Most issue you're concern in political?

Choice one and rant then.

  • HEALTH, live and see bright

    Votes: 10 25.0%
  • EDUCATION, control me to make smart please

    Votes: 4 10.0%
  • GUN, fear or not fear?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • SAME-SEX MARRIAGE, more rainbow

    Votes: 4 10.0%

    Votes: 5 12.5%
  • TAX, spend bore me

    Votes: 5 12.5%
  • OTHER, tell me and rant more

    Votes: 12 30.0%

  • Total voters
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Try one in around 1930s, death toll was around 5,000 in US, cause from heat wave.

There's a worst heat wave ever was West Europe in 2006, killed about 50,000 people from heat wave. Check Wikipedia out.
I think it's the war that concerns me. I think we have enough problems of our own to deal with. There are poor people that should not exist living in the Appalachian Mountains. I mean they are so poor, you don't think they exist here. You see the Christian Foundation about poor kids who don't have clothes on TV, and you don't think they exist here, but they do. It's so weird that we want to focus so much with other countries and here at the same time that we can't do a better job.

I am concerned about Global Warming. I think it's time to build sidewalks for us to walk or ride our bikes. It's not like we need to ban cars, but we need less cars polluting the airs unecessarily. I don't like big bulky cars. I want them to stop being made. They are a pollution and annoyance to parking lots and roads. Why do people like them? I can drive just fine and have the same fun with a smaller car.
I means southeast like GA, AL, LA, FL, TN, AR, NC and SC.
Yeah, the local newspapers here recently did articles on this. Georgia and several eastern states could become of that what Arizona is now in the future (I believe somewhere in the 2060s).
I means southeast like GA, AL, LA, FL, TN, AR, NC and SC.

My apology! I read that as southwest. :eek3:

What suggests to you that the southest would become a desert? Although, areas do change--the southeast was once totally under water. It probably will be again, and someday it will be a desert. It's silly to think that climate doesn't change. If it's not warming, it's cooling. No climate is static.


As temperatures dropped and more and more of the Earth’s water began to be tied up in the massive polar ice sheets, sea levels dropped. The map of North America (left) shows the familiar outline of modern sea levels (light green) as well as sea levels at the peak of the Pleistocene ice age (blue) and the sea level that would result if the polar ice caps melted (dark green).

We have to face that this planet's climate has shifted millions of times and will continue to. Florida and Georgia were once under the sea. They will be again. Michigan and Canada and other areas were under the ice. They will be again. (The glaciers are what carved out the Great Lakes--scraping up the land as miles of ice pressed down into the earth's crust. When the ice melted, it left piles of dirt called "end morains" which look like small hills or mountains.

These are such glacial morains, in Montana:

This planet has been changing itself for billions of years. To think that using oil in large amounts for 100 years (a blink of a geologic eye) is going to change the entire planet... well, that's just silly.

Sure, we can impact the local environment, and we should watch polution. But general warming and cooling? That's going to happen. No way to stop it. We have to adapt to it.

India used to be an island (and before that, it and Australia were both connected to what is now Antarctica). Less than 65 million years ago India "slammed" into Asia and created the tallest mountain range on Earth. Europe was connected to North America. What is now Florida used to be near the equator--225 million years ago. And in 250 million years FROM NOW, the planet will likely look like this:


The planet CHANGES.

We can't stop that from happening.
Exactly how do you know it was warmer in medeval times? Where is your proof of that? the history books. That's not that long ago.


The Medieval Warm Period

Vikings During the Medieval Warm Period - Influence of Dramatic Climate Shifts on European Civilizations: The Rise and Fall of the Vikings and the Little Ice Age

I know that the climate is changing because it hardly ever snows in winter now in the UK. When it does snow it's not proper snow that sticks. Just slushy stuff that's gone by the next day.

So, when they were able to grow grapes in England in the year 1000--what was the cause of THAT?

Just think logically. Do you really think that man can pollute the environment the way he is doing and not cause permament damage?

It would take more than we're doing now.

The sun has for more influence on why the planet warms and cool. The sun's radiation that gives us life is not a constant. -- Sun's Output Increasing in Possible Trend Fueling Global Warming

In what could be the simplest explanation for one component of global warming, a new study shows the Sun's radiation has increased by .05 percent per decade since the late 1970s.

