President Obama reverses abortion-funds policy

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I think the real show just got started. Our best two candidates, across on their podiums, lashing out!

Popcorn!, Hot dogs!, get your corn dogs for 75 cents!

PS. try to stay out if you can. we can learn a lot quickly. come to me if you want to take bets.
Yes, I do understand. I am not talking about the ones for whom adoption is imminent as soon as the legal requirements are fulfilled. I am talking about the ones that remain wards of the state for their entire life because adoption has never even been a remote possibility.

So, the life and well being of a baby is more important than that of an older child? If homes are available, use them to take in the homeless children, no matter the age, that exist in this country. To travel to a foreign country to adopt an infant when there are so many children in need in this country already is nothing more than a selfish fulfillment of desire. Want to appear noble...adopt a handicapped 8 year old that has been in the system for the last six years.

Great point! I wish more people would do this rather than adopting children from other countries.

Celebrities should practice what they preach and do so as well.
Yep, we'll just round up all the women who are considering abortion, force them to carry to term and give birth, and then confiscate the kid and raise it in the military to do our fighting for us!:shock:

Gee, it is NOT just military -- it could be ANYTHIN'. Free-choices for anyone who wants to be whatever they want to be. Not just military... understand ? Doctor, artist, lawyer, preacher, psychologist... anythin' ! Anythin' is possbile.
Gee, it is NOT just military -- it could be ANYTHIN'. Free-choices for anyone who wants to be whatever they want to be. Not just military... understand ? Doctor, artist, lawyer, preacher, psychologist... anythin' ! Anythin' is possbile.

Who will raise these children, then?
Gee, it is NOT just military -- it could be ANYTHIN'. Free-choices for anyone who wants to be whatever they want to be. Not just military... understand ? Doctor, artist, lawyer, preacher, psychologist... anythin' ! Anythin' is possbile.

those job descriptions you just listed require quite a significant money and time to teach them. what you think why parents started college saving accounts when they have children?
Gee, it is NOT just military -- it could be ANYTHIN'. Free-choices for anyone who wants to be whatever they want to be. Not just military... understand ? Doctor, artist, lawyer, preacher, psychologist... anythin' ! Anythin' is possbile.

You are the one that said the unborn babies that are aborted could be raised to serve in the military, not me.
And the rest of your post makes absolutely no sense. Who is going to raise these kids and finance their extensive education? The foster system certainly isn't.
That is exactly what his social programs are intended to do, in particular, his health care program. If you knew anything about Obama and his plans, you would already know this. Unfortunately, you focus only on his color and the religious affiliation of his father.

That was uncalled for. You are pointin' your finger at me, judgin' me that while your other 3 fingers are pointin' back at yourself.
That was uncalled for. You are pointin' your finger at me, judgin' me that while your other 3 fingers are pointin' back at yourself.

you mean that jillio is unfairly judging you the same way you unfairly judge obama?
That was uncalled for. You are pointin' your finger at me, judgin' me that while your other 3 fingers are pointin' back at yourself.

Your attempts to discredit Obama on groundless accusation is uncalled for. When you point your finger at him, there are 3 pointing back at you.
Your attempts to discredit Obama on groundless accusation is uncalled for. When you point your finger at him, there are 3 pointing back at you.

to borrow jiro's expression, that's gonna leave a mark. :smash:
Your attempts to discredit Obama on groundless accusation is uncalled for. When you point your finger at him, there are 3 pointing back at you.

Double touche!
You are the one that said the unborn babies that are aborted could be raised to serve in the military, not me.
And the rest of your post makes absolutely no sense. Who is going to raise these kids and finance their extensive education? The foster system certainly isn't.

I don't think you really understand my view. Like I told you before, we DON'T think the same. Guess what ? I've already read about Roe v Wade. That woman's name is Norma McCorvey " Jane Roe " -- she confessed that it was her deception for tellin' the whole world that she was raped. She admitted that she was NEEEVER raped. She never had an abortion, either. She accounted that there was about 4, 000 abortion a day since 1973.

