One of the problems is that there's is misinformation about CI's and when insurance will cover them and will the kid even HAVE insurance at 18 (won't if they are not full time school dependents or working at somewhere with coverage)
I mean if someone examines your child and tells you "we can surgically 'fix' your child's.... um.... missing arm, and it will work like a real arm, mostly- there are risk, and we'll be responsible for fitting you child's growth... but it will never work properly if you don't do it now." Many parents would be scared NOT to agree to the procedure.
That's what I've see of CI, many don't even know they can wait or are told that the brain will be 'set' and won't receive the information if they wait...
What NEEDS to happen is the erasing of ignorance about the different methods available to parents and children.
no mechanical intervention
and it should be easier for parents of HoH or deaf children to get involved with groups that are supportive of whatever decision that is made and easier for the parents to take low cost/free sign classes (ASL hopefully).
I have NO idea however how to get this (mass education) done... these parents are not all lazy (sure some of them are) they are frightened- they never thought about a child that wasn't just like them they are scared about "he/she can't...(whatever)" this is from social pressure that the doctors and hospitals and even family puts on them...
"I'm so sorry... (blah blah blah)"
It makes me angry that lack of a particular ability is always socially conotated as a 'disability'.
I mean its not like they told my mother:
"Your little girl will learn to navigate anywhere she wants as her hips deterioate, she'll also be blessed with 20-30 years of mobility"
It was more like:
"Your kids going to be crippled just like you, her x-rays show 'shallow' hips which will not hold the head of the femur in place."
so that's another thing to think of.