President Obama reverses abortion-funds policy

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I guess Obama shifted to reverse with a beeping sound that annoys the hell out of the abortion protestors.
So does that mean abortion is legal now? O_o ... I'm confused ... Abortion is not something I believe in ... I think its murder ... *sighs* ... This is a change I do not like ...

Yes unfortunately abortion is legal.

I don't like it because it hurts two people. The mother and the baby. It is very sad.
Yes unfortunately abortion is legal.

I don't like it because it hurts two people. The mother and the baby. It is very sad.

Actually, according to law, there is only one "person" involved...the woman. And, quite often, it helps her rather than hurts her. Only she can judge whether the procedure is harmful or not, as it is a procedure done for her. You cannot judge either the benefit or the harm on a procedure done for another. You can only, ethically and legally, make that determination for yourself.
Angelina jolie and Brad Pitts have all the money in the world. rest of the people don't. and I can't believe you forgot - lot of kids were molested by family members. How twisted is that?

I'm sorry but abortion doesn't stop parents molesting their children.

Pedephiles: WANT children so they wouldn't abort a baby so they baby can get abused later on.

Abortion actually increases abuse because if the father gets his daughter pregnant he can sneak her off to family planning to have an abortion. So nobody need know.

I don't think their is any way of stopping the problem altogether but it could be increased if
ALL child abusers were steralized since they wouldn't be able to have any more children after that and it might act as a deterent.
I'm sorry but abortion doesn't stop parents molesting their children.

Pedephiles: WANT children so they wouldn't abort a baby so they baby can get abused later on.

Abortion actually increases abuse because if the father gets his daughter pregnant he can sneak her off to family planning to have an abortion. So nobody need know.

I don't think their is any way of stopping the problem altogether but it could be increased if
ALL child abusers were steralized since they wouldn't be able to have any more children after that and it might act as a deterent.

Please cite the statistics supporting your claim that abortion increases child abuse.

You claim to support human rights, yet you advocate forced sterilization.:roll:
If it helps anything in discussing the biological entity of a fetus -- the cells, every single cell structure in the baby are all the same ones as the mother's - by this I am referring to the organelles like the nucleus, mitochondria, cytoplasm etc. Everything is inherited of the mother. Only the DNA makeup in the nucleus, contains chromosomes from the father.

If you wanted to get technical, the baby is actually another piece of the mother in terms of biological definition. So if it's her own cells.. would ya think she has every right to do with them as much as she wants? Since the fetus still cannot operate on its own yet.
If it helps anything in discussing the biological entity of a fetus -- the cells, every single cell structure in the baby are all the same ones as the mother's - by this I am referring to the organelles like the nucleus, mitochondria, cytoplasm etc. Everything is inherited of the mother. Only the DNA makeup in the nucleus, contains chromosomes from the father.

If you wanted to get technical, the baby is actually another piece of the mother in terms of biological definition. So if it's her own cells.. would ya think she has every right to do with them as much as she wants? Since the fetus still cannot operate on its own yet.

Exactly, naisho. However, there are those that prefer to ignore scientific fact in favor of fantasy.
I'm sorry but abortion doesn't stop parents molesting their children.

Pedephiles: WANT children so they wouldn't abort a baby so they baby can get abused later on.

Abortion actually increases abuse because if the father gets his daughter pregnant he can sneak her off to family planning to have an abortion. So nobody need know.

I don't think their is any way of stopping the problem altogether but it could be increased if
ALL child abusers were steralized since they wouldn't be able to have any more children after that and it might act as a deterent.

but if you sterilize abusers - they will rape more because there are no sperms - meaning the police cannot prove it to specific individual. see the Beowulf's example - in nature, the animals eat their youngs and there's a reason for it. Abortion's no different. The animal mothers have decency to spare them of misery to come if mothers know they cannot provide safety and life.
Yes unfortunately abortion is legal.

I don't like it because it hurts two people. The mother and the baby. It is very sad.

Then you should not claim that you are for human rights, since you don't believe that women have the right to bear or not bear children.

See what I mean? I'm practically sitting here, laughing at your utter lack of logic. :lol:
If you wanted to get technical, the baby is actually another piece of the mother in terms of biological definition. So if it's her own cells.. would ya think she has every right to do with them as much as she wants? Since the fetus still cannot operate on its own yet.

