Rife Frequency Generator
Radio Waves? what's that? and what kind of pain do you treat in your family with it?
Well Fuzzy, not only can you treat pain with radio wave frequencies, you
can kill bacteria, viral infections, fungal infections and you can promote
healing with these frequencies.
The machine I use is called a "GB-4000" and it is a 20MHz Sweep/Functioin
Generator. My generator is the only one that can run multiple frequencies
at a time. Other ones on the market can only one run at a time which is
tedious and increases treatment time.Over the past 20 years, FDA has approved EMF generators for two medical uses. The devices are used frequently to treat bone fractures that have stopped healing. EMF treatment is also increasingly being applied to fuse spinal vertebrae in people with intractable back pain. However the machines have many more treatment
uses including cancer. The cure rate for these machine in reguards to cancer
is much higher than chemotherapy or even natural cures alone, (which have
a higher survival rate then chemo alone.)
As I said before there are free clinics springing up all over the US that
people can visit and get as many treatments as they can for free. (of
course the clinics hope you will get tired of coming there 3 times a
week and buy one of the machines) The machine I have currently
costs $1800 on line. (I paid $3000 for mine 5 years ago, but it has
more than paid for itself as I have a family of 8 and I have treated
infections, asthma, flue, etc with it, successfully. BTW if anyone
has hearing loss that is viral or bacterial in origin this machine could
treat that.
As for pain, any pain is treatable with this machine, and I run the program
for back pain to help with the pain I have from the injury I recieved
while in the Army that caused me to have back surgery.
I treat my moms chronic pain from thrombophlebitis, and my husbands
muscle pain when he over works. I even treated him for Hanta Virus
because he had been exposed on the job, (he never got sick so we
will never know if it worked

Any way one word of caution, as with any treatment modality to not
use to excess and the above machine is the only one I would recomend
and there are lots of dishonest people on the net selling pretend devices.
Do research befor you buy.