Mexican Officials Point Rifles and threaten U.S. Border Agents

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Then explain why Americans, Canadians, British, Australians and so on are outraged when their own citizens are arrested or treated harshly in a foreign nation... whose laws they broke?
A United States Border Patrol Agent was treated harshly on United States soil while he was doing his job. He was assaulted while doing his sworn duty.

This incident is very revealing in how much lack of respect Mexico has for U.S. Law. They will not attempt to curtail illegals from entering the U.S., they expect the U.S. to just accept it.

In fact, the Mexican Government even distributes instructions on how to enter the U.S. Illegally.

New York Times, 6 January 2005
A Mexican Manual for Illegal Migrants Upsets Some in U.S.


MEXICO CITY, Jan. 5 - The Mexican government drew fire from American advocates of tighter borders on Wednesday for publishing a pamphlet [below] that instructs migrants how to safely enter the United States illegally and live there without being detected.

Officials here say the small booklet, illustrated in comic-book style, is not intended to encourage illegal immigration, but to reduce the loss of life. Last year, more than 300 migrants died while crossing rivers and deserts to reach the United States.

The guidebook also advises would-be migrants to avoid hiring professional immigrant-smugglers and to refuse to carry packages for others. It also instructs people never to lie to border officials, carry false documents or resist arrest.
(emphasis mine)

But groups favoring stricter immigration controls said the pamphlet amounted to a how-to manual for illegal immigrants. The booklet gives advice on what clothes to wear when fording a river and how to cross a desert without getting dehydrated.

It also counsels migrants to keep a low profile once in the United States, telling them, for instance, to stay away from loud parties or discos that might be raided by the police and to stay out of domestic disputes, which might lead to an arrest. Finally, it lists what rights migrants have if caught, among them safe transport home, medical care, food and water.

"This is not the action of a friendly neighbor," said Representative Tom Tancredo, the Colorado Republican who chairs the Congressional Immigration Reform Caucus. "What would the Mexican government say if we encouraged our citizens to violate Mexican law?"

Mexico's Foreign Ministry, however, said its intent in publishing the "Guide for the Mexican Migrant" was to warn migrants of the dangers they might face if they choose to slip illegally into the United States.

Gerónimo Gutiérrez, Mexico's under secretary for North American affairs, said the guide was written to dissuade people from making a clandestine journey or at least to warn them of the perils and legal risks should they decide to go. About 1.5 million copies of the guide were printed and distributed throughout the country in December.

"Just last year over 300 Mexicans died in their attempt to enter the United States, the vast majority if not all of them in search of a job," Mr. Gutiérrez said. "The Mexican government obviously has an obligation to take all actions possible in order to avoid the loss of life."

He added, "It is a natural and fair response to consider this as an attempt to promote undocumented immigration, but that is absolutely not the intent of the Mexican government."

But groups seeking stricter immigration laws argued that Mexican officials were being disingenuous in asserting that the pamphlet does not encourage illegal migration. They say that Mexico wants to continue exporting unemployed people and reaping the benefits of money sent home to their families.

"If the Mexican government were really very concerned about their citizens dying in the desert, why doesn't it use its army and police to prevent people from crossing in those areas?" said Steven Camarota, director of research at the Center for Immigration Studies, which favors tighter borders. There were certainly enough Mexican Officials pointing rifles at American Officials and threatening them but they couldn't stop their own citizens from illegally entering the U.S. ??????

Others said the pamphlet only highlighted the need to revamp the American immigration system, which seems to have no effective response to the yearly flood of Mexican migrants seeking jobs. "The publication is nothing more than another symptom of a broken immigration system," said Paul L. Zulkie, president of American Immigration Lawyers Association.

Mexican Guide for Illegal Migrants to US

from the how to pamphlet:


Do not resist arrest.

Do not assault or insult the official.

Do not throw stones or objects at the official or at the patrol car, as this is considered a provocation of the officials.

