I think you best take few steps backwards and look at the whole picture. I have seen as young as 8 years old that is BRAT, TYRANY, and OUT OF CONTROL. Once the child gets out of control, sometimes firm or extreme discipline is needed. Believe it or not we have murderer who is only 7 years old and it happened just an hour south of where I live! I can't forget the name of that flame red head boy, it is Eric Smith Back then was 7 years old killed 5 years old Derrick. That happened about 11 years ago. Thats real extreme, and the world blamed on parents for doing nothing about it! Is that a fact? I don't think so, something must have gone haywired down the road.
Who am I blame to, for this tragedy? My answer is EVERYBODY!
What this mother did was NOT harsh punishment. It was not even in abuse category at all! I am sorry, but I stand behind this mother all the way! She had done great deal to make difference in her daughter's life for better. Just watch, I can bet you that this girl will have blessing life later on! That is her reward for having best mother who is firm believer in discipline.
Spreading word can have positive impact on other kids. This will enable other parents think and suggest their kids if they don't act up, they will do this (Showing newspaper to their kids). I am sure that this will work on some brats. And these newspaper can have lasting reminder of this daughter the true world of consequences.