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Refresh my memory with a link please.
I googled and find three fast. :roll:
Refresh my memory with a link please.
I understand Minutemen's concern and I sympathize with them but it's gotten too extreme. They're nothing but a bunch of paranoid xenophobic vigilantes to me.
Yep, that's one big issue with being home-schooled.It sounds a good idea for a homeschool. I heard that some homeschools have a cult, and some others have a profound religious that could lead a brainwashing children.
I personally think that a homeschool is more opportunity than a private school because of cheaper cost and better education. A drawback is that some homeschools have a very poor social skills in the real world.
Why not giving teachers the same right with security guards which is to wield guns?
This is not a cop-like scenario. I don't think you understand the mindset of armed citizen.
1. Armed citizen (with CCW) is usually much more trained and knows better when or when not to use gun.
2. We frequently go to firing ranges to hone our skills.
3. Cops is trained at MINIMUM level except S.W.A.T. which is why they're bad shooters and trigger-happy.
4. Cops are constantly high with stress. Armed citizens are not.
5. We have element of surprise, cops do not
6. We are trained to react to the situation if the gun is SEEN.
7. Cops are trained to use "PREEMPTIVE" strikes.
most importantly....
8. Cops get blanket protection (most of time) even though it's over-killed or excessive
--> WE DO NOT. Thus - we are less trigger-happy than cops, more accurate than cops, and have better decision-making skills than cops.
your deafie situation is an example of gross responsibility as a gun carrier. Please educate yourself more on guns.
that's the purpose of CCW. they won't know unless some ultra-liberal asshole within administration leaked the information. Chance is you've walked/passed by at least 10 CCW in a month at common places like shopping malls, works (except certain places), or parks.
obviously - if the school is allowing teachers to bring guns into school, they'll have lengthy regulations and requirements because school is liable to costly lawsuits. I'm going to guess from top of my head -
1. required gun vault in teacher's desk
2. required trigger lock on your own gun (if carried in purse)
3. ONLY CERTAIN guns are allowed (a small 9mm pistol)
4. any caliber bigger than 9mm is not allowed
5. maximum of 2-3 bullets is allowed
6. mandatory training - once per month (or so)
7. required 95% accuracy rate needed to carry gun to school
8. must completed intensive, comprehensive gun safety course (usually 1-2 full days)
peer reviews + school official's decisions + teacher's previous record = excellent way of screening them for their suitability of bringing gun to school. Like I said several times - most will not choose to do it because of cost, hassles, etc. Not a problem to me and I support a stringent process - a similar process that military special forces go thru to count on each other for their ability to use guns. If you pass that stringent process, then I can have a complete trust on you because it shows that you're fully competent and trained (better than cops).
Cops do not go thru this and you're counting on them??? :Ohno: Did you know cops do not rush into school if the school reported shooting??? They wait outside the school for S.W.A.T. to arrive which takes even LONGER to arrive - probably about 30 min because they come from state/county area, not local. It's a horrifying thought that the help is not immediate!
That's the challenge that no legislation seems to cover. It's too easy to find a solution that does not focus on the root of the problem.
Rise up and meet the challenge is what I ask.
If we allow every single citizen to carry a gun, why bother hiring Police? Why not just let every tom, dick, harry and jane be a law enforcer? That's asking for problems and litigation.
lol.... lol.... lol.... got a lot of hate against people with money, huh? I'm sorry but your life experience is not something you can attest to. I can attest to anyone who's gone to private schools and gotten an outstanding education. another FAIL!
I complain of liberals who are illogical and irrational because they are the one who are squashing our civil rights without even realizing it.
Question: Knowing that most school districts have adopted the "Safe School Zones" meaning No weapons, no drugs in a school neighborhood, wouldn't this be a contradiction to their policies to begin with?
oh... my.... god..... you people need to stop with WHAT IF!?!?!? WHAT IF!??!?!? OBVIOUSLY the teacher is not going to run and WAVE AROUND with his gun! OBVIOUSLY - teacher and police will train together to learn proper procedure to reduce the chance of friendly fire. OBVIOUSLY!
Yes stressful but manageable. we all have been in this kind of life-death situations many times in our life - driving, street, fighting, sports, etc. it's built into our survival instincts. you as the psychologist should know better about this. for this school shooting, armed teachers would be most likely required to undergo same training as police or air marshals. they can do it and so can we. if you can't, then you best stay behind me or chase or reba.And you are saying that the incident of a school shooting is not a situation of stress? Anytime a shooting happens, it is a stressful situation.
you do not trust armed citizen because of lack of awareness and understanding in this issue. In fact - pretty much.... say... more than 95% of cops in USA have not fired their guns in the line of duty.I do not trust the armed average citizen to respond to that type of stress with clear thought. While they may be better trained in accurracy, a claim I doubt, they are not trained in the stress management and crisis response techniques necessary to make the situation of teachers carrying guns more sfe for the student body.
absolutely not. sorry you do not have the rights to know. sorry but that defeats the element of surprise. do i have the rights to know you're walking around with AIDS or STD's? do i have the rights to know you have a history of mental illness? or criminal record (except sex offender)? because it is a danger to public, you know... :roll: again - probably more than 98% of armed citizens walking around with concealed guns have not fired their guns in the public for self-defense purpose.If you have the right to concealed carry, I most certainly have the right to know who is walking down the street with a gun.
Again - this shows your lack of understanding in this issue - but it's understandable. we the gun owners will properly educate you on gun world.Your safeguards invalidate the origninal purpose of easy accessibility in the case of a shooting, now don't they?
You are playing on the "WHAT IF" a school shooting happens. You still have not provided any statistics indicating that a school shooting is inclined to happen by showing me the relationship between the number of school shootings that have occurred in the last 10 years and the number of school districts in the U.S. You cannot support the need for armed teachers with any logical and statistical proof. If anyone is playing on a "What if" scenario, it is you.:roll:
I support this idea and to me, it's the least a school can do.
Not a bad idea, especially if a student has a history of acting out or using violence in school (bullying, etc).
Well, cops are expected to use good judgment when using said weapons. There are still cops that even though they have good intentions, they go too far in enforcing them.
You'd get better responses if you stopped assuming that everyone who "complained" was a liberal.
If you think liberals are bad, try arguing with libertarians.![]()
I never said that I support a gun "ban", but support its protection from the owner and the criminals.
Teacher: "Here are your tests back. Any questions?"
Student: "Teacher, why did I get a 'F' on my test?"
Teacher: "Because you didn't do well. Did you study?"
Student: "No."
Teacher: "Then it's your own fault for failing the test."
Student: "Not fair!" *grunts*
Teacher: "Sorry, now please sit down."
Student: "No! Forget it! I'm calling my mommy!"
Teacher: *shoots taser*
... 30 seconds later ...
Teacher: *stops tasering student* "Any other questions?"