No, that's not true. The baby is a seperate person. The baby becomes a seperate person as soon as they develop a form.

Babies as young as 21 weeks can survive outside the mother's womb.

Abortion in England is permitted up until 24 weeks or until birth if the baby is suspected of being disabled (major discrimination going on here)

In USA abortion up until 12 weeks but Obama is going to change that so that's why I called him pro death because not only is he for abortion but Euthanasia and letting dangerous criminals loose in the environment so that they can decrease the world population even further.
No, that's not true. The baby is a seperate person. The baby becomes a seperate person as soon as they develop a form.

Babies as young as 21 weeks can survive outside the mother's womb.

Abortion in England is permitted up until 24 weeks or until birth if the baby is suspected of being disabled (major discrimination going on here)

In USA abortion up until 12 weeks but Obama is going to change that so that's why I called him pro death because not only is he for abortion but Euthanasia and letting dangerous criminals loose in the environment so that they can decrease the world population even further.

Obama has no plans to change the abortion laws in the states. He is simply supporting the law as written. You really need to stop paying so much attention to blogs, and inform yourself of the facts.

And re: your separate person argument...the law says otherwise.
No, that's not true. The baby is a seperate person. The baby becomes a seperate person as soon as they develop a form.

Babies as young as 21 weeks can survive outside the mother's womb.

Abortion in England is permitted up until 24 weeks or until birth if the baby is suspected of being disabled (major discrimination going on here)

In USA abortion up until 12 weeks but Obama is going to change that so that's why I called him pro death because not only is he for abortion but Euthanasia and letting dangerous criminals loose in the environment so that they can decrease the world population even further.

thank you for these facts but you're targeting at wrong place -

1. Europe = up to 24 weeks or until birth if suspected of defect
2. Europe = euthanasia allowed
3. USA = up to 12 weeks (HALF OF EUROPE!!)
4. USA = Euthanasia is illegal and will ALWAYS stay illegal

No, that's not true. The baby is a seperate person. The baby becomes a seperate person as soon as they develop a form.

Physiologically, I would agree with you, because the baby can respond to stimuli on its own - when it is in pain as a fetus, there has been times where they show that they react to pain.

Scientifically, I would not agree with you on them being separate because it is like another "extra organ" in the mother. If you had a sixth finger, would you cut it off or leave it on? Bad logic, but the description of an excess organ is there.

But to me, the whole abortion case - I have a realistic view over the matter and I have to say that scientific values weight more to me than psychological reasoning.

I'm sorry, but we'll just have to respect our clashes and there is no point in lashing out at each other because they're still doing that as we speak.
Physiologically, I would agree with you, because the baby can respond to stimuli on its own - when it is in pain as a fetus, there has been times where they show that they react to pain.

Scientifically, I would not agree with you on them being separate because it is like another "extra organ" in the mother. If you had a sixth finger, would you cut it off or leave it on? Bad logic, but the description of an excess organ is there.

But to me, the whole abortion case - I have a realistic view over the matter and I have to say that scientific values weight more to me than psychological reasoning.

I'm sorry, but we'll just have to respect our clashes and there is no point in lashing out at each other because they're still doing that as we speak.

A fetus does not react to pain until such time that their CNS has developed to the degree that the stimulus can be processed. Certainly not with the first couple of weeks after conception.
A fetus does not react to pain until such time that their CNS has developed to the degree that the stimulus can be processed. Certainly not with the first couple of weeks after conception.

That is correct. Just because a frog's leg kicks when you apply an electical jolt to it does not mean it is aware of the sensation.
A fetus does not react to pain until such time that their CNS has developed to the degree that the stimulus can be processed. Certainly not with the first couple of weeks after conception.

Oh yes, thanks for pointing it out, I failed to take that into account. All for the more reasons for a female doing what she wants to do without the fetus' consent.

What is the singular for fetus? Fetae's? or something? Boggling me at the moment.
Oh yes, thanks for pointing it out, I failed to take that into account. All for the more reasons for a female doing what she wants to do without the fetus' consent.

What is the singular for fetus? Fetae's? or something? Boggling me at the moment.

Fetus is the singular.
That is correct. Just because a frog's leg kicks when you apply an electical jolt to it does not mean it is aware of the sensation.

Yep, you can get the reaction from a dead frog.
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