new to hearing loss... struggling with very unsupportive parents

el..888 situation is unusual. I believe in "talking/getting assistance" is the first step to some resolution she can live with. Again a loss up to Profound level within a 6 months period is unusual. I know a person -Bena Schuster went bilateral deaf-overnight. She wrote a book about what happened next.. Life after Deafness Cdn Hard of Hearing Association Ottawa-1995
From my experience: almost 40 years elapsed from a "slight loss to deafness". From my multiple classes-1992/2007 at CHS/Toronto- no classmate went as "fast" as el...888.
The human variability-no doubt.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

Yes, el_888's situation is unusual. She stated that her father is embarrassed by her hearing loss and had refused access to the hearing aids already gotten. He has refused any help what-so-ever. From another poster, that is not unusual behavior in that part of the world.

I am just thankful the el_888 was able to get some new HA's and is doing what she can to keep them away from her father. I am also hopeful that she will also get some kind of help, if needed, at school.
For el...888 the unknown is her father's reaction to his daughter NOW wearing a hearing aid in their home? Her mother's reaction? Plus her rapid adjustment to the increasing hearing loss. Is it realistic to expect help from "outside" without a "family uproar"ensuing?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
For el...888 the unknown is her father's reaction to his daughter NOW wearing a hearing aid in their home? Her mother's reaction? Plus her rapid adjustment to the increasing hearing loss. Is it realistic to expect help from "outside" without a "family uproar"ensuing?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

If I am right, she is beginning to adjust well, slowly, but doing well. Her parents are not accepting or adjusting. She will get help from outside sources and support from outside sources as well as online sources. I cannot begin to say how much help and support AllDeaf and its regular longtime users and the plethora (many hundreds and thousands) of thread with all kinds of information.
el...888 what do you think your parent's reaction would be reading this thread?

Hopefully your hearing loss has stabilized at the Profound level.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
el...888 what do you think your parent's reaction would be reading this thread?

Hopefully your hearing loss has stabilized at the Profound level.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

they would go ABSOLUTELY MENTAL!! they will never read it tho so im okay

can my hearing loss get worse? or would it still be profound just with different numbers?
can my hearing loss get worse? or would it still be profound just with different numbers?

talk to an Ent

they would go ABSOLUTELY MENTAL!! they will never read it tho so im okay

mine did go absolutely mental at times over my level of acceptance

for the most part my differencing from normal(disabilities) are not discussed unless we are picking a fight
el...888 The next classification from Profound loss is deafness which is a loss over 105 decibels. This is easily confirmed by your ENT clinic.

Your reactions to your parents is highly specific to your immediate circumstance and how you will deal with whatever they react. You may have very limited options because you may still in "high school".

You may already have some idea of your parents reactions-- to potentially reading this thread.

Clearly you appear to be forced into actions you never exactly considered. Again "most of us don't have this circumstance"-doesn't make it "easier" for you.

As I have stated before- much wisdom in your near future in dealing with your recent severe hearing loss at such an age-17 -within your immediate family.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
el...888 The next classification from Profound loss is deafness which is a loss over 105 decibels. This is easily confirmed by your ENT clinic.

Not entirely true.

I have 115 db loss. I still hear PLENTY with my HAs. I do not have total deafness. Many others here will say the same about theirs.
That may be : deafness just above 105 to 120 db. It definitely was NOT the case FOR me. I was tested at 105 DB-heard NOTHING. My Phonak LL6 didn't work. The test confirmed I was bilateral deaf-now which , of course, I knew. SILENCE NOT HARD to understand.

That was the start of the Cochlear Implant process-Sunnybrook/Toronto- Feb/07

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
el 888, First of all I gotta say to you WAY TO GO! :) you did the right thing and stepped up for yourself to your dad. Thats not easy to do when your facing a parent. I'm so sorry to hear he broke your aids, those aren't even cheap either! But in a way this is good for you because now you have new ones and social services are getting involved.

Never ever ever never feel afraid to say "hey, I need help"

When I was in kindergarten I lost my hearing in my right by a fever that damaged my nerves in my ear. I've had somewhat ok hearing in my left but I still needed a aid. After high school my audiologist told me I didn't need them anymore so I went 10 years without a aid. I've been bullied and teased and thats where I made a mistake, I let them get to me. I finally came out of my denial and got myself a aid last December. Since March though, my hearing has dropped dramatically and even with the help of the aid its not the same hearing level. I'm still trying to figure out why.

