One dead in movie theater shooting in Florida

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And Grits! ;)

sweet tea... fried shrimp... mashed potatoes... banana pudding... pulled pork in southern BBQ... fried chicken... bible book... little Atlanta guide... cajun food... Louisiana hot spicy sauce... big breakfast... y'all... Shoney's... Milo's... Jack's... Waffle House (YUCK!!!)... Krystal... Cracker Barrel...
Oh yes... :shock: :lol:

and brown recluse spiders...

I was baptized in a river in Florida when I was 7 years old .... we had piranhas. They were not little bitty things either


That is the tourist food ;)

Muscadine, Dandelion and Watermelon wines, okra, black eyed peas, collard greens with vinegar, cornbread, string beans, butter beans, crawfish, grilled catfish, hot boiled peanuts and an RC cola with a moonpie.

and ....

peach cobbler, fried chicken, sawmill gravy and biscuits (and don't forget, our vegetables are cooked with bacon - unlike the yankees)

ever hear of rhubarb pie? Apple butter and raisin toast .. pumpkin butter, and in TN and KY, coleslaw is put on a pulled pork BBQ sammich. Then there is Brunswick stew (more arguments over its origins than all of alldeaf combined)... lots more just can't think of them right now.
I just drove by the middle school and there where 4 cops car out front. One was parked right in front of the building with a policeman sitting in the car. The other 3 cars where lined up right near the school. I lived here almost 30 years and this is the first time I seen so many cops cars at a school at one time. It's so sad and horrible that we need policemen station in front of our schools . I am glad the policemen are being proactive in protecting our children. I hope my granddaughter's school is doing the same. There is no 'breaking news' on TV , I wonder if was any threated made or a note found in the school.
That is the tourist food ;)

Muscadine, Dandelion and Watermelon wines, okra, black eyed peas, collard greens with vinegar, cornbread, string beans, butter beans, crawfish, grilled catfish, hot boiled peanuts and an RC cola with a moonpie.

and ....

peach cobbler, fried chicken, sawmill gravy and biscuits (and don't forget, our vegetables are cooked with bacon - unlike the yankees)

ever hear of rhubarb pie? Apple butter and raisin toast .. pumpkin butter, and in TN and KY, coleslaw is put on a pulled pork BBQ sammich. Then there is Brunswick stew (more arguments over its origins than all of alldeaf combined)... lots more just can't think of them right now.

Deleted , for some reason I was think this was thread about food . How did we go from a shooting to talking about food???

rhubarb pies is nothing special , we that in New England and the pies are made with strawberries so they will not be so sour tasting. When we ate out at fancy restaurant they serviced a relish tray and pickled watermelon rinds on the tray too. My dad ate brains , lungs and we ate bull tongue .
My dad's family where so poor in Russia that they ate the byproduct of animals too. I had neighbors that grew rhubarb in their back yards. I remember seeing it as a child.
Deleted , for some reason I was think this was thread about food . How did we go from a shooting to talking about food???

rhubarb pies is nothing special , we that in New England and the pies are made with strawberries so they will not be so sour tasting. When we ate out at fancy restaurant they serviced a relish tray and pickled watermelon rinds on the tray too. My dad ate brains , lungs and we ate bull tongue .
My dad's family where so poor in Russia that they ate the byproduct of animals too. I had neighbors that grew rhubarb in their back yards. I remember seeing it as a child.

On the bold statment, this is weird talking about the food instead of what we were suppose to discuss on this topic. :roll:
Ok, not just one question ... sorry. I have several questions.

Suppose you are standing in line at the grocery store. Or, standing in line to purchase a ticket for a movie, concert, or whatever. Or, standing in line in an amusement park for a ride. So, you are standing there, with your wife/girlfriend or friend. You are standing in line, and there are about 30 people also standing in line with you. Then, someone cuts in front of you.

They say nothing at all to you, and they are a random stranger, someone whom you have never seen before….
Oh, well. In the scheme of life that's not a big deal.

Anyway, I've never seen that happen in Charleston.
I wasn't talking about revering Curtis, I was talking about different cultural perspectives in regards to LEO's. It was just an example I was using to explain that observing different cultural perspectives on what is considered rude behaviour can also reflect on their perspectives of authority figures (like LEO's for example).

For example, if a sub culture reviles LEO's it could be for several different reasons. It could be that the LEO's that this sub-culture has been exposed to are corrupt. Or, the sub-culture is actually involved in gang activity and they see LEO's as a threat to their existence - therefore, they are reviled.

In yet other cultures where LEO's are revered, it could be that LEO's are involved in the community in outreach programs for the homeless, help save lives, etc. and they are looked upon as heroes.

All I was doing was attempting to explain that there are, indeed, different cultural perspectives in regards to rude behaviour and this explanation of how authority figures are viewed was just an extension.
I respect law officers and military people. In general, that's not a problem. However, because I do hold them in high regard, I have higher expectations of them. Therefor, when one of them goes astray and does something that shames their organization and disappoints their community, I believe that one should be held fully accountable. Cover ups, excuses, looking the other way, etc., is not acceptable.
Hey mods! If this keeps going, and escalates too quickly again, you have my permission to lock up this thread. This carried way too far.
1. I was not talking about Curtis
2. I was not talking about Curtis
3. Wait maybe I was .. uh .. no ... I was not talking about Curtis.
If you weren't making an analogy to the movie theater shooting, then why the lengthy scenario about the queue confrontation? :confused:
Oh, here is the article (since you are always asking for references and I know you would appreciate it - just trying to be helpful) :wave:

Newark Named World

I, of course, understand it was an unscientific and informal survey ... but it was what I was thinking about when I made the cultural differences statement, as well as the internationally recognized rule for standing in line.

If rude behaviour is culturally the norm for New Jersey, then something that is not considered the norm, like say .. in Islamabad (yay!! you guys beat them way to go!!) then the same behaviour displayed may tend to be more offensive there but not in New Jersey. Like say, for example, the internationally recognized rule that cutting in line is rude behaviour. If the survey is accurate, then we can ascertain that cutting in line in Islamabad would be far more offensive than it would be in Newark, New Jersey, since the norm there is to be rude.
...ever hear of rhubarb pie?
Yes. We grew rhubarb in our yard in Connecticut. We ate the stalks raw with a little sugar sprinkled on, or cooked like applesauce, or baked into a cobbler or pie. We can't grow rhubarb in SC; very disappointing.
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