Negativity/Attacks/Leaving AD

what gets me is that some people just want it all their way and do not seem capable of disagreeing appropriately. If anyone disagrees with them, they stomp off and cry "they are attacking me! wah wah wah!" Just because someone doesn't agree with you does not mean they are attacking you.
ha ha..very funny Alex....about us getting along...its just a wishful thinking
dont ya think? just impossible really...just look at this sad mess of the world we live in, heh! Other countries fighting one another...Iraq, U.S., England, etc are fighting, always some kind of conflicts with other countries, you get the picture...
We all have different kind of personalities, opinions, get the picture! way we will ever get along, ever have peace..thats life.
So theres always be gonna be all kinds of disagreements in here...if it gets
outa hand, the only way to stop it is for the moderator to ban the person or
lock the thread like before...
i guess, am i right or wrong? :dunno:
well only thing i hate when people actually post to inform them that they are leaving due to problems, just to expect some kind of dramas to show up...I would rather leave privately and inform the owner to delete the account. IT that simple....

IF have problem, talk in pm just dont put so much dramas out in public forum and it would prevent worse things to come (usually work that way).
Shiva said:
well only thing i hate when people actually post to inform them that they are leaving due to problems, just to expect some kind of dramas to show up...I would rather leave privately and inform the owner to delete the account. IT that simple....

IF have problem, talk in pm just dont put so much dramas out in public forum and it would prevent worse things to come (usually work that way).

I agree w/you sis Shiva
Heart2Sign said:
I am not sure what has happened over the course of a few days. It's not my business anyways. I'd rather not know.

But I wanted to speak to those that are considering leaving AD. Because that is my business...since I happen to love people on here, I really don't know what I would do if I hadn't found this site. You and those that I have come in contact with have touch my heart and have had a profound affect on my life.

For once in my life, I feel that bond/connection that I had when I was constantly involved with my deaf friends at elementary school. I have found "home" again.

Consider us that really don't know you and want an opportunity to get to know you. If you leave, yes you will be noticed that you are gone. For a community to be had, it takes a lot of different people. That is what makes the community. Good or bad you can't expect everything to be perfect. For those that are attacking or being negative ~ yes it does hurt. I understand your pain, I've been there. Staying away only hurts those that know you and that want to know you. It won't affect those that are being negative in any way shape or form. They will contiune to behave that way, and drive others to "leave or consider leaving."

That is their problem. If they can't learn to get along or "play nice" then they will reap the consquences for that.

Consider staying, for those that love you, want to know you and accept support from them around you.

:grouphug: :hug: :grouphug: :hug: :grouphug: :hug: :grouphug: :hug:

Love you guys, A LOT.
Sincerely, Heart2Sign :angel:
:gpost: We can't expect everybody to agree. It would be a very boring place here if everybody agreed on everything all the time. ;)
Eve said:
what gets me is that some people just want it all their way and do not seem capable of disagreeing appropriately. If anyone disagrees with them, they stomp off and cry "they are attacking me! wah wah wah!" Just because someone doesn't agree with you does not mean they are attacking you.
I've seen this behavior many times with some interpreters on this board.
Shiva said:
well only thing i hate when people actually post to inform them that they are leaving due to problems, just to expect some kind of dramas to show up...I would rather leave privately and inform the owner to delete the account. IT that simple....

IF have problem, talk in pm just dont put so much dramas out in public forum and it would prevent worse things to come (usually work that way).

Yeah, I agree with you. It just makes them look like attention whores. No offense to those who started threads like that.
It's not only about agree to disagree, It's about how one approach to one another, much as negative personal comments toward to one another while disagreeing. I have no problem with how one disagrees with another in a civil manners, There is no excuse for personal attacks. Can we all have a discussion without resorting to personal attacks on threads we are discussing the point of the topic not about a member (s). :)
I think that if someone has issues they should discuss in private.
There is no need to suck people into the drama, and unnecessary upset.

For every minute of anger, that is a second off your life.
I think there are those that do get easily angered, offended and what not. There could be misinterpretation that goes on. What someone may write, may not exactly mean what the reader may think.

Keeping issues off the boards is a wise decision. Keeping people, and relationships intact is even a greater decision.

If you need to talk, go to a trusted friend. Someone that you know that believes in confidentiality.

