Parent and HA/CI issues

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Now if she grows up with a CI, she could communicate with her cousins, and other relatives. If the child could choose, I doubt very much she would choose to not hear.
Good point 2kids1hoh......oral skills give some freedom, but what about kids who still don't have totally clear speech? I know my speech is pretty good, but I STILL go through the frustration of trying to say something, and not being undy'd by hearies.
I also don't nessarily think that all dhh kids would choose to be hearing. You have to understand that for us being dhh is just's not nessarily negative or an impairment or something like that.
It is just a part of us, the way our eye color is a part of us, or the way an interest is for us.
I think that parents have the right to give their kids oral training, BUT at the same time parents should expose their kids to Sign and Deaf culture early on. Also for schools, early on they should do a split placement instead of presuming that mainstream, mainstream, all the way is some sort of utopia.
My parents now say that they should have exposed me to Deaf programs, as well as getting the benifits of a mainstream hearing classroom.
Audiofuzzy said:
You can always remove outer parts and a magnet. And if I understand correctly with nowadays newer models you can even remove a whole CI if you wish.
Don't tell me that you don't remember about not all CI removals can be done?
Let me refresh your memory....there was one member in here who told her story about her doctor had advised her not to risk with her CI to be removed due to some heath reasons and you came in saying you had never heard of it. Then someone else came in to provide a link for you to look about it. Remember?
Audiofuzzy said:
Why not give the child a chance to hear first and THEN let it decide.
Audiofuzzy said:
I am sorry Butterflygirl I am so not trying to insult you - I am trying to convey my point to you, since by your replies I can see you don't get it. I am just telling you HOW I know it.

You wrote:

The ages might not be far away from ecah other but look what the graph shows and proves it makes a BIG difference!


See how up to the age three 0-3 the column is tall, and and at the age 7-10 is SO much shorter! and you want to wait until six, which is closer to the column of age 7 -10.
This is what your child will most likely understand with CI when implanted at age six- closer to the low column of age 7-10.

I suppose after the age three the ability to recognize sounds falls down drastically. Age 4 will be probably halfway between age 3 and 7.

Being deaf and intelligent has NOTHING TO DO with CI preformance according to the age.

If you buy a new car its best performance will always be when it is new not when it is older. It has nothing to do with the quality, engine size, horsepower etc - in other words - a car's "intelligence".
Merely with AGE.

What is wrong with fitting a baby with HAs at first and then see if he or she can or cannot benefit from it?

By the way, don't repeat to me over and over that I do not understand the graph. FYI, I am not dumb as you think. It is a fact that 4 to 6 yrs old is not too far away from 0 to 3 yrs old and even though it doesn't show on the graph with 4 to 6 yrs old but it does say "This open-set test, without visual support, shows dramatic differences in children from 0 to 3 years and those implanted above 6 years, who do not improve in the long term."

By the way, I am getting tired of repeating it over and over that it is just my belief and concern that a deaf baby shouldn't be implanted with a CI. I have not bashed on any parents for implanting their babies. I know they are not my children. I am just speaking out my opinions if I had a deaf child. What is wrong with parents not wanting to implant their deaf babies if they want to wait to see if they can benefit from a HA or not? Remember that not everyone have the same opinions so I'd appreciate it if you would respect me for my beliefs and opinions.

If you want to hear well so badly then why don't you get a CI for yourself? It seems to me that you do.
ButterflyGirl said:
What is wrong with fitting a baby with HAs at first and then see if he or she can or cannot benefit from it?

It has been said REPEATEDLY, I might add, that if a baby benefits from a HA they WON'T BE IMPLANTED!!!!!

Implants are for those who get ZERO benefit from a HA!
DefLord said:
Now as for stories you have read - I REALLY would LOVE to read those - I know of some lawyers - some still practice some dont. (I am targetting the PRO deaf deaf ones). But I am really interested in seeing some links on the successful deaf professionals. After all it would make it a better selling point. So can you please post me some links or some references.
I have created a thread about it. It is in here
neecy said:
It has been said REPEATEDLY, I might add, that if a baby benefits from a HA they WON'T BE IMPLANTED!!!!!

