Hysterectomy is also a gift from God.

Maria said:Maria Yeah, but I don't believe in removin' the womb. The womb is God's gift for a woman for menstrual, pregnancy and a few.

Hysterectomy is also a gift from God.
Maria said:Maria Yeah, but I don't believe in removin' the womb. The womb is God's gift for a woman for menstrual, pregnancy and a few.
like ending up visibly pregnant is something better.
Hysterectomy is also a gift from God.
Medical science - Absolutely yes.No its not. Its a gift from medical science.
No its not. Its a gift from medical science.
As usual, you missed the point entirely, fuzzy. But I would expect nothing less from you.
Agree there it not a gift from god, it really just medical science.
your argument was hopelessly silly ... what's to miss, lol...
and medical science is not a gift from God? would God let pple know what they know if he wouldn't want them to?
btw -painfull c*appy periods - GIFT from loving God???
Hysterectomy is also a gift from God.
No desire to explain it to you fuzzy. As your comment demonstrates, you are incapable of comprehending the issue I was speaking of. Concrete thinking gets in your way. Perhaps you can expalin to me how a severely disabled person would not be at greater risk for sexual abuse without the possibility of conception.
No its not. Its a gift from medical science.
I'd rather if you explain to me how a severly disabled person would be at greater risk of.... etc.
ever heard of condoms?
I just got one question, how do they know that period hurts? Not all period is painful.
I would think it's wise to research more on this subject before even deciding. I would ask other parents with children in that type of shape and see if they suffers from having a period.
Every surgery come with risks. I don't know if I would risk a child's life just because I assume that the child would freak out. I think it's more safer to leave person's body alone rather than trying to change it just because...risking damage the body. How far will normal human go before turns on to deaf, blind, or handicapped folks?
The line is getting blur is what I am afraid of...
Weird. Perhaps this is happening again? It was the same deal, I swear! Weird. Or I guess it could be the same people still trying to get it done. Maybe that is it........
Yeah, but I don't believe in removin' the womb. The womb is God's gift for a woman for menstrual, pregnancy and a few.
If, she has a problem like cancer or cysts or anythin' like this in her womb - then, it's a different story. Her mother will do somethin' about it to save her daughter's life. Right now, it is not a life-threatenin' when her mother seeks her daughter's womb to be removed. I don't agree with mother's decision in despite of how badly profound her daughter's mental is.