I don't know when failure to pull over became a crime worthy of the death penalty.
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He will have a tough time explaining how he felt his life was in danger and warranted the use of deadly force. The driver had several previous bad experiences with the police in the past and perhaps that is why he didn't pull over until he was home, unfortunately, the police officer made sure we will never know what his thoughts were.I can only think that the police officer perceived the guy as being "aggressive" for why they shot him which is totally nuts even with the adrenaline rush after a 6-7 mile chase...
@DeafDucky @newtothis
This whole situation worries me. Consider this hypothetical scenario: what if one of us Deaf folk in this forum was hit traumatically in the head by an assailant (in the car? or fled the assailant by car?) and was thus medically not capable of thinking properly while scrambling for help in a situation similar to the OP's post?
Does this mean the victim is more likely to be double victimized and shot?
Uh, oh. One of the "experts" on Dr. Drew said that maybe we should rethink allowing deaf people to drive!
what did his personality like? I don't understand why he kept driving 6 to 8 miles to get away from the cop cars then stopped right there. He got out of the car.. It causes cops to be pissed off, then shot him. Cop should not shoot him or shoot his leg.I went to same camp with him about 10 years ago. I couldn't believe what I see....but I am waiting for dash cam and body cam to show in the court and let the judge to decide if that sheriff did wrong to kill him. Sad!
It is part of police procedure, generally, to de-escalate situations, especially those times where it appears that someone is panicking and becomes increasingly so when the officer in this case continually bumped into the deaf man's car to let him know to stop. He was just trying to get to the safety of his home and gets shot the moment he gets out of his car........hmmmmm
! I have a very good driving record , I have the best rating you can get .
I was thinking the guy may had been to afraid to stop and was trying to get home to have someone speak for him.
It said on this video people believe the deaf man was trying to sign language when the police shot him .
A police was directing traffic and said something to me then came storming over to my car and said " Are you deaf or something !" I told yeah
I am HOH ! The police said nothing and walked away. I hope that police thought twice before asking a person that again !
I just watch the news and 6:30 news and there wasn't any update on this . I guess that b/c there been no riots or Deaf lives Matter protest.
Some people in the hearing community are woefully behind the times when it comes to knowing about the Deaf community. The panelist questioned how anyone without all their senses could drive a car. (That's a paraphrase of what she said.)! I have a very good driving record, I have the best rating you can get .
I was thinking the guy may had been to afraid to stop and was trying to get home to have someone speak for him.
It does seem that too many confrontations end up escalating to deadly force rather than deescalating to resolution.It is part of police procedure, generally, to de-escalate situations, especially those times where it appears that someone is panicking and becomes increasingly so when the officer in this case continually bumped into the deaf man's car to let him know to stop. He was just trying to get to the safety of his home and gets shot the moment he gets out of his car........hmmmmm