Huh? Do you think so? I don´t.
I dont agree with using that kind of shame and humilation on a child to try & get good behavior because I can´t see how it can be a positive thing.
It came out a positive thing at the END.
Yes, it harm her health. Sure, it take her long time to forgive her mother but the problem is she will have no trust feeling toward her mother. How could she confide her feeling to her after what she did to her?
Health ? You don't know that for sure about takin' the daughter long time to forgive her mother. I believe that the daughter knows that her mother DID the right thing... just to HELP her get back to reality. Reality is not a joke. I mean this is REAL life. It ain't no fairytale like Princess and Prince livin' in a HUGE mansion. Gee
You forget quickly that a girl might lose her friends and schoolmates after learn from the newspaper... They may mock or bully her... It will lead her misbehavior more and more, also menal health, too. You know the kids could be cruel sometimes. How many of her classmates might have seen it & then continue to tease & ridicule her? ***goose pump***
That's normal. Because, that daughter has no respect for her mother/teacher in the first place. She should have listen to them in the first place and tried her best when she can - but, no she choses to HAVE HER OWN WAY. "Me, me, me" That's a
Students will mock at her. That's her fault, not her mother.
Children suffer severe emotional or psychological maltreatment including terroristing, threats, humiliation, degradation & withdraw of affection & care, also mental health, too.
Is it okay to teach chlidren to being guilt, loss self-respect & shame? To me, public humiliation is not form of discipline..
The mother in that picture show her affectionate for her daughter, because she cares and wants to see her daughter's future bright with success.
I rather to use postive reinforcement on my children.
I would love to smack mother´s grin face.. Those picture make me

with pain to know that a mother posing with proud smile because she claimed that she only doing what the best for her but daughter? Oh my dear... [\QUOTE]
Would love to smack the mother's grin face ? You can't. *chuckles* The mother have the rights to teach her daughter... that's TOUGH LOVE. You see the mother givin' her daughter a hug in that picture ? Well, the mother really cares about her daughter. She loves her daughter very much.