I am not sure what has happened over the course of a few days. It's not my business anyways. I'd rather not know.
But I wanted to speak to those that are considering leaving AD. Because that is my business...since I happen to love people on here, I really don't know what I would do if I hadn't found this site. You and those that I have come in contact with have touch my heart and have had a profound affect on my life.
For once in my life, I feel that bond/connection that I had when I was constantly involved with my deaf friends at elementary school. I have found "home" again.
Consider us that really don't know you and want an opportunity to get to know you. If you leave, yes you will be noticed that you are gone. For a community to be had, it takes a lot of different people. That is what makes the community. Good or bad you can't expect everything to be perfect. For those that are attacking or being negative ~ yes it does hurt. I understand your pain, I've been there. Staying away only hurts those that know you and that want to know you. It won't affect those that are being negative in any way shape or form. They will contiune to behave that way, and drive others to "leave or consider leaving."
That is their problem. If they can't learn to get along or "play nice" then they will reap the consquences for that.
Consider staying, for those that love you, want to know you and accept support from them around you.
Love you guys, A LOT.
Sincerely, Heart2Sign