Implants are for those who get ZERO benefit from a HA!
I do know that.
I am not arguing that deaf people can be successfull without any devices - they do!- but that is not the point.

I am trying to explain that for best results age matters VERY MUCH!!

And that is why it is neccessary to best implant before the age of 3. Period.

We are discussing TECHNICAL side of implanting.

I believe you can always remove just the magnet- they do that for MRI, don't they?

ps, Look, I respect your opinion, I do.

What bothers me I am convinced you don't fully understand the idea of best performance when implanted early.

Because if you plan to implant your child at the age of 6, while 6 is so close to 7- and shows much much worse results- why you wait? why you waste time?
If you didn't your child would hear almost 3x better from the same CI.

so why?

Audiofuzzy said:
ps, Look, I respect your opinion, I do.

What bothers me I am convinced you don't fully understand the idea of best performance when implanted early.Because if you plan to implant your child at the age of 6, while 6 is so close to 7- and shows much much worse results- why you wait? why you waste time?
If you didn't your child would hear almost 3x better from the same CI.

so why?

SHEESH here you go again telling me that I do not understand. I understood the graph perfectly but it is just that I wouldn't be so desperate to make my deaf child to hear. It is just being me. What is so terrible with being deaf or only hear a little? NOT every parents want to have their deaf babies implanted, Get it??

By the way, you have named a member in here and you are accusing her of misunderstanding her doctor. You were not there so how do you know she may have misunderstood? That was uncalled for. *shakes my head*

*Walks out of this thread*
Audiofuzzy said:
I am not arguing that deaf people can be successfull without any devices - they do!- but that is not the point.

I am trying to explain that for best results age matters VERY MUCH!!

And that is why it is neccessary to best implant before the age of 3. Period.

We are discussing TECHNICAL side of implanting.

And yes I remember CoolieFroggie and her removal problem. It was never established to the end whether or not she misunderstood her doctor.
I believe there was a reason she couldn't remove it. I just don't believe she would die if they try- I think she misunderstood. I think the dr said the residual nerves will die.
Don't forget she has an old make CI - they make new ones now that does not damage the nerves.

I believe you can always remove just the magnet- they do that for MRI, don't they?


I m warning you again, If you started this related my topic about remvoving my ci issue, I don't care if u don't believe what i had to say.. U had nothing know about my history, What i had been told my own doctor. U don't need to jump saying * I don't believe this shit will gonna die cuz the ci thingy* shut up the fuck thing, and u don't know about it.. don't brag yourself that u think you know everything about CI.. hell with it.

Leave us alone who had expereince with CI or anything related with CI.. just respect people's comments.
Welcome aboard, lilitalia89! Wow! You ARE wise beyond your years! Your parents are doing a great job with you! I think I can relate to your mother's feelings about the HAs -- she wants the best for you and does not want to see your friends alienating you cos of the HAs. She will understand in time. Thanks so much for your input!

lilitalia89 said:
i dont know if im taking a swing in the dark here for replying just because i havent been hoh for long and i wasnt born hoh and as of right now have no listening devices and im only 17. But here is my opinion: I think anyone and everyone should respect a parents decision to implant their children at a young age if they think there children are in need of it (if hearing aids are no longer an option). If you think about it the doctors tell you the patient or parents of the patient that he/she would benefit from a CI. So if a doctor is saying they would benefit from it then why not do it. Wouldn't you feel kinda bad for your kid(s) later on if they were behind their age group in language skills and social interaction, just because you thought when they are older they can make the decision themselves. It's like any other surgery. If your kid would benefit from having say a surgery for their spine, but it wasnt totally needed but suggested to make their life much better in the long run or they could be disabled in the future. Would you think o well they may regret it later because of the big scar they would have that might make the self concious.

If the child decides that they really dont like the CI anymore they can ask to have it removed and if hearing aids are still no longer an option then i guess they are choosing asl. Which to parents should not matter at that point because if your child is telling you and talking to you about how their CI is making them feel REALLY uncomfortable then so be it. But if u deprive them of actually trying it from a young age and actually learning their a,b,c's whether in a mainstream school or deaf school then your being ignorant to the fact that YOU are hurting your childs chances at a possibly better life.