The increase would only be significant to Earth's climate if it has been going on for a century or more, said study leader Richard Willson, a Columbia University researcher also affiliated with NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies.

The Sun's increasing output has only been monitored with precision since satellite technology allowed necessary observations. Willson is not sure if the trend extends further back in time, but other studies suggest it does.

"This trend is important because, if sustained over many decades, it could cause significant climate change," Willson said.

But--if it's the sun, Mars would be warming too, right?

Right. Mars Melt Hints at Solar, Not Human, Cause for Warming, Scientist Says

In 2005 data from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor and Odyssey missions revealed that the carbon dioxide "ice caps" near Mars's south pole had been diminishing for three summers in a row.

Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of space research at St. Petersburg's Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in Russia, says the Mars data is evidence that the current global warming on Earth is being caused by changes in the sun.

"The long-term increase in solar irradiance is heating both Earth and Mars," he said.

Last I checked we only had TWO SUVs on Mars. I doubt they're warming the planet much--the use solar panels for power.
Well damn if the sea level raises then Stuttgart is unda tha sea, down where its wetter, down where its better........ uhh OK back to reality....

but still I agree our climate is changing, but it is not going to be a drastic overnight change that some people believe and there are people that believe that our planet doesnt change. (One older lady that has a college degree believes that our planet is NOT changing and never will).

I think we are getting drier. Our summers have been getting more extreme. AR has consistently been getting less than average rainfall. Florida everglades are drying up and burning. (ya know if the swamps are burning, somethin' ain't right, Vern).

Every scientists has their own theory about why our planet changes. If you watch NGC or Discovery enough you can watch various shows about 'End of Times' and each show will give a different prediction as to what will end the human race or end Earth's existence altogether.

I am however not an evolutionist, I believe we were created from a God in His image but here's the kicker folks - God's time and our time are not the same! God is the Alpha and the Omega, thats why we have dinosaur skeletons being dug up. That is why we have geologic evidence of catastrophic events happening. Even during prehistoric times there are a *few* accounts of the Bible that back it up, but the Bible only goes as far back as humans telling stories handed down through generations by mouth (before writing or 'cave drawings'). Yes there was a 40 day flood, there is an account of a time where there was a huge meteor hitting the earth causing a giant tidal wave. With the meteoric dusts still in the atmosphere, the skies could have clouded up and rained worldwide for a period of *about* 40 days. Now why 40 and not 39 or 41 I dont know maybe the Author thought 40 was a good even number.

As for ice caps melting - yep its happening. There is a huge Ice cap off of Antartica that is melting right now. If the melting keeps up at its current rate, we will see more of Antarticas landscape (and Mountain ranges taller than the Himalyas reportedly). There have been huge massive lakes found under the ice in Antartica. Who knows maybe someday Antartica will thaw out and there will be more clues to the existence of the human race sitting 10 miles beneath all that ice. I can forsee Antartica being mostly ice free sometime in my lifetime if I live to be 100. When that happens you can bet there will be countries wanting to lay claim to the place since it will become inhabitable year round. Now dont that get some wheels turning??

Now I voted for illegal immigration because where I live this is a big in your face problem. I know several illegals. One of the women I work with is illegal. She is getting free insurance, food stamps, housing assistance, and free education for her children. Yes her home country is majorly screwed up, but that doesnt give her the right to come up here and demand our country waits on her hand and foot. If she does not like her home country why not do a coupe? Overthrow the home country's current government and form a new one with a better economy and better jobs. They should be down there DEMANDING better jobs not on the street begging for change. If all the illegals that come here to march in our country and demand rights for illegal aliens, they could definitely rock the boat in their home countries. They just dont want to. They know our country will hand them everything they need.

I dont blame them for coming here to get a better life, but I wish they would get in line and take a number just like the other law abiding immigrants and citizens. If they want a fast track to citizenship then they should serve in the US military on active duty for at least 5 years, with a guarenteed citizenship status within 2. They just cannot leave the military until their mandatory 5 year enlistment obligations are up. This way we can REALLY boost our military members. Otherwise they can be put on a bus back to Central America. There should be a cost to freedom, freedom is not free. Too many of our own have died in a pathetic war to 'liberate iraq' to make sure the illegals have everything many Americans struggle to get already.

