First of all, you are jumping to conclusions again. I never stated whether or not anyone was armed. For argument's sake, lets just say everyone is unarmed. No one is carrying a firearm, a mace, a sword, a cattle prod, nunchuks, or ninja stars.
Secondly, while it is not illegal to cut in line, it is an internationally recognized rule to start at the back of a line and not skip in front of people. This is also called "common courtesy" and only a child would not understand this.
Third, telling a person whom has violated an internationally recognized rule that they need to follow the rules is not initiating a confrontation (maybe in your line of reasoning it is, and maybe in your cultural upbringing it is).
Fourth, violating a rule is initiating a confrontation. This is usually done by self centered, egotistical people who feel the world somehow owes them something and that they are "special" and above reproach.