Mexican Officials Point Rifles and threaten U.S. Border Agents

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I understood your question and I told you what the legal implications were.

Are you claiming it is against the law to defend yourself from attack considering the age of the the person attacking?
Did you attempt to retreat? Did you use any other options before resorting to using deadly force? If not - you should be stripped of your gun rights and imprisoned for murder/manslaughter.

Good luck with that in court ..... oh snap .... it was already tried in court ... and lost.
Did you attempt to retreat? Did you use any other options before resorting to using deadly force? If not - you should be stripped of your gun rights and imprisoned for murder/manslaughter.


Are you intentionally twisting what I said?

Yes ... you are. I said I would never want to shoot anyone and would do so if it was the only option I had.

Legally, however, in my state, you do not have to retreat ... that is the whole point of the stand your ground law.
Are you intentionally twisting what I said?

Yes ... you are. I said I would never want to shoot anyone and would do so if it was the only option I had.

Legally, however, in my state, you do not have to retreat ... that is the whole point of the stand your ground law.

Justifiable Homicide.

The prosecutor and public view will most likely not see it as justifiable homicide. Killing a 14-years old rock-throwing brat... good luck.
It is the same thing. A kid attacking an officer gets shot.

By your logic - it's justifiable homicide if a 14-years old brat threw a pencil or book at officer or bit the officer. It's all same thing - attacking an officer. you get shot.
More reason to improve on securing our border.
Yes. If a secure wall could be constructed, then there wouldn't be as many of these armed confrontations from either side.
Yes. If a secure wall could be constructed, then there wouldn't be as many of these armed confrontations from either side.

good luck combating against multi-billionaires drug lords. Even the secured wall didn't keep them out because they had extensive underground system.
By your logic - it's justifiable homicide if a 14-years old brat threw a pencil or book at officer or bit the officer. It's all same thing - attacking an officer. you get shot.

Assaulting a Law Officer is a felony. Are you having trouble distinguishing the difference between a Law Officer performing lawful duty and a private citizen?

Are you having difficulty comprehending that a Border Patrol Agent was attacked while in the process of performing his sworn duty? He was in the process of arresting an illegal trespasser.

He did not have a pencil thrown at him. He did not have a book thrown at him. He had a rock chucked at him.

Why are you continuing to defend criminal actions? Maybe you should have your CCW stripped from you? Your advocating the "rights" of criminals to attack Federal Officers.
good luck combating against multi-billionaires drug lords. Even the secured wall didn't keep them out because they had extensive underground system.
I thought this discussion was about armed Mexican police/soldiers vs. American border agents, and armed American border patrol vs. "innocent" border crossers?

We don't know how much of the drug traffic would be stopped by a wall because we've never had a complete and secure wall.
Ah.... making blanket statement without focusing. Typical course of action when one is being backed at corner.

Assaulting a Law Officer is a felony. Are you having trouble distinguishing the difference between a Law Officer performing lawful duty and a private citizen?
Both officer and private armed citizen are required to use justifiable homicide. Would you like me to show you dozens of cases where officers were charged with homicide?

Are you having difficulty comprehending that a Border Patrol Agent was attacked while in the process of performing his sworn duty? He was in the process of arresting an illegal trespasser.

He did not have a pencil thrown at him. He did not have a book thrown at him. He had a rock chucked at him.
we're not talking about Border Patrol agent. We were talking about a kid assaulting a police officer. Are you having difficulty following the conversation?

Why are you continuing to defend criminal actions?

Maybe you should have your CCW stripped from you?
why? I wouldn't use gun on 14-years old boy.

Your advocating the "rights" of criminals to attack Federal Officers.
So why was this method not employed by the border patrol? And why do people support the killing of the minor rock thrower; is it because he is a Mexican?

I have a feeling they are standing up because since an American official working under the government did the shooting, it's OK and justifiable due to this alone.

What goes beyond me is they condoned Taliban killing of the 7 year old boy, saying they are barbarians and primitive of the sort.

Do these same people realize that the minorities - Hispanics, Mexicans are seeing the Americans as barbaric and primitive as the result of this situation?
I thought this discussion was about armed Mexican police/soldiers vs. American border agents, and armed American border patrol vs. "innocent" border crossers?
right. armed drug smugglers used the underground tunnels.

We don't know how much of the drug traffic would be stopped by a wall because we've never had a complete and secure wall.
looking at amount of drug traffic and profits generated from drug smuggling operations... a wall is not going to put a significant dent on it.
Ah.... making blanket statement without focusing. Typical course of action when one is being backed at corner.


Both officer and private armed citizen are required to use justifiable homicide. Would you like me to show you dozens of cases where officers were charged with homicide?

Would you like to see the difference between assaulting a Federal Employee/Police Officer and assaulting a private citizen?


we're not talking about Border Patrol agent. We were talking about a kid assaulting a police officer. Are you having difficulty following the conversation?

Read the OP again ... :roll: You are changing the subject.


why? I wouldn't use gun on 14-years old boy.

Yes, you would let any 14 year old knife you to death ..... I wouldn't.


You are attempting to make a federal officer a criminal for defending himself from an assault.
By the way, Steiner.. The officer has been put on leave. :(
Washington Post said:
U.S. officials said the Border Patrol agent has been placed on administrative leave, and a spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security issued a statement saying the U.S. government "regrets the loss of life and awaits the results of a complete investigation into this incident."


In Ciudad Juarez, a city beset by drug violence, the slain teenager's father told the El Paso Times that his son did not take drugs, was not in a gang and was not trying to cross into the United States. He said his son was just hanging out, as many teenagers do, along the trickle of water that is the Rio Grande, which separates the two downtown areas.
"He shouldn't have gotten close to those cowards -- what this dog did -- shoot into Mexico," Jesús Hernández told the El Paso Times.
Yes, you would let any 14 year old knife you to death ..... I wouldn't.
Knife and Rock. At least I'm able to discern the difference.

You are attempting to make a federal officer a criminal for defending himself from an assault.
assault.... by 15 years old brat.... right.

Disproportionate Use of Force is a crime in my book. So is assault on on federal officer.
why sad? He wasn't fired or imprisoned. It's a typical procedure when investigation is on-going.

So was Cordett .... :roll:

You do realize that is SOP after any shooting don't you?

BTW, here is relevant information:

18 U.S.C. § 111

Assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers or employees

(a) In General.— Whoever—
(1) forcibly assaults, resists, opposes, impedes, intimidates, or interferes with any person designated in section 1114 of this title while engaged in or on account of the performance of official duties; or
(2) forcibly assaults or intimidates any person who formerly served as a person designated in section 1114 on account of the performance of official duties during such person’s term of service,
shall, where the acts in violation of this section constitute only simple assault, be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both, and where such acts involve physical contact with the victim of that assault or the intent to commit another felony, be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 8 years, or both.
(b) Enhanced Penalty.— Whoever, in the commission of any acts described in subsection (a), uses a deadly or dangerous weapon (including a weapon intended to cause death or danger but that fails to do so by reason of a defective component) or inflicts bodily injury, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

Deadly Force is appropriate.
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