So, I can completely understand your fears, I'm going through the same ones. But no matter what happens,you will ALWAYS be ok.
el 888, First of all I gotta say to you WAY TO GO! :) you did the right thing and stepped up for yourself to your dad. Thats not easy to do when your facing a parent. I'm so sorry to hear he broke your aids, those aren't even cheap either! But in a way this is good for you because now you have new ones and social services are getting involved.

Never ever ever never feel afraid to say "hey, I need help"

When I was in kindergarten I lost my hearing in my right by a fever that damaged my nerves in my ear. I've had somewhat ok hearing in my left but I still needed a aid. After high school my audiologist told me I didn't need them anymore so I went 10 years without a aid. I've been bullied and teased and thats where I made a mistake, I let them get to me. I finally came out of my denial and got myself a aid last December. Since March though, my hearing has dropped dramatically and even with the help of the aid its not the same hearing level. I'm still trying to figure out why.

So, I can completely understand your fears, I'm going through the same ones. But no matter what happens,you will ALWAYS be ok.

i get people at school taking the piss out of me and teasing me for my hearing loss and for my hearing aids, but its okay they only do it because in that respect i'm different to everybody else in my school! nobody else wears hearing aids.

i aint going to let it get to me and it most definitely aint going to stop me wearing my aids... i need them too much, i want to wear them!

i have bright green earmolds and school told me yesterday that i have to get different coloured ones because with the bright green ones i'm inviting bullying and teasing, and because green doesnt fit in with the school dress code!

i'm not bothered if people are going to tease me a bit and make a bit of fun of my hearing aids, or when i misunderstand. For me now its just a fact of life that i'm deaf and pretty much all my mates accept me for it. Everyone finds it funny and i try to laugh myself when i mishear or say what? hundreds of times a day. A couple of my mates decided to give me the nickname 'deafie' and now pretty much everybody around school has been calling me it constantly! it's okay tho, it means everyone is starting to be comfortable about my deafness :)
el...888 An interesting retort to your school mates- unfortunately I can hear YOU with my Hearing aids at their stupid/uncalled for remarks.

Much success at meeting your trying immediate circumstances-hearing wise.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
For el...888 the unknown is her father's reaction to his daughter NOW wearing a hearing aid in their home? Her mother's reaction? Plus her rapid adjustment to the increasing hearing loss. Is it realistic to expect help from "outside" without a "family uproar"ensuing?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

There is not so much "unknown" about this case as appears from what is said on an open forum. :cool2:
Not entirely true.

I have 115 db loss. I still hear PLENTY with my HAs. I do not have total deafness. Many others here will say the same about theirs.

Ditto. I am not sure mines between 100 to 120. I still wear my HA that I can hear most or so.
i have bright green earmolds and school told me yesterday that i have to get different coloured ones because with the bright green ones i'm inviting bullying and teasing, and because green doesnt fit in with the school dress code!

Having coloured ear moulds are fun and same with hearing aids. Why hide them when you an show them off? Also most people wouldn't pick boring colours for clothes or shoes, glasses etc so why with hearing aids?

Enjoy the colours! Also did you know you can get clear ear mould with pictures inside as well like your favourte foorball team or any pictures.
Jillio: el...888 has already answered the question I posed- re her father reactions-reading this thread.
The unknown: how long is her current situation sustainable?

My user name's thought: life is NOT only a success story but managed-somewhat.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
As for the "unspecified alleged subtlety "- no comment. Just read this thread.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Last edited:
Jillio: el...888 has already answered the question I posed- re her father reactions-reading this thread.
The unknown: how long is her current situation sustainable?

My user name's thought: life is NOT only a success story but managed-somewhat.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07


there are issues surrounding this case of which you are unaware. I should have known you wouldn't get the sublety.:roll:
Having coloured ear moulds are fun and same with hearing aids. Why hide them when you an show them off? Also most people wouldn't pick boring colours for clothes or shoes, glasses etc so why with hearing aids?

Enjoy the colours! Also did you know you can get clear ear mould with pictures inside as well like your favourte foorball team or any pictures.

Right. And the school cannot dictate what color of earmold a student has.
It is strange for a school board to "get excited about the colour of an earmold". I can't recall such an action here in Canada- other countries- U K ?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07