Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I was wondering if during your hospitalization you were allowed Internet access. That was one of my main fears about hospitalization because I don't know what I'd do without my Internet.
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I was wondering if during your hospitalization you were allowed Internet access. That was one of my main fears about hospitalization because I don't know what I'd do without my Internet.
at each hospital i attended, we were required to attend group sessions, art therapy, relaxation classes and individual appointments with a psychiatrist, so our days were pretty structured.
Was that as nice as it sounds? I would definitely miss my online friends though!
my local police department happens to have an excellent reputation and is in a relatively large suburban community.
however, i'm wondering if it might not be better to contact the police department from the city that is closest to where i live?
That must have been really annoying, not being able to follow the conversations. Weren't you entitled to an intervenor by ADA law?
why not try both? you could meet both referrals and go with the one you feel very comfortable with.![]()
Oh wow your experiences were really all over the place. I'm sorry you got placed in that situation after being depressed about your hearing loss! But it does sound like there were very understanding. That must be so nice, to be around people that understand.
Sometimes the isolating aspect of mental illness can be half the battle.
it's not an aching pain. it's more of a soreness and sharpness like someone is poking a sharp object into my eyes.
perhaps..... you got your eyelash on your eye?? i get this all the time and it does hurt. it feels like a tiny asshole's jabbing my eye with a needle.
that's exactly how it feels. i washed my eyes, so that's not the problem because they still hurt alot. i wish i knew what was causing this...
that's exactly how it feels. i washed my eyes, so that's not the problem because they still hurt alot. i wish i knew what was causing this...
I'm sorry you still hurt.
pick up your phone and call your BF to get his ass over so he can look at your eyes. I do get a very very stubborn eyelash stuck on my eye once in a while.
That sounds really nice. Man, I almost want to be hospitalized now. <laugh> It beats being stuck with my parents watching over me like hawks because they now deem me as lesser and incapable of anything because of my PTSD.
i just gave him a call. he's on his way over as i type this.
good man he is. i will mail him an exclusive Jiro's special edition sunglasses.![]()
yes, he is.![]()