That is the Deaf way and nothing else. Success comes in different forms.
Hohtopics, the "Deaf way" as you put it, is going "full toolbox" Meaning ASL, plus access to speech therapy, PLUS Cued speech and so on. What is so wrong with that approach?
NONE of us here are advocating "voice off ASL for all dhh kids" NONE!
We are advocating a FULL toolbox of both communicative and educational oppertunties.
You are acting like all of us are advocating "let's all send dhh kids to res schools and not have speech therapy"
We're NOT. You are arguing that oral only and mainstream to the max is enough b /c you didn't "need" it. We are arguing that even though you didn't desperatly "need" a particular tool, it could still be helpful I mean visual processing is a strengh for almost all dhh kids. Why not capitalize on that? It's good that you did well...but I almost get the vibe that you're one of those oral only and mainstream folks who think that they were better educated then those kids who had to attend special programs/schools and learn TC/Sign. That may have been true back in the old days, (70's and 80's) but education at deaf schools has actually IMPROVED! A lot of them are VERY hoh friendly!

You know my friend sent her daughter who is "just hoh" to a Deaf School for preschool and kindergarten,and she THRIVED! My friend was SO impressed with the program, that if she hadn't really loved her other mainstream program, she would have had her daughter at the Deaf School ALL DAY! She's no longer in Deaf School, but is attending one of those " dhh magnet program schools" There are also just hoh folks attending Schools for the Deaf (Oregon, Kansas to name two) as well as many hoh kids attending Dhh formal programs! This isn't the 70's and Dhh programs and schools are a lot more academic. You know, there are parents here who were told to "maxstream" (mainstream with minimal accomondations) their kids. Then things changed and they put their kids into dhh programs or schools.....and the parents were amazed and loved the programs and were super impressed.
Not all deaf schools are bad.....there are some, and Deaf ed does have a lot of room for improvement.....but I think if you saw what is going on in Deaf ed today, you'd be very impressed!