okay ad'ers. ask me anything (but be nice! :))

What do you look like, Hear Again?

Sorry. A burning question that I've wanted to ask since didn't see any pics.
Are u willing to put any pics of yourself on AD?
oh btw - did you ever talk to him about auto expo?

my boyfriend is here right now watching tv while i surf ad.

we talked about the auto expo show and he's definitely willing to go to detroit with me (yay!), so let's hook up when the date grows near. he also said he'd like to go to nyc, but we need to save up some money for airfare first. it would be *great* if i could go to detroit and nyc!

by the way, he looked at my eyes tonight and said they are red and puffy but there is nothing in them. he thinks i'm having trouble with my allergies. at any rate, i'll be calling my opthalmologist tomorrow morning to find out what's really going on.
my boyfriend is here right now watching tv while i surf ad.

we talked about the auto expo show and he's definitely willing to go to detroit with me (yay!), so let's hook up when the date grows near. he also said he'd like to go to nyc, but we need to save up some money for airfare first. it would be *great* if i could go to detroit and nyc!
hhhmmmmm..... tough choice - detroit or NYC.... Detroit is in January... meaning it's very cold and there's not much to do after Auto Expo. However... IMO - I think Detroit auto expo is better than NY auto expo.

whereas.... NY auto expo is in April and if you want to do a lot after expo.. this is it. so you have 2 choices - if you want a "shotgun trip" on limited budget.... go for Detroit. Couple days stay... go for NYC. :cool2:

by the way, he looked at my eyes tonight and said they are red and puffy but said there was nothing in them. he thinks i'm having trouble with my allergies. at any rate, i'll be calling my opthalmologist tomorrow morning to find out what's really going on.
oh... aight!
hhhmmmmm..... tough choice - detroit or NYC.... Detroit is in January... meaning it's very cold and there's not much to do after Auto Expo. However... IMO - I think Detroit auto expo is better than NY auto expo.

whereas.... NY auto expo is in April and if you want to do a lot after expo.. this is it. so you have 2 choices - if you want a "shotgun trip" on limited budget.... go for Detroit. Couple days stay... go for NYC. :cool2:

this is such a difficult choice because i know detroit will have the better auto show between the two, but i've never been to nyc and that would be exciting. i'll have to do some more thinking about this between now and january. hmmm.
darn. my boyfriend just went to bed, so he can't post. <frown> i'll see if he wants to post again in the morning. i'm still wide awake (what else is new in my own little manic world), so if any of you have other questions, i'll be up for awhile to answer them.
me too! i ate a lot earlier, but the chocolate is... ohh so good. And i dont need to eat it... but i am...

<laughing> you sound just like me whenever i have chocolate in the house. that's why i only buy it for special occaisions or to treat myself after i've had a rough time with a manic or depressive episode. most of the meds i'm on are known for causing weight gain, so the last thing i need is chocolate making things worse!
<laughing> you sound just like me whenever i have chocolate in the house. that's why i only buy it for special occaisions. most of the meds i'm on are known for causing weight gain, so the last thing i need is chocolate making things worse!

I know, freggin steroids making me fat. Geez, one day im so getting of all the crap... I cant wait. Ohh yes dr... im taking my... lol. jk jk. But i was upset, and went benging on gummy life savers...
I know, freggin steroids making me fat. Geez, one day im so getting of all the crap... I cant wait. Ohh yes dr... im taking my... lol. jk jk. But i was upset, and went benging on gummy life savers...

oh, my doctors would just *love* that! NOT. <laughing>
oh, my doctors would just *love* that! NOT. <laughing>

LOL, i wish i could just go off it. Geez, they need to make ways to just implant you with the hormones your body dosent make so you dont have to take pills and get fat. The last time i went off pills i ended up in the E.R.