If the officials feel assaulted, it's probable that they will use force to detain you. Raise your hands slowly so that they see that you are unarmed.
I will try and put this in perspective for you. When an American criminal gets shot for breaking the law, or assaulting a police officer, do you get outraged?

if it's exactly like this scenario - yes. absolutely.

1. Disproportionate Use of Force
2. 14 years old boy

you think an officer can survive from that kind of fallout? it's a political suicide.
A United States Border Patrol Agent was treated harshly on United States soil while he was doing his job. He was assaulted while doing his sworn duty.

This incident is very revealing in how much lack of respect Mexico has for U.S. Law. They will not attempt to curtail illegals from entering the U.S., they expect the U.S. to just accept it.

In fact, the Mexican Government even distributes instructions on how to enter the U.S. Illegally.

twisting it, I see.
twisting it, I see.

Nope .... there was no twist.

That pamphlet published by the Mexican Government is old news. It specifically stated to not throw stones at American Border Agents as well as said American Border Agents will use force if they feel they are assaulted (and they are allowed to use force if rocks are being thrown at them).

Where were the Mexican Officials when the boys were crossing the border illegally? There were plenty of them pointing and threatening U.S. Officials ...... after the fact.

Dereliction of duty?

Sure, blame it on the U.S. they tried that one before :roll:
Where were the Mexican Officials when the boys were crossing the border illegally?

where were the American Border Patrol agents when the people were crossing the border illegally on daily basis?

Dereliction of Duty, yes?
Stop the insanity! The kid was a minor! If he was American, his criminal record would be expunged upon reaching age 18. All I can say is, if your kid threw a rock at a cop and was gunned down, would you still feel it was justified?

I gotta bail on this topic. No point in trying to reason with unreasonable people. Have a nice day.

Yep, that's why I bailed some time ago. The whole attempt to justify killing a child just turns my stomach. It is frightening the people who carry such vigilante attitudes are walking around unrestricted. Very disturbing.
Yep, that's why I bailed some time ago. The whole attempt to justify killing a child just turns my stomach. It is frightening the people who carry such vigilante attitudes are walking around unrestricted. Very disturbing.

Its very disturbing to see those who justify attacking federal officers and illegally entering a country.

Its like watching people root for criminals and when a federal employee actually does their job, the people scream "boo! boo!". :roll:
How do you think this 15 year old boy is a criminal, Steinhaur? Just curious.
His dad said he wasn't a gang kid of any sort.
How do you think this 15 year old boy is a criminal, Steinhaur? Just curious.
His dad said he wasn't a gang kid of any sort.

That guy wouldn't be biased would he?

The 15 y.o. ties to smuggling have already been announced.

If anyone thinks they can do a better job why not fill out an application?

How to Become a Border Patrol Agent

"There is a God, so why would I want vengeance if no one will return him to me. They killed my little boy and the only thing I ask is for the law" to be applied, said the boy's father, Jesus Hernandez.

The law was applied when his son broke the law .....

Sergio Adrian Hernandez Huereka was on a "Most wanted" list since 2009 and was known as a juvenile smuggler.
Its very disturbing to see those who justify attacking federal officers and illegally entering a country.

Its like watching people root for criminals and when a federal employee actually does their job, the people scream "boo! boo!". :roll:

I find it much much much more disturbing for federal agent to kill a boy than an illegal adult attacking federal officer

why not? Its an opportunity to serve your new country after all .... and since you are so critical of the Border Patrol's ROE, here is a chance to influence some real change. I am sure they would much rather listen to someone with experience .....
That guy wouldn't be biased would he?
The 15 y.o. ties to smuggling have already been announced.

The law was applied when his son broke the law .....
Sergio Adrian Hernandez Huereka was on a "Most wanted" list since 2009 and was known as a juvenile smuggler.

Think a bit higher, I wouldn't be as quick as to give a free pass for what the border patrol says.

If he was a smuggler kid, illegal criminal, or with the cartel, whatever doing activities that makes him a wanted criminal and on the "most wanted list".. don't you think he would have had a semi-automatic pistol at the very least..?

Also, from what I've read the witness of the video recording is an US citizen. Bobbie McDow and her husband are from Texas.
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