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The thread is entitled "Observation" and the OP is sufficiently explanatory of the topic. This is not a thread called "FJ vents her anger and turns everything into a battle." We already have plenty of those.
And tell me, please, who is going to pay for those thousands of dollars in accommodation. Especially those that involve structural accommodation? CART is basically ineffective for a child that is not a quick reader. FM systems do not block out background noise and have been shown to have little effect on functional performance.
Adding ASL to the mix is free.
I agree that FM systems do not block out background noises, but so do everything in general TOWARDS hearing people. With much exposure to FM, they might try (highly doubtful) and learn to ignore the "background noise" and identify the difference between voice and the noise.
As for people being against spoken language, I was very clear. They are against spoken language as a mode of communication in daily life. Yes, a kid can learn some phrases to easy communication in the hearing world, but if they communicate with spoken language, at home or school, that is considered being restrictive and it is unacceptable.
Oh, one hand you say that the kids don't need "intensive therapy" and specialized schooling, but the on the other hand, you say that they aren't performing as well as hearing kids. Maybe if they had that therapy and teachers of the deaf, they would be.
Oh hell yes. The attitude is basicly " Oh we'll mainstream and accept you, but we won't give you accomondations you desperately need, b/c we just like the money you bring in. About the ONLY reason why mainstreaming is even popular is b/c the disabled kid brings money to the mainstream......BUT there's no law saying that a school cannot get away with providing a minimal accomondations approach. Kids in dhh programs do get more benifit from a solotaire approach. Plus the preschool/kindergarten elementary programs are good for kids who are too young to go off to live at school.
Actually to defend faire joure's choice of educational placement, while Miss Kat is doing well receptively her expressive spoken language is still REALLY behind. I don't think that faire joure has the training to teach a deaf kid to use spoken language. I do see both sides.....on one hand Miss Kat isn't able to learn on a second grade level just using spoken English.....It is inhibiting her chance to just learn, rather then have spoken language therapy as a school day.
Beowulf, that is AWESOME she's sending her son to Missouri School for the Deaf!
Is he in hearing aids and also getting speech training too?
YAY! Glad that many of the Deaf Schools are reconizing that they have to become hoh friendly in order to survive.
rick bear in mind that AG Bell is kind of high acheiving. It does not surprise me that a lot of AG Bell kids may only need minimal accomondations. But that's like looking at the graduates/curriculum of one of those exam schools in a city, and assuming that ALL graduates of that particualr school system do that well.
Heck, my senoir year of high school I did UNAIDED. Let me repeat that, UNAIDED and I made Honor Roll! All I had was a notetaker That doesn't mean that all hoh kids will be able to do that well. You are DAMN lucky your daughter didn't need more accomondations. Then you would see where we are coming from.
Imagine that, a parent wanting to share their journey to help support other parents! They should definitely be exposed to hate and vile comments and attacks for it.
FJ, Oh please! There was nothing "hateful" or "vile" about the comments you are referring to. You react to being stood corrected that's all. No need to get vicious.
These "attacks", the "true nature, intolerance and bias" of some posters? If you're going to go there, let's address FJ's sarcasm, referring to us as "asses", "these people", giggling at someone who doesn't know how a word is pronounced? And that's just for starters.
These "attacks", the "true nature, intolerance and bias" of some posters? If you're going to go there, let's address FJ's sarcasm, referring to us as "asses", "these people", giggling at someone who doesn't know how a word is pronounced? And that's just for starters.
What I'm asking Grendel is what does she expect from this community? I try to support AD members whatever their situations and choices are. Is it fair to ask the AD community to accept negative stereotypes about the Deaf/HOH community?
Yeah, read an issue of Volta Voices. The ads for the auditory verbal services are basicly " We don't use ASL or cued speech or any "special educational" methods" Heck, just look at their motto" Freedom in Listening and Talking." Can we say blatent and obvious?why you bring up AGB's
"nominal" acceptance and how their techniques are "refined" - it's subtle, but the oral rhetoric is there, but it's very "couched"
Grendel, I know that you haven't been on AD for a long time and you haven't witnessed some of FJ's antics. I use the "ignore" feature. Works for me.
I have to wonder if you think the deaf community is so "brutally ugly," why are you here? I'm asking that question in all seriousness.
Actually, while not long compared to many, I think I've been on since before FJ joined -- I started lurking in 2007 and officially joined in 2008. I didn't post for a very long time because I joined during an especially harsh period when several members were attacking parents with children who had CIs here and on deafread and I was being bombarded on my family blog and my youtube channel with some very mean emails accusing me of raping my child's head (literally), stating that child protective services were being called on me for cruelty/abuse, and that I shouldn't be surprised if someone "accidentally" removes and loses my child's processors at her school (also suggesting that she would be ridiculed and ostracized at any school for the deaf if I sent her wearing a CI). So I held off until I had more of a sense that this was not reflective of the deaf community as a whole, but was just a small but active faction on the fringe, and there were many other wonderful people from whom I could learn and with whom I could connect.
It's that small faction that I stated was committing these brutally ugly acts -- please note carefully what I've written. I consider myself and my family part of the deaf community -- my daughter uses ASL and is at a school for the deaf -- in real life, the community is very different from what I see here among those select but prolific few I mentioned. Most of the people here are wonderful people I want to continue to engage with, both online and off. Some I won't have anything to do with, after witnessing their awful behavior.
But I really don't understand why you would question me about why I am here because I object to the vicious behavior and attack mechanism that goes into action EVERY time FJ posts. I've stated my intent many times, but I don't see a need to continuously defend my participation in the deaf community -- I am very certain that sanctioning bad behavior is not required.
There were many, many hateful and vile vicious personal attacks on FJ (and a handful others who also happen to be pro-CI) in several threads in recent weeks. If you didn't see them before some of the worst were removed, there are still quite a few standing.
On one hand, I think this is a good thing that these remain, as those who come will see the true nature, intolerance, and bias of several of these posters. On the other hand, it also serves to show any new parents of deaf children how brutally ugly and unwelcoming certain factions of the community can be. Those who turn away after witnessing these attacks will turn instead to organizations such as AGBell, which provides information freely, extensive resources, financial help, legislative power, and acceptance of ALL approaches to deafness, aided, or not, deaf school or mainstream, A-V or ASL -- and where the membership is unified, empowered and active, rather than bitter, angry, and passive -- eating its own members. Sadly, the wonderful ASL community will be tarnished by the behavior of those few here who feel it necessary to disparage the attempts of hearing families to integrate their children into deaf culture, who consider the idea of CIs audism in itself regardless of language approach, and who see the valuing of English -- spoken and written -- to be a devaluing of ASL.