could someone transcribe the second video for me please.
Deaf people feel the same about those who look down on ASL and Deaf culture. It is like those who speak against ASL and the Deaf community are rejecting them already but get mad if they get rejected by the Deaf community? That wont work. If people want respect then gotta respect back too.
That's what I am starting to see here on AD.
wow, that was crazy. Someone didn't finish watching the video and went ballastic or didn't get the whole message. Lack of comprehension skill anyone?
Actually, only a small margin of society can wrap their minds around absurdist humour which the vblogger employed. If you look at the comments left on YouTube, you will see a few people have a good idea who was the one that called Social Services.
Could someone transcribe the second video for me and CJB please?
Deaf people feel the same about those who look down on ASL and Deaf culture. It is like those who speak against ASL and the Deaf community are rejecting them already but get mad if they get rejected by the Deaf community? That wont work. If people want respect then gotta respect back too.
That's what I am starting to see here on AD.
{ A white text appears on the black background, reads, "A Surpirse But Strange Visitor at My Door". }
{ The white text faded out. }
{ The man appears after the black background disappears. }
Kittell: (sits down with his golden dog) Hello, there. I'm James and I want to introduce my dog. This is Luke. (petting his dog) Okay. (rubbing his chin) Wow.-/) Do you want to know what happen this morning? . . . Wow. Okay, I go ahead to tell a story. I took my two dogs with me for walking at outside. We walked around the neighborhood area in a mile long until we returned to my home at around 9:15 in morning. I noticed there was a white country van who was parked at right next to my house. I puzzled wonderingly, and thought, "So what is up?" I glared away to see my house, and I realized there was a woman who stood at my door! I walked over to meet her, and said a "hey" to that woman. But the woman showed her ID that she was from Social Service and spoke to me, and I signed to her that I can't speak or hear. She was like "oh", and grabbed her note & pen. Then, she showed it to me. And, what it said? "Do you have your son with you?" I puzzled . . . What did I do? All I did was pointed at my Luke that "my son" is actually my dog. The SS woman was so confused and glared at me. I told her that dog is actually "my son". She was like "Wha - -? (Speaking)" But I reminded her that I can't hear. Finally, the SS woman said "never mind" and left.
Kittell: I was puzzled . . . Oh, wow. That means "business"! It happened that SS worker came to my place! I just made a story about "My Son is Deaf, Finally" and posted it on Internet to share with everyone else. Now, the SS worker showed up! . . . Wow. But what am I doing? I just went ahead and called Social Service company. They needed information about name, address, and etc. so I gave them my information. They asked me if I have children? I replied, "Yes, I have a daughter and she is hearing." I gave them some information (I think he means he explained about the fictional story, I guess?), so they told me they would call me back. I said, "Oh, okay. Bye."
Kittell: Be honest with you . . . I wondered, ". . . Wow." (pauses) One person did response to my vblog about my fictional son. Interestingly, how it is opposite of two pictures on both Hearing and Deaf parents. Hearing parents are allowed to put CI(s) on their kids, while deaf parents are not allowed to make their kids to be deaf. That explains why SS woman came to my house. Wow. It really happened. Wow. Now you do know. . . (nodding) I wonder . . . (shakes his head) See you later. (smiles) (thumb up)
{ fade into the black background }
Here's the transcription!![]()
Thank you so much for correction, ASL Media!
I'm sorry for misunderstood you or I tried to understand you cos your signing is a litle fast. I just tried to do my best... ^^;
Thanks so much for the transcript, KarissaMann05. It really goes to show how much of a double standard there is between hearing and Deaf.
The hearing are in the large majority and society is centered around a hearing world. I would love to be hearing because it would make life easier in many ways. The hearing consider deafness to be a disability, that's why they invented HAs(which are now widely accepted by the deaf) and CI(which have been recently somewhat accepted) and they are working on stem cells which ill get the chance to get within 5 years.
I don't see any deaf had looked down on ASL and the Deaf Culture, Just because they chosen a mode of communication that they are happy with, it doesn't mean that they think less of ASL or the Culture itself. Who gets judged more? those who are deaf, hard of hearing and ones that wears cochlear implants. You can't deny that.![]()
lol @ your pseudo wannabe psychological insight.
Um no. You're completely wrong. If you get offended because I hate ASL, and think I literally hate ASL as Hitler did with the Jews then you're taking this forum too seriously.
Of course. It's that way with any disability. Sighted folks are in the majority too, and in blind schools, teachers always trying to get students to use what little vision they have left to the max. Are the print letters not large enough? Here, instead of giving you Braille, which would be much easier, we will make you strain your eyes and neck because your face is so close to the paper so that you can read print and be as "sighted" as possible.
Society likes one kind of person, and that person is hearing, sighted, in shape, not too young and not too old, etc. Anyone who doesn't match a certain description gets thrown off to the side, and that includes deaf folks.