Illegals take away jobs because it is cheaper for companies to hire non-citizens as they are paid a lower minimum wage than citizens. Illegals do not pay taxes but yet they qualify for social services issued by the government. Illegals use identity theft to obtain bank accounts, cars, and houses at very low prices. How would you feel if you found out an illegal was using your good name to lie steal and cheat? What if your SSI was denied because an illegal is using your name to get a high paying job at a company you've never even heard of? It happens and its a BIG problem for this country.

This is not about race at all, it is about keeping criminals and delinquents out of our country and more and importantly TERRORISTS out of our country. If you think about it, you realize that it is extremely easy for a group of terrorists to pose as lowly Mexicans using the illegal mexican tactics to get in this country then once they are here posing as "illegal immigrants from the South' it is hard to get rid of them and we'll find ourselves in a world of trouble.

Illegal immigration should be our number one priority when elections come up.
Oh, oh, oh, I know a way to stop the illegal immigrantion. Build the 15 foot high concrete wall with machine guns for New Mexico and California. Forget Arizona, the Mojave desert can be too dangerous for the illegal immigrants. Many died over there....For Texas, in the Rio Grande from Brownville to El Paso. Put the alligators and piranhas in the river. :D haha...Just kidding.
Oh, oh, oh, I know a way to stop the illegal immigrantion. Build the 15 foot high concrete wall with machine guns for New Mexico and California. Forget Arizona, the Mojave desert can be too dangerous for the illegal immigrants. Many died over there....For Texas, in the Rio Grande from Brownville to El Paso. Put the alligators and piranhas in the river. :D haha...Just kidding.


You will see in 2050, that ALOT of Mexicans than white people does in Texas and California.
already saw it.. You worry about Europe, huh?

Well, Global warming is about all world, not just the America. I don't care if those people are a "America Haters", I only care about the earth where we live.

I think it's the war that concerns me. I think we have enough problems of our own to deal with. There are poor people that should not exist living in the Appalachian Mountains. I mean they are so poor, you don't think they exist here. You see the Christian Foundation about poor kids who don't have clothes on TV, and you don't think they exist here, but they do. It's so weird that we want to focus so much with other countries and here at the same time that we can't do a better job.

I am concerned about Global Warming. I think it's time to build sidewalks for us to walk or ride our bikes. It's not like we need to ban cars, but we need less cars polluting the airs unecessarily. I don't like big bulky cars. I want them to stop being made. They are a pollution and annoyance to parking lots and roads. Why do people like them? I can drive just fine and have the same fun with a smaller car.

Yeah I am with you about Global warming, I really hope the governments would figure which is other better way than driving a car. It would be very helpful for us, rather risking high gas price, pollution, insurances, everything.

My apology! I read that as southwest. :eek3:

What suggests to you that the southest would become a desert? Although, areas do change--the southeast was once totally under water. It probably will be again, and someday it will be a desert. It's silly to think that climate doesn't change. If it's not warming, it's cooling. No climate is static.


We have to face that this planet's climate has shifted millions of times and will continue to. Florida and Georgia were once under the sea. They will be again. Michigan and Canada and other areas were under the ice. They will be again. (The glaciers are what carved out the Great Lakes--scraping up the land as miles of ice pressed down into the earth's crust. When the ice melted, it left piles of dirt called "end morains" which look like small hills or mountains.

These are such glacial morains, in Montana:

This planet has been changing itself for billions of years. To think that using oil in large amounts for 100 years (a blink of a geologic eye) is going to change the entire planet... well, that's just silly.

Sure, we can impact the local environment, and we should watch polution. But general warming and cooling? That's going to happen. No way to stop it. We have to adapt to it.

India used to be an island (and before that, it and Australia were both connected to what is now Antarctica). Less than 65 million years ago India "slammed" into Asia and created the tallest mountain range on Earth. Europe was connected to North America. What is now Florida used to be near the equator--225 million years ago. And in 250 million years FROM NOW, the planet will likely look like this:


The planet CHANGES.

We can't stop that from happening.

Yeah, there is alot of "end morains" in east Washington, and they seem are expanding to the west because west grasses are becoming yellow as normal with all forest. I can preview, the trees around west Washington will be all gone and became yellow grasses hills just like the east Washington.

