It IS thought provoking but I thought the argument was lame. He tried to hide behind the "wait till he's 18" argument but cochlear implants is not disabling a child nor taking away his identity as actually taking away someone's hearing is. Of course being deaf is an identity but taking away one of your senses is not the same as enabling.
It's comparing apples to oranges and I thought his argument was complete bullshit.
For argument's sake, let's say cochlear implant surgery has advanced to a state that you don't need to carry a box or anything, they simply fixed the nerves in your ear and you can hear 100%, you would deny your child this?
If you would, I don't think you should be a parent.
"advanced cochlear implants" would be stem cells. No surgery required because there's no way I am subjecting any child to this sort of risk. I will just get him/her the best HA with maximum gains/amplification till he/she can get stem cells.
No it's just basic common sense. Even if it wasn't called "disability" being deaf IS an impairment.
I understand deaf people trying to be empowered and not be ashamed of being deaf but if you don't think there is NO impairment from being deaf, then I don't know what to say, wallow in your own ignorance.
I consider my deafness as a disability. Yes we are capable of many things but not of everything that hearing people are, sorry to say. I accept my deafness till I can get stem cells. Deaf people get CIs so they can (hopefully) hear better, why would it be different for those getting stem cells to hear better?

Me too.
People make claims that it is too late if you wait until a child is 18 but that's only applicable if the child has NO USEFUL HEARING. There are plenty of deaf adults who were born HOH/Deaf who do well with CI after being implanted as adult when they make their own choice in the matter.
I notice some parents implant children who already have some useful hearing. They could definately have waited.
Besides what's so terrible about being deaf. I was born HOH. It meant I was denied Deaf culture and sign language and also I was 2nd best in hearing culture. If I had been profoundly Deaf (with no useful hearing) I'm sure my parents would have exposed me to sign language but I wasn't so they didnt.
I agree!

Being deaf isn't the end of the world but does present challenges in one's life. I refused to learn sign language, instead teaching myself to read lips and I got speech training so I can speak clearly. I am 100% oral and so is my parents and friends.
Stem Cell research is happening but no findings will happen in our lifetime, maybe when we're really old...... but only our children or grandchildren will benefit from that. So if you're a deaf adult then why not get the cochlear implant?
You can see the smiles on the cochlear implant patients, you cannot deny someone that hapiness.
Really? I suggest you read the stem cell threads! CI is great for those with no residual hearing. For those like me with residual hearing, you should have seen the smile on my face when I got new HAs