log off for a bit, and a huge firestorm ignites.

Faire joure I simply want to respond to a couple of things. You have REPEATLY said that your daughter can hear really well with her CI. You have ALSO said that her expressive language IS very significently delayed! I do not understand why you got so angry about that.
Second of all, yes some of the hoh kids who are mainstreamed might do better in a formal oral deaf program. But you're still missing that a lot of HOH kids are very visually perceptive. Visual perception is a STRENGH for them. So instead of being in a program where they could be BILINGAL and using their strenghs, as well as getting traditional hoh interventions (b/c virtually ALL oral deaf interventions ARE basicly hoh interventions)
they're in a program which amounts to an eternal speech/spoken language session.
AND, I never said or implied that you should do what jillo said. ALL I was saying is that it can be VERY hard to learn a new language AND new content at the same time.
The only thing I would suggest is perhaps moving to a different state that has a really good Deaf school with proper oral supports.
They DO exist you know.
Faire joure I've said this before, and I'll say it again. A HUGE part of your anger isn't about what Deaf people think should happen to dhh kids comes from your severe anxiety if your daughter will develop sophiscated spoken language.
Yes, there are some people who believe that deaf kids should be unaided/unCId and go voice off with only survival spoken language.....but they are in the MINORITY even WITHIN the Deaf culture!