About the world change, well, that would not be our concern because we will not live at that time, 250 million years later.. We have to focus what's going on today with the enviroment, like the heat waves, floods, stuff like that happening today..
Well, Global warming is about all world, not just the America. I don't care if those people are a "America Haters", I only care about the earth where we live.

Yeah I am with you about Global warming, I really hope the governments would figure which is other better way than driving a car. It would be very helpful for us, rather risking high gas price, pollution, insurances, everything.

Yeah, there is alot of "end morains" in east Washington, and they seem are expanding to the west because west grasses are becoming yellow as normal with all forest. I can preview, the trees around west Washington will be all gone and became yellow grasses hills just like the east Washington.

About the world change, well, that would not be our concern because we will not live at that time, 250 million years later.. We have to focus what's going on today with the enviroment, like the heat waves, floods, stuff like that happening today..

I want someone to invent new vehicles with gasless and nothing to affect ozone layer or cause pollution, also hydrogen looks better one for drive the vehicles.

I have a nice dream about fill out my car with water from hose in near future.
I want someone to invent new vehicles with gasless and nothing to affect ozone layer or cause pollution, also hydrogen looks better one for drive the vehicles.

I have a nice dream about fill out my car with water from hose in near future.

Yupp that would be nice! I wish the same things. It would be awesome if that kind of car was invented.
Yupp that would be nice! I wish the same things. It would be awesome if that kind of car was invented.

CEO from Mobil/Exxon and oil companies would be cry like baby.
About the world change, well, that would not be our concern because we will not live at that time, 250 million years later.. We have to focus what's going on today with the enviroment, like the heat waves, floods, stuff like that happening today..

My point in showing that was to demonstrate that this planet is like it was 250 million years ago in this way: it's continuing to change.

We shouldn't polute our own drinking water anymore than a cat shouldn't poop near its food instead of in a cat box, but floods, heat waves, all that--it's natural. It happens. If the earth isn't warming, it's cooling. It must. It CANNOT stay static. That idea that this climate is the best is also rather arrogant. Why shouldn't it be warm enough again to grow grapes more widely in the UK as it was 1000 years ago?

But my point is this. I live in Michigan. 10,000 years ago where I sit right now was covered by miles of ice. It will happen again. And will thaw again. It happens. There is no way we can change that--nor should we try.

The other point I'm trying to make is that this planet has climate patterns that take thousands of years to change, with variations of weather in those years. To look at the last 150 years or even the last 500 and draw large conclusions is a mistake. We can't even predict the weather two weeks from now with good accuracy--and you think we will KNOW for CERTAIN what will happen in 50 years? That's silly.

I'm all for conservation and keeping polution down. But some of the things people want to do would destroy economies and hurt people. The truth is, we need our technology and fuel consumption to save people's lives. Notice that 50,000 people didn't die in the U.S. due to heat waves? Why? Because we know how to deal with such things. The cause of those deaths is POLITICAL--not due to heat. (In France, for instance, many doctors were not on duty--they were on vacation--because France has 35 hour work weeks and 2 months off vacation or more.)
My point in showing that was to demonstrate that this planet is like it was 250 million years ago in this way: it's continuing to change.

We shouldn't polute our own drinking water anymore than a cat shouldn't poop near its food instead of in a cat box, but floods, heat waves, all that--it's natural. It happens. If the earth isn't warming, it's cooling. It must. It CANNOT stay static. That idea that this climate is the best is also rather arrogant. Why shouldn't it be warm enough again to grow grapes more widely in the UK as it was 1000 years ago?

But my point is this. I live in Michigan. 10,000 years ago where I sit right now was covered by miles of ice. It will happen again. And will thaw again. It happens. There is no way we can change that--nor should we try.

The other point I'm trying to make is that this planet has climate patterns that take thousands of years to change, with variations of weather in those years. To look at the last 150 years or even the last 500 and draw large conclusions is a mistake. We can't even predict the weather two weeks from now with good accuracy--and you think we will KNOW for CERTAIN what will happen in 50 years? That's silly.

