another Jillio's classic obfuscation, huh? Alright - I'll just play around just to appease her little devious insecurity

Are you hung over this morning?
and...... links? not even 1 link? And let me correct you there - I am proposing that teachers go armed because of the danger of MENTALLY-ILLED citizen/student/etc. going berserk and trigger happy and shooting up a school. That's a huge difference. What average-armed citizens would do that? :roll: Didn't you pick up newspaper? If you did, you'd remember that in all major school shootings - they were all mentally-illed or have a history of anti-social depressions.
Fromthe master of refusing to provide any form of substantiation?
Here's a novel idea, about taking the necessary measures to deal with the mental illness
beforea shooting occurs? Could have easily
prevented the tragedies. And yes,they all have a history of exhibiting symptoms of mental illness and those symptoms were ignored by those in a position of dealing appropriately with the situation in order to prevent tragedy.
Currently - there are armed students in schools full of students and teachers. So far -
not ONE tragic news. Thanks god for that. Also thanks god that they do not have to use it. All of them do not want to use it. Neither do I
Can you, for once, substantiate that claim? And then indicate exactly how it applies? I thought students being armed was a problem for you. They are the ones precipitating the shootings.:roll:
I think you're confused. Why don't you let me make it easier for you? Armed teachers with stringent trainings and requirements are no different from Air Marshal. Just because he has no badge does not mean he's any less capable of handling a stressful chaotic situation to identify the shooter.