i havent bothered reading the entire thread...its xmas in new zealand and im too busy with sampling some german beers, fucking love it....now how about this..
stop squbbling about gun LAWS, look at American Culture in relation to fear and loathing in the USA (yes i coped Hunter Thompson's book title) but thats the point...it iS full of fear and hatred...AND indeed there are 'evil' people but then you, its the society that cracks people...not the innate seeds of behaviour, i believe it is not borned in 'evil' it is learned...like this, just look around, sooo Much violence in the media and in at that, there is Sooo much excuses for it, as in the 'story' good win over evil or defence or revenge, these gullible public dont know the difference from fact and fiction, but the whole thing boils, "must have guns"...its probably impossible to go back in 'time' the damage is done..what can you do about it, not alot, but ... licencing overhual, criminal checks is a good start..and...how about boost up rates for gun shop owners in towns, city?...that would help close some down and boost city incomes to fund resources for more policing or more education or similar...BUT...FEAR is not going to work, i dont fuckn care what the strategists says...they are actually enforcing the fear element which is embedded so deep in the american culture...its time,. to re-think the whole way of looking at addressing the problem of 'must have gun, because people live in fear' aspects...naive view some of you might say?..but then have anyone tried this way? at all types of levels, local govt, federal, whatever...