new thread

if your bored why don't you find a HOBBY to do or get out of house go shopping or go to deaf cafe and meet deaf people to practices your sign language ah

Because i cant drive, and it is too freggin cold to go walking 3/4ths of a mile to the bus stop.
if your bored why don't you find a HOBBY to do or get out of house go shopping or go to deaf cafe and meet deaf people to practices your sign language ah

that's not easy to do when you can't drive. sorry, typeingtornado. i had to say something.
what kind of adaptive equipment (if any) do you have around your home? (i.e. braille labels, etc.)?
what kind of adaptive equipment (if any) do you have around your home? (i.e. braille labels, etc.)?

I have 2 cctv's, one big one, and a portable, a monocular... somewhere...*i have moved like 2 times in the past year...*, a large kitchen timer, a demo version of zoomtext, slate and stylus... does a cane count?
I have 2 cctv's, one big one, and a portable, a monocular... somewhere...*i have moved like 2 times in the past year...*, a large kitchen timer, a demo version of zoomtext, slate and stylus... does a cane count?

yes, i'd count a cane. is the kitchen timer you have very large and square in shape with a thick rectangular dial in the middle? the reason i ask is because i used one of those while in blind rehab and although it was a large print timer (it was black in color and had white numerals), we adapted it with braille markings at each number.

what does a portable cctv look like? i've never seen one before. i remember the HUGE ones they used to have back in the 70s and 80s that looked like tv's and had a sliding tray underneath them with large rotary dials. i remember how some of the low vision students would stick their fingers underneath the camera lens so they could make shadow ghosts. LOL!

speaking of cctv's, one thing that i think is *so* cool is how images can now be seen in color and reversed in contrast. when cctv's first came out, they were in black and white.
yes, i'd count a cane. is the kitchen timer you have very large and square in shape with a thick rectangular dial in the middle? the reason i ask is because i used one of those while in blind rehab and although it was a large print timer (it was black in color and had white numerals), we adapted it with braille markings at each number.

what does a portable cctv look like? i've never seen one before.

My timer is a circle, but other than that its the same. A portable cctv... how to describe... It is basically two pieces hinged together, the top one has a screen, and magnification buttons on it, the bottom has a camera to *read* the text, pic w/e. I like the bigger one better though. The portable is mostly plastic...
My timer is a circle, but other than that its the same. A portable cctv... how to describe... It is basically two pieces hinged together, the top one has a screen, and magnification buttons on it, the bottom has a camera to *read* the text, pic w/e. I like the bigger one better though. The portable is mostly plastic...

your description makes perfect sense to me. the only thing i don't understand is what w/e stands for?
LOL, sorry. w/e- what ever.

oh, okay. i don't think i've ever seen that abbreviation before. LOL! that reminds me of the first few times i made a relay call with my telebraille. i was just learning and wasn't familiar with the tty abbreviations used and unfortuntely, some of the ca's didn't follow my request when i asked them to spell out words completely before i could become familiar with them.
oh, okay. i don't think i've ever seen that abbreviation before. LOL! that reminds me of the first few times i made a relay call with my telebraille. i was just learning and wasn't familiar with the tty abbreviations used and unfortuntely, some of the ca's didn't follow my request when i asked them to spell out words completely before i could become familiar with them.

That stinks, it reminds me of when i was riding the school bus in high school *they made me ride the sped bus* i always used to hear 10-4, it took me months to figure out what it meant...
That stinks, it reminds me of when i was riding the school bus in high school *they made me ride the sped bus* i always used to hear 10-4, it took me months to figure out what it meant...

that must have been really strange for you to keep hearing 10-4 all the time not understanding what it meant. i bet that drove you crazy! that's one of the things sighted people don't understand about the difficulties growing up as a blind or visually impaired child when your parents don't explain those kinds of things to you.
that must have been really strange for you to keep hearing 10-4 all the time not understanding what it meant. i bet that drove you crazy!

No different from the tty, that would have drove me nuts, and ticked me off. But yes, i spent many a bus ride wondering... I felt too stupid to ask... so i just kept listening, and putting it in context.
No different from the tty, that would have drove me nuts, and ticked me off. But yes, i spent many a bus ride wondering... I felt too stupid to ask... so i just kept listening, and putting it in context.

it's funny. in the "deaf and gifted thread" i mentioned taking the wisc (weschler's intelligence scale for children) and talked about how unfair the test was for the blind/vi (as well as the d/hoh) since it often asked visual questions about things i've never had experience with. one question in particular asked me to analyze an odometer despite the fact that i had never seen an odometer before (and i *still* don't know what an odometer looks like -- although i know what one is).
that must have been really strange for you to keep hearing 10-4 all the time not understanding what it meant. i bet that drove you crazy! that's one of the things sighted people don't understand about the difficulties growing up as a blind or visually impaired child when your parents don't explain those kinds of things to you.

Yup, no offense the the sighted people on here but there is a lot they just don't understand (how important braille is, why not to call a white fold up cane numchucks *because i will use them like numchucks if i have to...*, Why we have to do some things differently) but there are things the hearing community dosent understand about d/Deaf *which ticks me off as well...*
Yup, no offense the the sighted people on here but there is a lot they just don't understand (how important braille is, why not to call a white fold up cane numchucks *because i will use them like numchucks if i have to...*, Why we have to do some things differently) but there are things the hearing community dosent understand about d/Deaf *which ticks me off as well...*

true. that's why i think it's so awesome to have ad'ers like you, dreama, aleser, mrs. bucket and nika (to name a few -- my apologies to others i haven't named) to help educate others about the blind and deafblind.
it's funny. in the "deaf and gifted thread" i mentioned taking the wisc (weschler's intelligence scale for children) and talked about how unfair the test was for the blind/vi (as well as the d/hoh) since it often asked visual questions about things i've never had experience with. one question in particular asked me to analyze an odometer despite the fact that i had never seen an odometer before (and i *still* don't know what an odometer looks like -- although i know what one is).

Yeah, i hate stuff like that... I always thought the standardized tests for schools here were unfair because i could never see the ruler for the math one, and it took so much longer. Plus there were the pictures *witch is the same as this... i dont know...* Crap, i didnt see a bird until i got my first monocular in 9th grade. And i cant see one without a monocular... how am i supposed to identify... Just like this one time i lived in a school district where there were no sped busses so i rode a regular one home, i got sexually harassed one day and i was asked to identify them by a picture in the yearbook... Yeah... that worked well... NOT.