Just my opinion. H2S :angel:
Eve said:
what gets me is that some people just want it all their way and do not seem capable of disagreeing appropriately. If anyone disagrees with them, they stomp off and cry "they are attacking me! wah wah wah!" Just because someone doesn't agree with you does not mean they are attacking you.
I hear ya, Eve....
aint gonna say no more.............
Cheri said:
It's not only about agree to disagree, It's about how one approach to one another, much as negative personal comments toward to one another while disagreeing. I have no problem with how one disagrees with another in a civil manners, There is no excuse for personal attacks. Can we all have a discussion without resorting to personal attacks on threads we are discussing the point of the topic not about a member (s). :)

Exactly, :cheers:
hootster said:
Yeah, I agree with you. It just makes them look like attention whores. No offense to those who started threads like that.
I don't agree with that. Some people have mad great friends here and through AD is their only communication with them. I know that is the case for me so perhaps they are just trying to let their friends know they are taking a break and AD is their only means of communication with them. I wouldn't want a friend to just drop off the face of the earth without saying something first. It's just my opinion. I do agree that if they are just doing it for attention, that is wrong. I just don't think that is always the case.
"It's because we're on the internet. It's easy to talk big and not have to back it up. This way, we can talk s*** on other people, call them stupid for asking good questions, and do anything our hearts desire without any consequences. Face to face (logical and reasonable) discussions would be totally different."

I picked these words up from the other forum about 'why' over fourm's talktrashed each other. These words got myself to think about internet people are less human being than "face to face" people.

Unfontunaley, sometimes I thought many trashtalking were funny ones and interesting to know what their words say. Some ways to make us better understanding or not able understanding.
Heart2Sign said:
I think that if someone has issues they should discuss in private.
There is no need to suck people into the drama, and unnecessary upset.

For every minute of anger, that is a second off your life.
I think there are those that do get easily angered, offended and what not. There could be misinterpretation that goes on. What someone may write, may not exactly mean what the reader may think.
Keeping issues off the boards is a wise decision. Keeping people, and relationships intact is even a greater decision.

If you need to talk, go to a trusted friend. Someone that you know that believes in confidentiality.

Just my opinion. H2S :angel:

Righto ! I second that....
rockdrummer said:
I don't agree with that. Some people have mad great friends here and through AD is their only communication with them. I know that is the case for me so perhaps they are just trying to let their friends know they are taking a break and AD is their only means of communication with them. I wouldn't want a friend to just drop off the face of the earth without saying something first. It's just my opinion. I do agree that if they are just doing it for attention, that is wrong. I just don't think that is always the case.

Why not PM instead of putting it out here?
It very important key commuincate.

1. Listen
2. Thinking
3. Agree
4. Disagree

If they insulted ,cussed, hot temper, angry, then missing are here, 2. Thinking and 3. Agree. Because they are Listen and Disagree so, wrong consequences. Sometimes people not think depend it came happened.

If you good control and relax then you are all 4 numbers.

All 4 numbers, can use Marriage, Meeting, Alldeaf, couples, family, groups, teams, college, sports team, etc.....

Gal 5:22-23

Gal 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
Gal 5:23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

My sec husband is very good man. I never seen him hot temper my life for 10 yrs now. He went to OU architectural degree in Norman, OK. He went to classes in Architectural. They was very different opionion and argued. He can't stand of hearing man because he not cooperivate with a hearing man about designed the architectural. LOL! My husband was very patient with him because He was very conflict idea design in architectural. The teacher told them about 4 numbers. How my husband learned it how interesting! It was biggest challenge.
My husband met me in 1996, He explained me about 4 numbers. How successfully,We are stronger marriage life. It helped about 4 numbers.
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hootster said:
Why not PM instead of putting it out here?
That is an option but if there are many friends it may be just easier to post here instead of PM. You gotta remember this is an open forum. People can start threads on any subject they choose. If you don't like the thread, you have the choice to stay out of it. Personally, I don't think it matters what subject people choose to start a thread on. I just skip over the ones I am not interested in. The other thing this particular thread does is illustrates how some people feel regarding treatment by others so in that regard (to me) it's informational as well.
rockdrummer said:
You gotta remember this is an open forum. People can start threads on any subject they choose. If you don't like the thread, you have the choice to stay out of it. Personally, I don't think it matters what subject people choose to start a thread on. I just skip over the ones I am not interested in. The other thing this particular thread does is illustrates how some people feel regarding treatment by others so in that regard (to me) it's informational as well.

:gpost:!! That's correct!
rockdrummer said:
That is an option but if there are many friends it may be just easier to post here instead of PM. You gotta remember this is an open forum. People can start threads on any subject they choose. If you don't like the thread, you have the choice to stay out of it. Personally, I don't think it matters what subject people choose to start a thread on. I just skip over the ones I am not interested in. The other thing this particular thread does is illustrates how some people feel regarding treatment by others so in that regard (to me) it's informational as well.
