so why do you want one too?
yes I do. It was my first gun. Springfield XD-9.
at that time, I didn't buy it for protection. It was primarily for shooting competition.
I'll clarify - many homeowners (not referring to those with CCW) do not have sufficient training in using handgun when it comes to home invasion. It is not easy to aim and shoot accurately when you're trembling with fear...... which was why I got a shotgun purely for home defense.
Not always. It's either 9mm or .45 at their choosing. Police-version ammunition is stronger than civilian-version. and beside - police comes in group when it comes to armed conflict and when cavalry comes in... shit's gonna get real ugly fast dang!!!!!
When police officer uses 9mm, it's because he is able to use it effectively to do his job. It is a grave danger to his life if an officer cannot use a tool well.
.45 is a big gun and I cannot use it very well because I have girlie hands and recoil is too much for me. With training and aptness in handling my 9mm, I can confidently knock down a crazed person.... with a mix of HP and FMJ. 3 shots maximum.
It is not whoever has the biggest gun that wins the battle but it's how you use it. It's ok to carry a pee-wee gun (Walther PPK aka James Bond gun) if that's what you're very comfortable with.
so why not get a toy gun? he can't tell the difference either.
and as a shooter, I can tell you the difference between 12g and 16g. He's gonna survive 16g and you're not. That is the truth.
simple - don't rob if they don't wanna get hurt or die.
Let's ask 10 hypothetical thugs if they would break into a home if they knew homeowner was armed.
it's ok. I hear this same ole' argument and they always lose.
All I can say is

and have a good day. You do not have to be armed nor get one. Just make sure your cellphone is fully charged for you to call 911.