Post your High School Senior picture.

No offence taken.. .I was 17 in that picture. I didn't even get married until I was 30 and I was 35 when he was born. But having a child does not do much to a mans body... :giggle:

So, you are just a tad older than me. I was 25 when my daughter was born and she is 12 now.
No. If it was a naked pic they would be doing more than drooling..... :naughty: Here ya go then Shel.. Drool away...:lol: Yes I still have the dimples


Pretty cute. Like a Beatle.
I gradurated in 2006, But... I gradurated at age of 19... so here's my Senior pics:

Wow, you look very romantic in your outfit and the background is really great. I really like your photo for the senior picture which might be different than the photo pose like all senior pictures in the yearbook. I am very impress. :thumb:

Romantic? that is a first. Most girls say nice, hot, etc... That is what I love to be dressed up but of course not at school. Of course I dont look like that anymore.. eh. Again thanks. I am trying to find my other one outside.. seem having trouble finding it but when I do, i will post it.
Thank you all for sharing your pictures. I really appreciate you sharing your pictures as this shows the true intimacy of friendship.

Some are comfortable whereas some aren't. I really respect this.
Now I have gotten around to scanning the picture and putting it up here. Me in last year of school wearing school uniform.
Gosh, Babyblue......You really have not changed much since high school when I last saw you. Yeah, we lost contact! :wave:

Oh my! Is it really you? :hug: yeah!! Been a while! Good to see you still alive and well.

Get some posts so I can pm you.
School uniform is great MIss Delectable. And Kailei, you look exactly the same now. :)

All nice pictures.