One of the ADers who provided a video about this woman. That Ader who posted that video is tellin' the truth, because I read the same what Norma was tellin' about. Sooo.... I believe that SOME DAY the abortion will be eliminated. :)
How does that stop abuse and how does abortion increase abuse? I see no correlation at all. And are you saying you are for sterilizing BABIES?

(scratches head)

I never said anything about steralizing babies.

Steralization should be freely available for ANYONE who doesn't wish to have children.

Steralization should be compulsory for parents who have abused their children. To stop them having any more.

It is a sad fact that some abusers can escape detection. So I can't think anything will stop abuse altogether. But desexing abusers will stop them moving to another area and having MORE kids.

As to how abortion can actually contribute to abuse: Supposing a father abuses daughter and gets her pregnant. If she keeps the baby there will be a lot of questions asked and their is a likelyhood that the abuse might be suspected.

However, IF the pregnancy is terminated then nobody is none the wiser. The father can carry on sleeping with his daughter. All this is possible BECAUSE OF ABORTION.
I don't think you really understand my view. Like I told you before, we DON'T think the same. Guess what ? I've already read about Roe v Wade. That woman's name is Norma McCorvey " Jane Roe " -- she confessed that it was her deception for tellin' the whole world that she was raped. She admitted that she was NEEEVER raped. She never had an abortion, either. She accounted that there was about 4, 000 abortion a day since 1973.

One of the ADers who provided a video about this woman. That Ader who posted that video is tellin' the truth, because I read the same what Norma was tellin' about. Sooo.... I believe that SOME DAY the abortion will be eliminated. :)

4,000 abortions a day since 1973..... Norma McCorvey.... i'm sorry but that's not entirely the point of Roe v. Wade case. Looks like you didn't really read it. Sounds like you read wikipedia instead.

the legal question of this case was "Does the Constitution embrace a woman's right to terminate her pregnancy by abortion?"
(scratches head)

I never said anything about steralizing babies.

Steralization should be freely available for ANYONE who doesn't wish to have children.

Steralization should be compulsory for parents who have abused their children. To stop them having any more.

It is a sad fact that some abusers can escape detection. So I can't think anything will stop abuse altogether. But desexing abusers will stop them moving to another area and having MORE kids.

As to how abortion can actually contribute to abuse: Supposing a father abuses daughter and gets her pregnant. If she keeps the baby there will be a lot of questions asked and their is a likelyhood that the abuse might be suspected.

However, IF the pregnancy is terminated then nobody is none the wiser. The father can carry on sleeping with his daughter. All this is possible BECAUSE OF ABORTION.

1. Sterilization is ALREADY AVAILABLE to anybody
2. to "de-sex" people just because they're abusive to children is one of the worst things you can do to basic human rights. Why? because by supporting this kind of action - you automatically support death penalty, torture + interrogation, euthanization for terminally-illed patients, forced medication, forced hospitalization, forced-etc. You forced them against their wills just because you don't like them.
I don't think you really understand my view. Like I told you before, we DON'T think the same. Guess what ? I've already read about Roe v Wade. That woman's name is Norma McCorvey " Jane Roe " -- she confessed that it was her deception for tellin' the whole world that she was raped. She admitted that she was NEEEVER raped. She never had an abortion, either. She accounted that there was about 4, 000 abortion a day since 1973.

One of the ADers who provided a video about this woman. That Ader who posted that video is tellin' the truth, because I read the same what Norma was tellin' about. Sooo.... I believe that SOME DAY the abortion will be eliminated. :)

Evidently, you don't understand what the ruling of Roe v Wade is all about, then. And, the fact that the woman is an admitted liar certainly doesn't do much to add to her credibility now, does it?:roll:
4,000 abortions a day since 1973..... Norma McCorvey.... i'm sorry but that's not entirely the point of Roe v. Wade case. Looks like you didn't really read it. Sounds like you read wikipedia instead.

the legal question of this case was "Does the Constitution embrace a woman's right to terminate her pregnancy by abortion?"

Or, to get more specific, does a woman have the right to privacy of the decision to do so.
Double touche!

Triple touche!


Picture of Bruce Lee (Jillio) decimating someone's testicles with his dragon fist.
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