Chicken and the egg question.
if Israelis haven't permitted illegal settlement of the Gaza and the West Banks, and treat the Palestineans without pidgeon-holing them into ghettos, then there wouldn't be terrorists in the first place.
Like people have stated, two wrongs do not make a right.
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We are talking history. War propaganda is ok, but history is not?
Hard for you to believe he might have a little decency in him, eh? Don't let your rage over paying a few more bucks in taxes keep you from seeing the good in this action. Standing up to coward bullies like Israel is far more important to humanity, as a species, than any current domestic issue.
My taxes are not going up....because I don't pay taxes. No income.
I see Israel differently than you do. But regardless of that, this is no way for a host to treat a world leader. Getting tough with action is one thing......"Fine, I am not going to eat dinner with you" is childish and petty, not tough.
What's next????? Is Obama going to take his ball and go home?
Off topic....But the invasion of Iraq was justified....WMD or not. Was it necessary
Americans were led to believe that Iraq was a threat to the USA. They weren't there to liberate the people of Iraq. If that was the case, then why aren't they liberating countries like North Korea, Sudan (Darfur) and more?
Why Iraq?
A war cannot be justified if lies and faulty information were used to draw support in the first place.
See this timeline of the 2003 Invasion of Iraq;
My taxes are not going up....because I don't pay taxes. No income.
If you hold a stock less than one year before selling it, the IRS classifies the sale as a short-term capital gain and taxes the profit as ordinary income. This means you could pay 25% or much higher of your profit in taxes.
Taxes and Investing - What You Need to Know about Taxes and Investing
Didn't you say you recently invested in some stocks and made quite a pretty penny off it? The IRS consider investing on stocks a form of income.
Just saying.
I am VERY familiar with this.
I am also familiar with the many ways around it. Legal ways. Thx for the concern though.
Oh and the gain wasn't THAT big (pretty penny) but it was ok.
1. Almost everything you own and use for personal purposes, pleasure or investment is a capital asset.
2. When you sell a capital asset, the difference between the amount you sell it for and your basis – which is usually what you paid for it – is a capital gain or a capital loss.
3. You must report all capital gains.
4. You may deduct capital losses only on investment property, not on property held for personal use.
5. Capital gains and losses are classified as long-term or short-term, depending on how long you hold the property before you sell it. If you hold it more than one year, your capital gain or loss is long-term. If you hold it one year or less, your capital gain or loss is short-term.
6. If you have long-term gains in excess of your long-term losses, you have a net capital gain to the extent your net long-term capital gain is more than your net short-term capital loss, if any.
7. The tax rates that apply to net capital gain are generally lower than the tax rates that apply to other income. For 2009, the maximum capital gains rate for most people is 15%. For lower-income individuals, the rate may be 0% on some or all of the net capital gain. Special types of net capital gain can be taxed at 25% or 28%.
8. If your capital losses exceed your capital gains, the excess can be deducted on your tax return and used to reduce other income, such as wages, up to an annual limit of $3,000, or $1,500 if you are married filing separately.
9. If your total net capital loss is more than the yearly limit on capital loss deductions, you can carry over the unused part to the next year and treat it as if you incurred it in that next year.
10. Capital gains and losses are reported on Schedule D, Capital Gains and Losses, and then transferred to line 13of Form 1040.
Have you heard of capital gains and losses? If not, you may want to read up on them because they might have an impact on your tax return. The IRS wants you to know these ten facts about gains and losses and how they could affect your tax situation.
10 Facts About Capital Gains and Losses
Are you sure you aren't defrauding the government?
An income is an income, you can't really get around that one.
if your money's in 401k or similar... it's tax free.
So you're denying the treatment of Arabs as second-class WITHIN Israel's border?
Ghettos such as Lodz are not even remotely close to the Bank or the Strip, yet Israeli Arabs still have resentments toward Israeli Jews because they are forced to live in ghettos, then those ghettos get torn down for 'illegal settlement' reasons. Every time you treat someone like a second-class citizen, the more likely they will sympathize with a terrorist organization.
Must I remind you that a vast majority of Irish-Americans supported the IRA because a lot of Irish felt like they were treated as second-class by the British? So why can't you see the Israeli Arabs' side of the story, if not the Palestinian Arabs?
So if you can't see the chicken and the egg analogy here, you're dumb as a brick.
You know what I find funny... right in his source...
... in response to Egypt's militarization of the Sinai.
Unprovoked, out of nowhere, my ass.