Right now im going thru possibly getting hearing aids and my mom is in a positive/negative mode because she thinks that people will look at me much different etc and she is worried that i will get hurt from other peoples ignorance. Us "kids" get to know when we are older that you are always trying to help us out and make the right decisions.

If a CI is necessary and hearing aids no longer work then i say, hey why deprive a kid of hearing better then not being able to hear at all?! You may be thinking about your kid's short term future, but look at the long term. Parents take a chance everyday in regards to their kids health, sometimes it turns out good sometimes bad, but with the technology today devices can be tried out and if you don't like it then you dont. But u have to give it a chance. Also im not saying it would be easy to just remove a CI, but it's probably not impossible.

So instead of the HUGE arguments, maybe respect peoples opinions. If some people are really against CI's then maybe there is a reason behind it (maybe they had an experience or a family member had one and their responses were negative). All im saying is that you never know people's situation unless you really know them or ask.

Im not trying to start another argument, just trying to end some small ones on here, if i help the situation then great. If you think i just wasted some space on here then thats ok too, cuz its my opinion, my post, and im pretty sure my right as a registered Member to voice my personal opinion.
ButterflyGirl: "Don't tell me that you don't remember about not all CI removals can be done?
Let me refresh your memory....there was one member in here who told her story about her doctor had advised her not to risk with her CI to be removed due to some heath reasons and you came in saying you had never heard of it. Then someone else came in to provide a link for you to look about it. Remember?"

ButterflyGirl -- Can you please point out that post -- I do not remember that member's story -- would it be from another thread? Thanks...

Neecy: "It has been said REPEATEDLY, I might add, that if a baby benefits from a HA they WON'T BE IMPLANTED!!!!!

Implants are for those who get ZERO benefit from a HA!"

Neecy -- Thanks for that input! This sways me more to the view of implanting babies! That second sentence said it all for me! Thanks...

And I want to say that this thread has given me a whole lot of everyones' viewpoints. (Also I want to ask why some of you have to resort to 4-letter words? They aren't necessary. Guess it's a good thing children aren't allowed on these threads -- OR are they?) tsk tsk
greema said:
ButterflyGirl: "Don't tell me that you don't remember about not all CI removals can be done?
Let me refresh your memory....there was one member in here who told her story about her doctor had advised her not to risk with her CI to be removed due to some heath reasons and you came in saying you had never heard of it. Then someone else came in to provide a link for you to look about it. Remember?"

ButterflyGirl -- Can you please point out that post -- I do not remember that member's story -- would it be from another thread? Thanks...
Yes, it was from another thread and you were not here when it was being discussed. I would bring it up for you but I wouldn't do that to hurt this certain member who I feel had enough pain.

About that 4 letter word that this member used, if only you could understand what she had been through. Like I said in my another post, you were not here long enough to know about everything that had been going on in here so please don't jump on us.
ButterflyGirl said:
Yes, it was from another thread and you were not here when it was being discussed. I would bring it up for you but I wouldn't do that to hurt this certain member who I feel had enough pain.

About that 4 letter word that this member used, if only you could understand what she had been through. Like I said in my another post, you were not here long enough to know about everything that had been going on in here so please don't jump on us.

okay --- ahh i kinda understand -- BUT not too nice bringing in anything from any other thread that I havent been in -- :topic: (for me anyways -- you are jumping in without regard to this thread's history -- NEW post -- NEW so off the topic if you don't mind
rockdrummer said:
What about if CI is the last and only hope for a child?? How do you feel about that?
How could a CI be the only hope for a deaf child? :dunno:
ButterflyGirl said:
I have created a thread about it. It is in here
:applause: Thanks for including this. It is much-needed. We need more of these stories because the current trend is "You need to HEAR to succeed!" or "Yay! My deaf kid overcame obstacles! He can HEAR!" or other stuff like that.

And I believe it is wrong to implant babies for MORAL reasons. That same old chart people keep showing about bisyllabic words isn't going to convince me otherwise because I am fully aware that born-deaf children get the best "benefit" from cochlear implants, but I just don't think hearing should be a requirement for success.

