Most issue you're concern in political?

Choice one and rant then.

  • HEALTH, live and see bright

    Votes: 10 25.0%
  • EDUCATION, control me to make smart please

    Votes: 4 10.0%
  • GUN, fear or not fear?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • SAME-SEX MARRIAGE, more rainbow

    Votes: 4 10.0%

    Votes: 5 12.5%
  • TAX, spend bore me

    Votes: 5 12.5%
  • OTHER, tell me and rant more

    Votes: 12 30.0%

  • Total voters
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Eh... Germany have high unemlpoyee rate than US.
Unemployment Rate World from CIA figure

You do not need to repeat it because I already stated in my first post and again answer with link to Capmeister over unemployment rate.

They're doing fine, and it's much better than Great Depressive Era.

Perhaps for you but how do you know that the people are doing fine?

wow Capmeister, I am sorry to say that you mislead the information in some of your post.
Well there is no way for me to doubting about the global warmings. I believe those people who doubt the global warming are very stupid.

When I was little, I still remember the temperature of summer was always 75-85, but when I was in middle school it happened to be 85-90, then high school became 90-95, and today it ended up as 90-100 in Washington. Everyone would think Washington is very cool place during summer, but NO. It's not anymore. It is now a dry and hot, include humidity during summer with about 90-100 temperature. Everyone sweats and even can't go outside because too hot in Washington during the summer, just like Texas.

Global Warming is very serious issue today, those doubting Global Warming is a old news.

I am go for Green Party, Grassroots Party, or Greenpeace!

:gpost: :applause:

I really can't understand how anyone can doupt global warming. It's just so obvious that something is going on. :confused:
USA isn't 3rd world country in general.

Some part of USA are so.

I'm aware of that. USA is the richest country in the world. Even if it does have some backward ideas such as capital punishment and going to war all the time. Not to mention their denial over global warming.
You do not need to repeat it because I already stated in my first post and again answer with link to Capmeister over unemployment rate.

Perhaps for you but how do you know that the people are doing fine?

wow Capmeister, I am sorry to say that you mislead the information in some of your post.

US Unemlpoyee Rate 1950-2005

You can see that Unemployee still go down, that's improve

Report been told last April at 4.5%, just compare to 2006 average at 4.6%. That's show an improve.
What's global warming in your signature?

Is it bad? how would kill people?

Think about it. If Global Warming doesn't stop, the earth will become deserted, water gone, trees gone, animals dying so we can't eat, and there is no left except us humans. We will straving, burning, and we will not live that way. Some reported that people die from heat wave. Scary uh? Global Warming issue is not some of enviromentism, but to protect us.
:gpost: :applause:

I really can't understand how anyone can doupt global warming. It's just so obvious that something is going on. :confused:

Thanks! :D Yeah those people who doubting the Global Warming are plain stupid.
What's global warming in your signature?

Is it bad? how would kill people?

Oh, I forgot to add, watch the "Inconvience Truth" movie. Alot of people critized against this movie and trying to make it bullshit because they don't want it to happen, or refuse to accept the truth. Or you can find a book at the same name "Inconvience Truth". Those are from Al Gore president.
I am ranting on health issues, tax issues, employment issues.

I would not want to see that how many unemployment rates went high in this U.S.

I am concerned for tax issues, I don't want they make our taxes would be going
to higher tax. I want lower-taxes for us to afford them.

I don't want SSI to be cutting down, because I am disability also I having PH
(pulmonary hyterpension) for medicine, but not cured. I using with Flolan pump machine for medicine, it would be going in the lungs that help lungs make better just feel like normal, but I cannot run or moving quickly that it cause wheezing or a less bit dizzyness; and asthma problems.
Especially, I don't have too much money from my job.
Because I am poor, and I am under $1,500 per
year. I'm not working too hard due the asthma or IPAH issues.
I am ranting on health issues, tax issues, employment issues.

I would not want to see that how many unemployment rates went high in this U.S.

I am concerned for tax issues, I don't want they make our taxes would be going
to higher tax. I want lower-taxes for us to afford them.

I don't want SSI to be cutting down, because I am disability also I having PH
(pulmonary hyterpension) for medicine, but not cured. I using with Flolan pump machine for medicine, it would be going in the lungs that help lungs make better just feel like normal, but I cannot run or moving quickly that it cause wheezing or a less bit dizzyness; and asthma problems.
Especially, I don't have too much money from my job.
Because I am poor, and I am under $1,500 per
year. I'm not working too hard due the asthma or IPAH issues.

Don't forget to rant about CC issue.
Oh, I forgot to add, watch the "Inconvience Truth" movie. Alot of people critized against this movie and trying to make it bullshit because they don't want it to happen, or refuse to accept the truth. Or you can find a book at the same name "Inconvience Truth". Those are from Al Gore president.

Oh I got it, I will check out this movie.

Thanks! :D Yeah those people who doubting the Global Warming are plain stupid.

There's a difference between doubting global warming and doubting it's man-made or a significant problem we can deal with.

This planet has warmed and cooled for billions of years before man ever existed.

Here: Scientists respond to Gore's warnings of climate catastrophe

Professor Bob Carter of the Marine Geophysical Laboratory at James Cook University, in Australia gives what, for many Canadians, is a surprising assessment: "Gore's circumstantial arguments are so weak that they are pathetic. It is simply incredible that they, and his film, are commanding public attention."

But surely Carter is merely part of what most people regard as a tiny cadre of "climate change skeptics" who disagree with the "vast majority of scientists" Gore cites?

No; Carter is one of hundreds of highly qualified non-governmental, non-industry, non-lobby group climate experts who contest the hypothesis that human emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) are causing significant global climate change. "Climate experts" is the operative term here. Why? Because what Gore's "majority of scientists" think is immaterial when only a very small fraction of them actually work in the climate field.

Even among that fraction, many focus their studies on the impacts of climate change; biologists, for example, who study everything from insects to polar bears to poison ivy. "While many are highly skilled researchers, they generally do not have special knowledge about the causes of global climate change," explains former University of Winnipeg climatology professor Dr. Tim Ball. "They usually can tell us only about the effects of changes in the local environment where they conduct their studies."

Before you made decisions, see ALL sides of an argument, and all the evidence.
There's a difference between doubting global warming and doubting it's man-made or a significant problem we can deal with.

This planet has warmed and cooled for billions of years before man ever existed.

Here: Scientists respond to Gore's warnings of climate catastrophe

Before you made decisions, see ALL sides of an argument, and all the evidence.

Well, I still don't care if they prove that Global Warming are not happening. I always know that we need to keep the enviroment stay as normal to keep us stay alive. I always feel shame on me while driving a car.

I am surprised that some people don't realized that something really change today compare to the past. And plus, that is why I don't like Republic. They don't care about anything but money and war.

We always need green, no matter what. Without them, we will not live. We need ALL of the elements in the nature, water fire earth air, all the same time to keep us alive. Without one of them, we will not live. Without water, we will die, without fire, we will die, without earth, we will die, without air, we will die.

War, money, policy, etc are just a man-made and are nothing important than our nature in earth.
I was recalled about 1995 heatwave in Chicago area that killed more than 700 people.
1995 Chicago heat wave - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Damn to global warming...

you're misled. It's over 600 not 700. And it DO NOTHING with global warming, because these people either cannot afford AC or it broke. And the heat wave cause from the building that made of metal and rock that increase heat.

Read it again as it mention "Urban heat island". Do you understand what it mean? Click and read. :cool:
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