I'm all for conservation and keeping polution down. But some of the things people want to do would destroy economies and hurt people. The truth is, we need our technology and fuel consumption to save people's lives. Notice that 50,000 people didn't die in the U.S. due to heat waves? Why? Because we know how to deal with such things. The cause of those deaths is POLITICAL--not due to heat. (In France, for instance, many doctors were not on duty--they were on vacation--because France has 35 hour work weeks and 2 months off vacation or more.)

1,000 people died from heat wave in USA because they can't afford the AC, or can't find any place that have AC, or too weak to stand the heat.

Can you explain to me how people died are poticial, not heat waves? I wonder why not many people died from heat wave in the past like now? Do you think it's normal for northern states like Washington, Montana, Idaho, Virginia, New York, etc to have over 100 degree like Texas, Southern California, Florida, etc? It's very oddly.

Some scientist reported that heat waves come from the sun ruining our ozone atmosphere. If we prevent the pollution and stuff, the ozone atmosphere could be more stronger and less ruin by sun.

Oh yeah, those heat waves are just normal. We should just accept it, and there is no need to be concern about the climate changes. There is nothing we can do, we can just ignore people who care for our nature. We will die, we will be fine with that.

What do you think about this quote? That is what you make me feel like.

We could set up the BIGGEST AC in the world to keep whole the earth cool duirng the summer, how that sounds would be? We CAN DO IT! We have our own brain and we know we can do something. the history books. That's not that long ago.

I don't believe that anyone can really tell what was happening 1000 years ago. There is no proof. All I can see is some people pay scientists to find an excuse for not doing anything.
I don't believe that anyone can really tell what was happening 1000 years ago. There is no proof. All I can see is some people pay scientists to find an excuse for not doing anything.

Um...I'm talking about contemporanious histories written at the time, saying it's a warm season... but if you like, any tree that's over 1000 years old would say something about the climate of the the times in which it grew.

When the Vikings visited Greenland 1000 years ago--it was GREEN. They actually described it, you know?

But, look... if you don't accept evidence like that--there's no convincing you. You don't like scientists proof, but say there is global warming based on some scientists, but ignore others. You have to look at the evidence yourself, but say there is none--so, conversation finished, I guess.
1,000 people died from heat wave in USA because they can't afford the AC, or can't find any place that have AC, or too weak to stand the heat.

Old people die from the heat happens. It's sad--especially for their families--but this happens.

Cold snaps cause deaths too. There's just no way around nature.

Can you explain to me how people died are poticial, not heat waves? I wonder why not many people died from heat wave in the past like now? Do you think it's normal for northern states like Washington, Montana, Idaho, Virginia, New York, etc to have over 100 degree like Texas, Southern California, Florida, etc? It's very oddly.

When I say it is political, I mean in France there was a lack of doctors to help patients. Here: - France heat wave death toll set at 14,802

Health Minister Jean-Francois Mattei has ordered a separate special study this month to look into a possible link with vacation schedules after doctors strongly denied allegations their absence put the elderly in danger. The heat wave hit during the August vacation period, when doctors, hospital staff and many others take leave.

Who said not many people died from the heat in the past? We have more people now, but my guess is that for every million people in the U.S., the number of people dying from heat has gone down over time--not up.

And's mostly the aged.




Oh yeah, those heat waves are just normal. We should just accept it, and there is no need to be concern about the climate changes. There is nothing we can do, we can just ignore people who care for our nature. We will die, we will be fine with that.

What do you think about this quote? That is what you make me feel like.

We should certainly help people in heat waves...but trying to change the climate won't work. The climate IS the climate, globally.

Can you explain this, if you think it's all man made?


We could set up the BIGGEST AC in the world to keep whole the earth cool duirng the summer, how that sounds would be? We CAN DO IT! We have our own brain and we know we can do something.

Heh. Next time the AC is on, go put your hand on the outside of the venting unit. Take an oven mit. :)

The heat that is taken from the air in your apartment, is basically shifted out the back of it.
Can you explain this, if you think it's all man made?


I am total speechless about other what you said, but about this, oh come on! It's 425,000 years ago. How can the scientist discovered this?

Heh. Next time the AC is on, go put your hand on the outside of the venting unit. Take an oven mit. :)

The heat that is taken from the air in your apartment, is basically shifted out the back of it.

Yeah, the technology is not always helping the pollution... I wish we can do something about it, oh well.
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