new to hearing loss... struggling with very unsupportive parents

Good that there is another meeting and I hope it goes well. Try think about yourself than your parents even though it might be hard to do that.
take two went alot better!... had another meeting in school this morning and i did my best to be honest about everything! I just about managed to ignore the fact that my parents were there and managed to explain things from my point of view!

the good news is... they're sorting it out for me to have appointment on friday with audiologist to get some hearing aids!! :) :) (since my dad broke mine yesterday!)

the not so good news is... they said they have no choice but to get social services involved

my parents were definitely not happy with what i said even though it was the truth and there really really angry with me but to hell with them!
Did your father break your hearing aids on purpose?
my parents were definitely not happy with what i said even though it was the truth and there really really angry with me but to hell with them!

i no that well (after social services f ed up badly i had to get them to fix their f up even got got an apology from social services)
yep... he's still angry with me over my hearing loss

As much as I hate to say it, I think your father need to seek professional help because this type of behaviour is highly abusive and may pose a risk to your well-being and the others.
As much as I hate to say it, I think your father need to seek professional help because this type of behaviour is highly abusive and may pose a risk to your well-being and the others.

Her father comes from a particular country in which disabilities are considered a mark of shame in many regions.
El....888 you have done so well job! Keep this in your mind, you cannot please everyone but yourself.
I cannot believe adult parents would act that way! Yes, I do believe you - it's more that I can't fathom an adult treating their offspring that horribly!

I am so glad that the second meeting went better. I suspect they realized you were defending your parents because it's human nature.

As for your father being angry because of your hearing loss - that is HIS problem. Of course since he's your father his problem does affect your life. Just don't allow yourself to think that your hearing loss is somehow your fault.

This is one of those situations where you wish someone could spend a day or two in someone else's shoes.
Her father comes from a particular country in which disabilities are considered a mark of shame in many regions.

Which is a real shame. The fact that he deliberately broke the hearing aids is rather alarming though.
Her father comes from a particular country in which disabilities are considered a mark of shame in many regions.

Which is a real shame. The fact that he deliberately broke the hearing aids is rather alarming though.

my dad considers is like a personal insult that i dont have normal hearing anymore. He's ashamed of me for my hearing loss and the fact i need hearing aids.

When i get new hearing aids on friday, he's getting nowhere near them!!
Call Marlee Matlin, a big advocate of wearing hearing aids, and have her do a good judo chop on your popsy :)
Call Marlee Matlin, a big advocate of wearing hearing aids, and have her do a good judo chop on your popsy :)

I remember it marlee Martlin, I am very pretty hear you! interesting! that is nice
I am glad to hear 2nd one went much better than 1st. I am sorry that your dad is making it difficult for you.

Well done for explaining everything and did your best while your parents was there. Must be hard to do but very well done. Good to hear that your hearing aids are getting sorted at last! Make sure you ask for hearing aid box (some NHS don't give it to you without asking) so you can put hearing aids inside it at nights and hide it to protect it.
Plus a drying system! Google "Dry and Store" and see the appropriate ones for the U.K.

Jiro was the one here on AD who told me about them. I'm a believer, now. They will dry out your aids at night so the tubes (if you have a Behind the Ear model) will remain free of moisture.
Well done el...888. I think you're handling an incredibly difficult situation very well. I'm impressed.
Plus a drying system! Google "Dry and Store" and see the appropriate ones for the U.K.

Jiro was the one here on AD who told me about them. I'm a believer, now. They will dry out your aids at night so the tubes (if you have a Behind the Ear model) will remain free of moisture.

I bought one of them from the Connevans website -
IMO this is the best website in the UK for deaf equipment. Ask them to send you a free catalogue as it has loads of useful information.

Here's a link to the Dry & Store product: Dry & Store -
However the Dry & Store is rather pricey.
take two went alot better!... had another meeting in school this morning and i did my best to be honest about everything! I just about managed to ignore the fact that my parents were there and managed to explain things from my point of view!

the good news is... they're sorting it out for me to have appointment on friday with audiologist to get some hearing aids!! :) :) (since my dad broke mine yesterday!)

the not so good news is... they said they have no choice but to get social services involved

my parents were definitely not happy with what i said even though it was the truth and there really really angry with me but to hell with them!

I am really glad that the second meeting went much better. I am so proud of you for finding the courage to be honest. That is all it took for this situation to begin to be resolved. It is out of your hands now, as the teachers are mandated reporters and must report this incident to social services. Just keep in mind that getting social services involved is not necessarily a bad thing, as it will probably result in your father, and probably your mum as well, being mandated into therapy that will help them learn more appropriate parenting skills. Even though your parents may appear angry at first, this is the best thing for the whole family. I am very proud of you for being so courageous.:hug:
Ok, ok -- what is wrong with you, kid? Go out there and smoke some pot with a swig of tequila, dye your hair magneta pink, pierce your nose and tongue, get a tattoo --- maybe that will put your Popsy more at ease about the hearing aid thing?