns? central nervous system? <confused>
You are contradictin' yourself. Look at our American troopers and they could be our sons, husbands, brothers, lovers.... and they are in war in foreign countries like Afghan and Iraq. And, yet you call it " dehumanizin' on so many counts ". Gee, don't tell me that it is just sooo dehumanizin'. Of course, you didn't say anythin' about them, our American troopers who are in Afghan right now.

Man, you really have crossed over into the lunatic fringe with your views.
Man, you really have crossed over into the lunatic fringe with your views.

Yep, we'll just round up all the women who are considering abortion, force them to carry to term and give birth, and then confiscate the kid and raise it in the military to do our fighting for us!:shock:
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