And now I will take leave of this thread. :iough:
SHEESH here you go again telling me that I do not understand. I understood the graph perfectly but it is just that I wouldn't be so desperate to make my deaf child to hear. It is just being me. What is so terrible with being deaf or only hear a little?

Now when you put it this way I can understand you better.

But, again we are at once discussing TWO issues:
1. the technical side of early and late implanation. 0-3 is the best age.
2. the fact that the parent may choose to have the child deaf.

one has nothing to do with the other, do you understand what I am trying to say? I think if you do, then you should agree with me that is best to implant early but a parent may choose not to do that for other reasons.

and, on the side,
3. the fact that nothing terrible is with being deaf :)

I am only pointing out IF YOU WANT TO IMPLANT, you should do it early because later is not worth it - the graph shows the age makes HUGE dfference.

As I've said earlier what's the point- after age of 3 years old, you only will be discouraged by lack of results and complain of CI not working as it should.


U don't need to jump saying * I don't believe this shit will gonna die cuz the ci thingy* shut up the fuck thing, and u don't know about it..

First of all I would never think of you, or anybody else, as "shit". You are not 'shit', you are as worthy person as anyone, and I am just discussing something that I found puzzling, that's all.
I may have strong opinions, irritating opinions, but I greatly respect everyone, even if I have opposite opinion, and I am hurt by this remark of yours. :(

U had nothing know about my history, What i had been told my own doctor

That is true and that is why I wished I could ask your doctor personally, which is not possible. I apologize for not having total faith in you. Do you believe in absolutely everything you are being told, you never have doubts?
What is wrong with me being doubtful? being doubtful is not at all disrespectful when one have reasonable doubt.

Since I know a bit about diseases, surgery I found it hard to believe that one can die from CI removal. Not just you, but anyone.
I can understand if removal is NOT possible- I just doubt one can die because of it. Maybe if you have sick heart, and have hard time with being put to sleep- then yes, you can but in such case ANY surgery is risky, not only CI removal- any surgery.

You can have your facial nerves paralysed on the side of CI- yes, that is true,
but not the whole body or one side of the whole body. The nerves from the ear don't reach that far. Unless there is something else in this story.

You never explained in depht what's your whole story- and you don't have to if you don't wish- but since I don't have all the facts I remain doubtful. It's my right too, OK?

Do you know that recently by mistake I've applied for credit card instead of points card? I was SURE of what I understood. and yet I was mistaken. If it can happen to me, it can happen to anyone...

I am fully aware that born-deaf children get the best "benefit" from cochlear implants, but I just don't think hearing should be a requirement for success.

receiving best hearing benefits from CI is one thing, and whether or not one can be successful with or without CI is another thing.

Don't mix the two in one debate.

And its not always about "success" either - but facilitating the ease of communication across the language barriers of hearing/deaf which in turn makes for an EASIER and less stressful life for the individual in question. Now realize I'm not trying to say it will be the same for everyone, but in my experience (and I've only been activated just over a year now) my life has definitely taken an upswing ith regards to socializing with other hearing people and understanding them immediately without having to struggle to lipread. Its actually quite nice to be able to be in a group situation and jump in with my 2 cent about a topic instead of struggling to discern what's being discussed - it simply makes life a lot more enjoyable. Not that I never had an enjoyable life while being deaf (mind you I still am deaf but for the sake of what I'm talking about I'll use that terminology), but its so much nicer now.
Good postS...

Neecy's "Its actually quite nice to be able to be in a group situation and jump in with my 2 cent about a topic instead of struggling to discern what's being discussed - it simply makes life a lot more enjoyable." is a great point.

Although I have a good job, I'm unable to join in group discussion unless I have an interpreter and DD brought up the fact of trying to speak clearly so others can understand you. I struggle with that because I do not speak loud enough and I do pretty good one-on-one. The people I associate with learned to "listen" to me and we are able to communicate.

There ARE people out there that do not have the patience and I've told myself a long time ago that it is THEIR loss. I am not going to spend my money where I can't or won't be helped. That make any sense?

Have a great day, all!
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