Obama legalizes horse slaughter for human consumption

Me too! I even looked up the French word for snails and slugs. They eat those things.
I love escargot in melted garlic butter! My grandson also loves them. :)
I love escargot in melted garlic butter! My grandson also loves them. :)

Well to be honest, I haven't tried eating them.. One day, if I get the chance I may try that though I'm sure I will have to over come my prejudice against eating snails.
I ate horse meat in France when I was a kid. I thought it was roast beef at the time and was told after.
A lot of the world eats horses. It's not like they are giant kittens.
I still recall a news story about a pig that won "Best in Show" at Minnesota State Fair. The young man and young lady that worked with the pig were all smiles until after the award ceremony. Then the realization of the next phase of farm life hit them like a ton of bricks, and they were both inconsolate as the pig went on the auction block; soon to be ham and bacon and pork chops. For those that feel outrage over horses being slaughtered, realize that every animal every eaten had someone looking over them. The difference? Big beef and chicken and pork producers are not in love with the "crops" they are grooming for sale. Somehow, that thought does not make me feel a lot better.
enough meat?

no it's not about supply of meat. people have different taste. I have killed squirrel and ate it. not so bad.

Are you saying that there is not enough of a variety to choose from, therefore fine to eat horse?

Would you be okay with Obama legalizing dogs for human consumption?

Just curious.
Are you saying that there is not enough of a variety to choose from, therefore fine to eat horse?
it's not an issue of "enough-ness". Horse is eatable. So are alligator, moose, and deer. heck - I eat veal too. people eat caviar. so why not?

Would you be okay with Obama legalizing dogs for human consumption?
yes but not without my condemnation.

Just curious.
satisfied yet?
Are you saying that there is not enough of a variety to choose from, therefore fine to eat horse?

Would you be okay with Obama legalizing dogs for human consumption?

Just curious.
Take the crosshairs off of Obama here. Of all the things that Congress has failed to do, they at least found a way to pass this. Remember Obama has been blocked repeatedly by Congress. If you want to focus your anger on someone, focus on all of them.

Speaking of choice, what do you suggest; we follow your dietary guidelines? What "food with faces" do you find edible? You like McD's? Oscar Meyer? What makes it ok to grind up cows and pigs, but not horses? Is it because there is no "Black Bramha" movie, only "Black Stallion?" No "I love Bossy" but "I love Flicka?"
I just don't understand why... Is there a lot of money to be made in this? Beyond everything else- it's not necessary to eat horses. I mean- seriously?! People already have enough meat to eat.

Probably for profits. Your last post mentioned about dogs. I won't be surprised if they want dogs and cats next in the future.
I haven't been able to find any thing other than blogs to confirm this but I'll keep checking..

I'd say it is going to take a good hard try to find something to confirm what is stated in this opinion piece.:roll: God, will some people stop at nothing in their distortions, their twisting, and their downright misrepresenation. Anything to serve their own agenda, even if it is a bunch of BS. Disgusting.
i think the French and the Belgium folks are aware. I do not think horses are often eaten there though. I don't think there's enough horses to go around to replace fish...

I'd say that there are no doubt a culture or two here that would be happy to have horsemeat available for consumption, if it has been an accepted dietary option where their culture originated.
I'd say that there are no doubt a culture or two here that would be happy to have horsemeat available for consumption, if it has been an accepted dietary option where their culture originated.

What about whaling? Japanese have eaten it for centuries.
I just don't understand why... Is there a lot of money to be made in this? Beyond everything else- it's not necessary to eat horses. I mean- seriously?! People already have enough meat to eat.

It isn't necessary to eat cows and pigs and chickens, either.:cool2:
Awww, leaving out our own Native Americans?

If you are referring to the eskimos, they don't have fields of wheat and corn up there. Not much grazing lands either, and they would need to fight off polar bears. Much easier to catch seals and walruses.

Native Americans in lower 48 were very concious of using everything that nature provided them. They would have used everything from the horse.